What People are Commenting
Children’s Deaths & Marie Antoinette
Providential Vigil
Dear TIA,
Re: Levantai-vos Soldados de Cristo
Why did I awaken at midnight? Perhaps to listen to Levantai-vos Soldados de Cristo. If I can use an old TFP word, even now at the age of 73, I got a "flash."
Now, I have to learn the song.
Thank you.
Re: Levantai-vos Soldados de Cristo
Why did I awaken at midnight? Perhaps to listen to Levantai-vos Soldados de Cristo. If I can use an old TFP word, even now at the age of 73, I got a "flash."
Now, I have to learn the song.
Thank you.
Children’s Deaths Skyrocket in Europe
Dear TIA,
It does not stop! Besides the enormous increase of deaths in 2020-2021 among babies and children, now the recent stats of 2022-2023 report they continue to skyrocket as a consequence of the vax.
Please, read this news report to keep informed.
Best regards,
It does not stop! Besides the enormous increase of deaths in 2020-2021 among babies and children, now the recent stats of 2022-2023 report they continue to skyrocket as a consequence of the vax.
Please, read this news report to keep informed.
Best regards,
Etiquette Classes
Dear TIA
Ave Maria Purissima !
I admire greatly the young ladies who gave a course on etiquette. I hope they persevere. If they even change the life of one person is it not worth it. Everything in our society today, flies in the face of etiquette and the disciplines of civilized behavior.
We live in a lazy, take away society where the easiest option is always the best. Setting a formal table, learning good manners and polite speech, dressing appropriately is just too much trouble and not worth the effort. It is so very sad. The lack of class distinction, the egalitarianism which is so ugly has led to a dearth of well bred people who can lead us out of this morass.
That is why the work you are doing, exemplified by the books written by Dr. Horvat and courses such as the etiquette course, are so important.
We must do our best to lead by example. We must always dress well, display courtesy and good manners, be respectful to our betters.
We must continue to take pride in being a housekeeper and displaying traditional female skills. We must never allow our standards to fall, when faced with the uncivilized mores of the world around us. We can be beacons of light in the dark world around us. We must not get discouraged. If we do, ask Our Lady to help us, make a little sacrifice, do a penance and pray the fifteen Mysteries of the Most Holy Rosary.
I ask God’s blessing on your young ladies and their work.
Yours sincerely,
C.M., Ireland
Ave Maria Purissima !
I admire greatly the young ladies who gave a course on etiquette. I hope they persevere. If they even change the life of one person is it not worth it. Everything in our society today, flies in the face of etiquette and the disciplines of civilized behavior.
We live in a lazy, take away society where the easiest option is always the best. Setting a formal table, learning good manners and polite speech, dressing appropriately is just too much trouble and not worth the effort. It is so very sad. The lack of class distinction, the egalitarianism which is so ugly has led to a dearth of well bred people who can lead us out of this morass.
That is why the work you are doing, exemplified by the books written by Dr. Horvat and courses such as the etiquette course, are so important.
We must do our best to lead by example. We must always dress well, display courtesy and good manners, be respectful to our betters.
We must continue to take pride in being a housekeeper and displaying traditional female skills. We must never allow our standards to fall, when faced with the uncivilized mores of the world around us. We can be beacons of light in the dark world around us. We must not get discouraged. If we do, ask Our Lady to help us, make a little sacrifice, do a penance and pray the fifteen Mysteries of the Most Holy Rosary.
I ask God’s blessing on your young ladies and their work.
Yours sincerely,
C.M., Ireland
Charity & Fight for the Church
I'm 28 years old, I want to live my life, I support my mother, and she even took my nephew to live at home.
I ended my relationship of 9 years, because I can't leave home to get married and build my family.
What should I do?
C.T., Brazil
TIA responds:
We commend you for taking care of your mother and your nephew. God will always reward those who honor their parents.
The world may look down upon your sacrifice in giving up many things you would like to do in order to support your mother; however, dedicating your life to this act of charity is the best way to live life.
In the end, you will be judged not by all of the pleasurable experiences you had in the world but rather by your charitable deeds performed for the honor of God and the works you did to defend the Church in the terrible crisis she is passing through.
We suggest you read the following articles to help orient you in the path God desires you to follow:
TIA correspondence desk
I'm 28 years old, I want to live my life, I support my mother, and she even took my nephew to live at home.
I ended my relationship of 9 years, because I can't leave home to get married and build my family.
What should I do?
C.T., Brazil
TIA responds:
We commend you for taking care of your mother and your nephew. God will always reward those who honor their parents.
The world may look down upon your sacrifice in giving up many things you would like to do in order to support your mother; however, dedicating your life to this act of charity is the best way to live life.
