Coronavirus Psy-War
About this Page
Since March 2020, the TIA website has exploded with articles, comments and questions about the Chinese coronavirus. We thought it would be good to collect everything for a single page, which we are calling the Coronavirus Psy-War.
The first section contains the Articles.
The second section (below) contains all the Comments and Questions from readers in chronological order, from March 2020 to the present.
As time progresses and more material is added here, we welcome readers’ suggestions for how this page can be improved.
Articles in the Controversy
March 11, 2020: Italian Bishops Suspend All Masses - An unprecedented decision: succumbing to growing coronavirus hysteria, the Italian bishops cancel all public Masses, even funerals, throughout Italy. The panic spreads, and with it come forebodings about the future of public masses in the United States...
March 16, 2020: American Guinea Pigs in a Chinese Lab - Cliff Kincaid comments: ‘The coronavirus is a bio-weapon made by the Chinese against the United States. The Communist Party is treating Americans like guinea pigs.’
March 22, 2020: Has a Chastisement Fallen on the Vatican? - A sign of the times: St. Peter’s Square is now empty. A divine punishment for Pachamama idolatry?
March 26, 2020: The Cattle Stampede - Mr. Atila Sinke Guimarães serenely ‘weighs in’ on the rapidly-expanding crisis. He shows that it is a panic caused by Dr. Fauci, whose actions represent treason against the United States. More profoundly, Guimarães shows how COVID is really a psychological war.
April 8, 2020: Italy’s Communist Recipe for Disaster - Writer Giacomino Nicolazzo, living in Lombardy under lockdown, explains the communist takeover of Italy.
April 15, 2020: Gates Demands ‘Digital Certificate’ to Prove Vaccination - The question is posed: Is this ‘certificate’ analogous to the apocalyptic ‘Mark of the Beast’?
April 18, 2020: Liberal Catholicism Causes State Persecution - Amidst increasing persecution of the Church by civil authorities, who are using COVID as a pretext to order churches to close, TIA shares a very timely ‘forgotten truth’ with its readers.
April 19, 2020: Communion ‘kits-to-go’ in Germany - Inspired by restaurants that offer pick-up meals or food-to-go, Jesuit Fr. Holger Adler prepared Communion kits-to-go for the Catholic University community at Ludwig Maximilians University in Munich.
Sacraments during the Black Plague that killed millions... |
April 21, 2020: Protests shake the Entire U.S. - Increasingly, Americans are shaking off the spell of the media and exaggerated ‘scientific’ data, and saying: “Enough is enough! Give us back our rights, our jobs and do not destroy our country!”
April 29, 2020: Closer to the One World Order - As the spell begins to lift and Americans grow increasingly upset with tyranny, international leaders, including Francis, call for a world government: To stop ‘Covid’, or to repress a colossal revolt?
May 3, 2020: A Capuchin ‘Quarantine’ - The Revolution in customs in the Church continues ‘full-speed ahead’, even during the quarantine. Capuchins in San Antonio, Texas show their co-naturality with the modern world by dancing to revolutionary music on a ‘TikTok’ video...
May 4, 2020: Saving the Planet as People Perish - Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev demands all nations “come together” to establish a communist world government: “toward a new consciousness, a new civilization.”
May 10, 2020: Fatima Pilgrims Forbidden to Visit Sanctuary - The national police force of Portugal was ordered to prevent pilgrims from going to Fatima. The police is in state of alert throughout the country, but principally in the central area of Santarém where Fatima is situated. Three thousand police were deployed to the area. Every vehicle that enters Fatima is stopped to check its destination.
May 11, 2020: The ‘NWO’ is WHO’s Real Agenda - The WHO is using the pandemic to move towards a New World Order that is modeled after China’s oppressive regime.
May 15, 2020: Expert Testimony Contradicts Covid Narrative - Wisconsin Senator Ron Johnson conducted the discussion with health and economic experts on the efficiency of the White House task force response to Covid.
May 17, 2020: Communion on Plastic Tray - In the Conciliar Church the supreme law is not the glory of God but the well-being of man. Consequently, irreverence and even blasphemy toward the Most Holy Sacrament is becoming even more frequent and brazen than in the pre-Covid-19 Novus Ordo Masses.
May 24, 2020: Priest Uses Squirt Gun for Holy Water - Another extravagance in the Conciliar Church’s response to the so-called pandemic.
May 29, 2020: A Progressivist Sanitary Church - Mr. Atila Sinke Guimarães explicates the new tactic to destroy the Church under the pretext of Covid. Guimarães shows the response to the virus by Church authorities represents a rupture with the Church of the past, exemplified by St. Charles Borromeo and Fr. Damian of Molokai.
June 5, 2020: Pandemics and the Liberal Path - From Jeffrey Tucker comes a lucid and valuable political-economic analysis of how the pandemic was handled.
July 24, 2020: When Will the Madness End? - Psychologist affirms: The Covid panic caused such psychological damage that it will take years for the nation to recover.
July 26, 2020: From-a-box Communion in Ireland - When communion is now distributed through a window in a glass box, to prevent “contamination”, one can say: The Conciliar Church’s contempt for the Blessed Sacrament is reaching its apogee.
July 31, 2020: The Fraudulent 2nd Wave - Media and pseudo-medical authorities scramble to re-instill panic by inventing a “Second Wave”. With a second wave comes a new phase of manufactured panic comes with masks and new lockdowns, plus a mandatory vaccine on the horizon.
August 2, 2020: New Utensils for Communion - New utensils for the Novus Ordo communion give the “Sanitary Church” an air of permanence.
August 9, 2020: Drive-thru Communion spreads over the U.S. - A new, irreverent way of receiving the Holy Sacrament, inspired by fast-food drive-thrus.
August 10, 2020: Mask Mandates Drive Discord and Division - Analyzing the immense psychological devastation caused by mask mandates.
August 26, 2020: Masks Do Not Work - Mask mania has swept the United States, with some surveys admitting that perhaps 95% of Americans are wearing them, under the entirely illusory belief that the masks are doing them some good. But there is no known benefit arising from wearing a mask in a viral respiratory illness epidemic.
August 31, 2020: Tiny Virus, Huge Virus - Under the pretext of curing Covid-19, Pope Francis joins forces with the proponents of the One World Order to destroy Liberal-Capitalism, which, despite its many defects, still represents the Natural Order and upholds important social-political principles of the Christendom of old.
September 4, 2020: China Uses COVID-19 to Close Underground Churches - New Vatican guidelines promote communist Chinese Patriotic Association.
September 7, 2020: Lockdowns Don’t Work, Period - Bryan Fisher demonstrates that lockdowns are draconian, unscientific, arbitrary and futile.
September 21, 2020: Open Letter from Belgian Doctors - After months fighting against the Covid myths, it was rewarding to see doctors, medical professionals, and citizens confirming our argumentation. Here, we reproduce an open letter signed by thousands of specialists denouncing the lockdowns.
October 5, 2020: Emancipation from Lockdown - Florida Governor Ron DeSantis makes an executive order ending or limiting lockdowns, restrictions and mask mandates. “It is actually possible for a politician to wise up and do the right thing.”
October 21, 2020: Great Barrington Declaration - Top epidemiologists around the world, as well as medical progessionals, practitioners, and members of the general public, have signed a declaration condemning totalitarian covid measures.
October 28, 2020: In 2011 WHO Warned Against ‘Culture of Fear’ - Now, as the main instigator of worldwide panic, the WHO is ignoring the wise warning it once gave.
November 13, 2020: It Was a Mistake to Close Schools - In the United Kingdom, challenging a State edict to thast is depriving families of liberty
November 18, 2020: Lockdowns Destroying Classical Music - A competition of the ridiculous: Plexiglass screens, masked flutists, artificial virtual performances, and the seats of a concert hall completely filled, not with people, but more than 2,000 plants...
November 27, 2020: Portuguese Court Rules PCR Tests Unreliable & Quarantines Unlawful - A Portuguese Court has this week ruled that PCR Tests are “Unreliable” & Quarantines “Unlawful”. However, this important legal decision has faced a total media blackout in the UK and much of the Western world.
November 30, 2020: Denmark: Street Protests Made Parliament Halt Mandatory Vaccine Law - In Denmark, nine days of protests to stop a mandatory vaccine law. The law included other provisions, like arrest and imprisonment, for anyone contaminated...
December 2, 2020: Radio Maria Director calls Epidemic a ‘Plan of the Devil’ - Fr. Livio Fanzaga dares to speak out against the new lockdown rules imposed in Italy under the pretext of a second wave of Covid-19. “I attribute it to the Devil, who acts through men’s criminal minds,” Fr. Fanzaga affirms on his radio program.
December 9, 2020: Covid is the Greatest Hoax Ever - Top pathologist Dr. Roger Hodkinson in a deposition to the Canadian government affirms that the coronavirus crisis is “the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on an unsuspecting public.”
December 14, 2020: Tyranny During Its Reign Is Unrecognized by Its Victims - “Because tyranny always enjoys its victims’ widespread support, most people living under it are unaware of their ghastly fate. And so it is with today’s tyranny of
hygiene socialism. Believing that Covid-19 lockdown orders, mask mandates, and school closings are necessary to prevent unspeakable loss of life, people obey.”
January 6, 2021: Nurses & Hospital Staff Refuse to Take Covid Vaccine - A good development: Despite great pressure, many medical professionals are refusing the Covid vaccine.
January 8, 2021: Prominent Virologist Exposes ‘Major Risks’ of Gene-Altering Vaccine - Dr. Sucharit Bhakd warns against side-effects observed in the new vaccine.
January 13, 2021: It Is an Abuse to Call This a Vaccine - Writes Dr. David Martin: “I get frustrated when I hear activists and lawyers say: ‘we are going to fight the vaccine’. If you stipulate it’s a vaccine you’ve already lost the battle. It’s not a vaccine. It is made to make you sick.”
January 22, 2021: New York Judge Saves Elderly Patient - “The genocide against the elderly is in full swing right now in the U.S. and around the world.”
February 3, 2021: Fauci Knew About HCQ in 2005 - Nobody Needed to Die - Safe, effective & cheap: So why was hydroxychloroquine rejected by Fauci?
March 22, 2021: Never Lockdowns, Never Again - ‘A chance to choose another path...’ The well-articulated preface of Jeffrey Tucker’s book Liberty or Lockdown.
April 9, 2021: Mask-Wearing Represents Fear & Blind Obedience, Not Science - Dennis Prager shows why there is no justification for the fanatical masking.
April 26, 2021: The Collapse of Trust in Public Health - The reputations of the ‘science’ and medical field are in tatters
April 28, 2021: Vaccine’s Potential Harmful Side-Effects - Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi issues a challenge: Release death numbers from Covid vaccine
May 6, 2021: Mass Vaccination Leads to Disaster - Informative: Dr. Phillip McMillan interviews virus expert Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche
May 6, 2021: The Anti-Lockdown Movement Is Large & Growing - Public opinion is demonstrably turning against lockdowns
May 22, 2021: Against Nazism & Similar Systems - Applicable to our times, we re-present a selection from Pius XI's anti-Nazi encyclical Mit Bennender Sorge
July 5, 2021: Danser Encore -The Anti-Lockdown Anthem Taking the World by Storm - An organic resistance or a controlled opposition?
July 9, 2021: Francis, the Great Intecessor - A false presentation of Francis' role in the pandemic
August 11, 2021: From Shots to Clots - Science shows COVID vaccines cause blood clots
August 20, 2021: Another Covid Myth Dies the Death - Covid does not spread through surfaces
August 25, 2021: Local Indian High Court Rules against Mandatory Vaccination - Challeging the establishment, it rules mandatory vax a crime
October 4, 2021: Ivermectin Has Caused a 97% Drop in Covid Cases in India - The U.S. ignores evidence that could save thousands of lives
October 20, 2021: Frontline Doctors Stand Up to
Authoritarian Public Health Officials - Protesting huge barriers to early treatment & proven therapies
October 29, 2021: Merging Parishes - Continued erosion of Mass attendance, especially with Covid
November 29, 2021: Bergoglio's Colors & The Great Reset - Pope Francis' message at the IV Forum for Peace counsels that we should not 'return to normality' and we should continue with the Covid crisis
December 6, 2021: Is It Morally Acceptable to Receive the Covid Vaccine? - A Catholic cannot take the vaccine, despite what the Pope says
December 31, 2021: Subcutaneous Chip Ready to Be Implanted into Humans - A new technology to control vaccination
January 7, 2022: Sweden Implants Microchip Tracking Vaccine - Mark of the Beast is here with novel microchip technology
January 10, 2022: From 2 Weeks to 2 Years, The Main Casualties Are Liberty & Truth - A series of lies to control the people
January 31, 2022: Why the Indecision of the Secret Forces Bosses? - Is there a change coming, a - World War III?
August 5, 2022: The Psychology of the Times Is Crucial - Mass formation makes people willing to sacrifice everything important to them
August 17, 2022: Historical Context for Mass Hypnosis - The Covid narrative works to implant global totalitarism
August 24, 2022: A Fanatic Solidarity with the Collective - Is one of the main fruits of mass hypnosis
August 29, 2022: Push Back against Trans-Humanism & Technocracy - We must resist the radical dehumanization of our society
September 5, 2022: Pfizer’s Ingestible Drugs with Microchips - To make man nothing more than 'a hackable animal'
September 9, 2022: Judge Orders Fauci to Cough It Up - Scholars filed lawsuit against Federal Government
October 3, 2022: Swedish Study: Pfizer Covid Vax Alters DNA within 6 Hours - Catastrophic implications of 'hacking the software of life'
October 8, 2022: The Wise Man Must Use Natural Medicines - God created medicines out of earth
November 7, 2022: The Great Reset: A Perfect Storm - There are many indicators that a new world order is impending
November 11, 2022: Scientists Find Nanotechnology in Covid-19 Injections - Something 'non-biological' never seen before
November 16, 2022: Globalists Instill Fear over ‘Tripledemic’of Covid, Flu & RSV - First targets are pregnant women, newborns & seniors
November 24, 2022: 6G, Internet of Bodies: Globalists Won’t Stop Hacking Humans - A whole ecosystem to modify human bodies & behavior
December 9, 2022: Shots Increase Risk of Myocarditis by 13,200% - CDC study finds the vax causes rise in this heart disease
December 16, 2022: Bill Gates Has Exclusive Rights to Computerize the Human Body - ‘The designer of life will no longer be God’
January 18, 2023: Japan Launches Official Investigation into Covid Vaccine Deaths - Finds high temperatures, inflammation, spike protein throughout bodies
February 10, 2023: Jab’s Spike Protein Speeds Age & Death - It invades all organs & make them quickly decay
April 14, 2023: Bang: Switzerland Withdraws All Covid Vaccination Recommendations - Doctors now liable for vax consequences
April 24, 2023: The Most Dangerous International Treaty Ever Proposed - The WHO is shifting into a world supra-state
October 23, 2023: How Myocarditis Became the Silent Scandal of Covid Vaccination - Definitive timeline proving the vax causes heart inflammation & death
November 1, 2023: Pfizer, Moderna, J&J: Will Grand Juries Recommend Criminal Charges? - Efforts to hold leaders accountable for the vaccine injured
January 8, 2025: UK finds 95% of Covid-19 Deaths Were among the Vaccinated - The world is waking up to a grim reality
Comments from Readers by Month
March 2020
Coronavirus / Communion in the Hand
The Coronavirus Hysteria
Totalitarian State, Bill Gates & Wuhan Virus
Tyranny and Harvard Spy
War against China
April 2020
Farm Production Shutdown
Expert Puts Covid-19 in Perspective
Why Not Follow the Example of Sweden?
Data Opposes the Shutdown
May 2020
Soviet America
Austrian Minister & California against Lockdown
Impotent Bishops & John Hopkins’ Reliability
Riverside Sheriff
More and More Protests all over the U.S.
Doctors Raise the Alarm
Swedish model, Tribalism & Satanism
June 2020
‘Reopen our Parks!’
The Sanitary Church
Media Hiding a New Lockdown
Governors Cannot Impose Masks
July 2020
Masks & No More Masses
The ‘Silver Bullet Solution’ for Covid
Doctor, Not Politician
Fraudulent Statistics
Just Coincidences...
Right Premise, Wrong Conclusion
August 2020
‘I Admire Your Courage’
Brother Reporting Brother
Breath of Fresh Air
Suicides vs Covid
Bye-bye Fauci
Appeal to a Fading Common Sense
Human 2.0
September 2020
Fear the Fear
Gates Vaccine
October 2020
Rejecting Masks and Vaccines
Covid Tests 90% Wrong
Covid Tyranny
November 2020
Red Fauci
Transhumanism and the Great Reset
TIA Censored by Instagram & Expert Against Masks
December 2020
‘Your Position on Masks Is Not from God’
Communist vs Covid Agenda
Covid Decisions of Bishop McElroy
Covid Deaths & Draconian Measures
January 2021
France Resists Vaccine & Fed Up With Lockdowns
Vaccine Dangers & Fraudulent Tests
Ivermectin Cures Covid
South Africa Bans Ivermectin; Facebook Censors Cardinal
‘From the Horse's Mouth’
February 2021
Voluntary Vaccines in Military & Communist Masks
The Experimental Vaccine
Communion in Hand During ‘Pandemic’?
Doctor Speaks on the Aftermath of the Vaccine
Death Numbers & TV’s Role, Great Reset
LifeSite’s Covid-19 Conference & Vatican Tyranny
The Real Bill Gates
March 2021
Perfect Logic
Miracle: No More Flu
Hitting the Bull’s Eye
Annihilation of Nations
States Lifting Masks Mandate & A Doctor’s Explanation
April 2021
Masks Produce Lung Cancer
Easter Celebrations Cancelled in Germany
Prophets of Doom and Gloom
From India
From Ireland &
Overdose Deaths
Vulnerable People
Brussels Court against Covid Measures
May 2021
Façade for the N.W.O.
De-Population Warning & Doctors against Vaccine
What Is the Great Reset?
Vatican Vax Conference & Disinformation on Ivermectin
400,000+ U.S. Deaths
Where Our Meds Come From
Dr. Bhakdi & Do Not Take the 'Vax'
Lawyers & Doctors Take Legal Action
June 2021
So Many Injuries...
West Point Cadets & Vaccines
Fauci Booed at Harlem
When Stupidity Becomes the Norm…
Seat Belt Safety & 1 Mil+ Protests in London
50,000+ Vax Deaths & Covidiots
July 2021
6K+ Deaths from the Vax
Absolute Peril
Letter To the American Medical Association
Apocalyptical Persecution & Charge of the Vaccinated
August 2021
Europe & Rome Oppose Vaccine Passports
Accurate Prediction
Conflicting Surveys about Physicians
Doctor Destroys Covid Narrative in 6 Minutes
Pope Francis the First to Comply with Green Pass
Bishops of Colorado Issue Vax Exemption for Their Faithful
Covid Swab Tests Recalled as Ineffective
Vax & Sterilization
Risk of Genocide
Branches of Evil
Obedient Citizen
Sad Consequences of the Two Shots
Vax Opposition Increases
September 2021
Covid Caused Only 152 Deaths in Portugal
Protest at Foley Square
All Vaxed Pilots Should Be Grounded Immediately
Church Denying Vax Exemption
October 2021
Silent Media in India
SSPX Complying with Vax
Pilot Speaks Out
Persecution of Unvaccinated Employees
The Sorensen-Zelenko Report
Archbishop Chaplain Pro-Exemption
International Vax Investigation
Hiding Protests in Italy
Catching Covid Afer Vax is 'Good'
Hurrah for In'n'Out
'I Am a Conspiracy Realist'
Southwest Workers Protest against Vax Mandate
Resisting State Control
NY Police & Firemen against Communist Vaccination
November 2021
Dr. Brian Ardis on Remdesivir
Aluminum Nanoparticles in Vaccines
240-Million Indian Inhabitants Free of Covid
Damaging Effects of Aluminum in Vaccines
More on SSPX Advice to Take the Vax
Aluminum in Vaccines
Italian Health Institute: Covid Deaths Were Not 130k+ But 3k
Killing Children: A Moral Outrage
The Role of Spike Proteins
The Vax Is an Instrument of Eugenics
Nobel Prize: Vax Creates Variants
December 2021
Hard Evidence of Vax Failure
Totalitarian State Must Be Combated
Solomon Islands Riot Against Covid Lockdowns
The Covid Vax is Based on Lies
Protests Against Vax Mandates Increase
Enslaving Our Children
Babies Born with Strange Defects
Vax Mandates Rejected
Pilots Enter Law Suit Against Vax Mandate
'It's Beginning to Look Like Genocide'
Massive Evidence of Harm/Death Caused by the Vax in 2021
PayPal Must Pay for Its Tyranny
January 2022
56 German Doctors Against the Mandatory Vax
Doctors or Not Doctors?
We Will Not Comply Rally
Hemorrhagic Fever
Truck Drivers' Protest
Why Athletes Are Dying in Great Numbers?
Control of People's Life in the Name of Satan
Massive Protest in Amsterdam
Vax Killing Infants
There Are None so Blind as Those Who Do Not Wish to See
Are the OWO Bosses Changing Their Agenda?
Feburary 2022
My Notes on Transhumanism
Straightforward Explanation on Vaccine Babies
Embalmer Speaks: 93% of Deaths Come from Vax
Massive Protest in Australia
Sweden Declares Pandemic Is Over
Czech Court Ends Vax Mandates
March 2022
Most Dangerous Moment
How to Detox Spike Protein after COVID or Vaccine
Demented Fashion
Eggs Have Been Found inside the Vax
Huxley 'Prophecy' on Voluntary Society Slavery
Navy Forbidden to Punish Vax Deniers
April 2022
MIT Boycotts Anti-Vax Speaker
Marines against Vax
May 2022
Concentration Camp
June 2022
Chaplains File Law Suit against Department of Defense
July 2022
Pushing Vax: Crime against Humanity
Covid Test Game
CDC Conflicting Statements
August 2022
How Depopulation Works
September 2022
Inspirational Message to the Unvaccinated
Vax: Bio-Weapon against Reproduction
Boycott Talks on Euthanasia
Vax Continues to Kill
Excess of Deaths in the U.K.
Denmark: No Longer Vax for People under 50
Trudeau Steps Back on Vax
October 2022
The Role of Magnet Hydrogels
Russia Vaccinates Its Soldiers
Homo Borg Genesis
The Mandate Terror Continues
November 2022
Died Suddenly
Mandatory Vax in Universities
Why Some Vax Kill & Others Don’t?
Why '6 Feet Apart'?
18 Million Americans Injured by the Vax
December 2022
Vax Makes People Blind
January 2023
Femme Fatale’ Complaints
Is the Pentagon Behind the Covid/Vax Impositions?
Sudden Deaths Escalate
February 2023
In-Air Vaxidents Increase
Toxic by Design
UK Doctor Reports 30K Deaths Due to Vax
What To Do If I Am Vaccinated?
March 2023
Unfolding the Pandora Box
American Frontline Doctors
Montana against Tainted Blood
What Are the Secret Forces?
Deep State Stocks Clean Blood
April 2023
Biden Administration Cannot Impose Vax
May 2023
Israel Suffering from the Vax
Great Documentary
Infertility: A Diabolical Agenda
June 2023
Coronavirus: Connecting the Dots
Zuckerberg Admits Abuse in Censorship
August 2023
Vax Effects in Babies
While We Slept...
Communist Covid Onslaught
Harm of Nano Technology
October 2023
UK: Vax Related Deaths
Covid Vax: 30% Contaminated
Slipping a Mickey
Crucial Video on Covid Vaccines
Poster Boy for Vax Dies at Age 8
White House in Cahoots with CDC
Growing Indignation
Genocide, Not Pandemic
300K Killed in 2021
November 2023
Children’s Deaths Skyrocket in Europe
Explaining the Vax Contamination
December 2023
New Covid Scare
50 in 5 Agenda
March 2024
Vaxed People Give Contaminated Blood
The Danger of Hydrogels
Francis Promoting the Killing Vax
April 2024
Despicable Treatment
Dr. Scott Atlas Spells the Truth on Covid
USA/USSR, What Is the Difference?
Disease X or Bluff?
May 2024
Covid Concerto
‘Bishops, Change Your Vax Policy’
June 2024
Boyle: Vax Is Weapon of Mass Destruction
Court: Covid Jab Is Not a Vaccine
October 2024
German Vax Opponent Dr. Fuellmich in Prison
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