In the end, you will be judged not by all of the pleasurable experiences you had in the world but rather by your charitable deeds performed for the honor of God and the works you did to defend the Church in the terrible crisis she is passing through.
We suggest you read the following articles to help orient you in the path God desires you to follow:
- "Our First Duties to Society Are the Duties to Our Parents": here
- "The Family Milieu": here
- "What Should a Young Lady Do after She Graduates?": here
- "The Answer for a Broken World": here
- "Virginity, the Angels & Our Lady": here
TIA correspondence desk
Marie Antoinette & French Revolution
Do you have any book recommendation about Marie Antoinette and the French Revolution written from a more Catholic perspective?
Dr. Horvat responds:
Your request is most timely, as TIA is beginning to post a series of articles on the French Revolution. You can read the two first ones here and here.
A work that describes the France of 1789 is the translated work of celebrated historian. Franz Funck-Bretano, titled The French Revolution. If you can get a copy, you will find many revolutionary myths about French society and state of affairs in pre-revolutionary France dissolved. Funck-Bretano also wrote a book titled The Diamond Necklace, which tells the true story of Marie Antoinette and Cardinal de Rohan.
Among the academic books, there is a surprisingly frank – albeit not perfect – work that at least exposes the lies, deceits and horrors of the French Revolution titled Citizens: a Chronicle of the French Revolution by Simon Schama (New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1989). While most modern historians have steered clear of anything that could be construed as subscribing to the conspiracy theory of the roots of the French Revolution, Schama reported how the revolutionary ferment was nourished by “pornographic libels, vitriolic satire and radical political theory” (p. 176). He also reports the deconstruction of Marie Antoinette’s image as being pathetic lies (pp.220-226).
To know and understand King Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette better, I would also recommend the work of Elena Maria Vidal, who has written several historical novels on the Queen and the French Revolution (Trianon; Madame Royale; Marie-Antoinette, Daughter of the Caesars: Her Life, Her Times, Her Legacy).
She bases her work on facts and good sources, and looks with an objective Catholic sympathy on the King and Queen.
Another good work is The Journal of Madame Royale by Elizabeth Powers. This first-person record is based on an actual journey of the daughter of Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette, the only member of the family to survive the revolutionary slaughter.
A French historical novel based on authentic sources is The Avengers of the King, by Jean Drault and translated by Ryan Plummer, reviewed on our site here. Despite the complicated romantic liaisons presented in it, the book offers a glimpse into the counter-revolutionary reactions of real characters who loved their Monarchs and were willing to sacrifice their lives to defend and save them.
Perhaps there are other better histories presenting the Catholic and true history of the French Revolution that have been written more recently. I invite our readers to share those titles should they know them.
Marian T. Horvat
Do you have any book recommendation about Marie Antoinette and the French Revolution written from a more Catholic perspective?
Dr. Horvat responds:
Your request is most timely, as TIA is beginning to post a series of articles on the French Revolution. You can read the two first ones here and here.
A work that describes the France of 1789 is the translated work of celebrated historian. Franz Funck-Bretano, titled The French Revolution. If you can get a copy, you will find many revolutionary myths about French society and state of affairs in pre-revolutionary France dissolved. Funck-Bretano also wrote a book titled The Diamond Necklace, which tells the true story of Marie Antoinette and Cardinal de Rohan.
Among the academic books, there is a surprisingly frank – albeit not perfect – work that at least exposes the lies, deceits and horrors of the French Revolution titled Citizens: a Chronicle of the French Revolution by Simon Schama (New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1989). While most modern historians have steered clear of anything that could be construed as subscribing to the conspiracy theory of the roots of the French Revolution, Schama reported how the revolutionary ferment was nourished by “pornographic libels, vitriolic satire and radical political theory” (p. 176). He also reports the deconstruction of Marie Antoinette’s image as being pathetic lies (pp.220-226).
To know and understand King Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette better, I would also recommend the work of Elena Maria Vidal, who has written several historical novels on the Queen and the French Revolution (Trianon; Madame Royale; Marie-Antoinette, Daughter of the Caesars: Her Life, Her Times, Her Legacy).
She bases her work on facts and good sources, and looks with an objective Catholic sympathy on the King and Queen.
Another good work is The Journal of Madame Royale by Elizabeth Powers. This first-person record is based on an actual journey of the daughter of Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette, the only member of the family to survive the revolutionary slaughter.
A French historical novel based on authentic sources is The Avengers of the King, by Jean Drault and translated by Ryan Plummer, reviewed on our site here. Despite the complicated romantic liaisons presented in it, the book offers a glimpse into the counter-revolutionary reactions of real characters who loved their Monarchs and were willing to sacrifice their lives to defend and save them.
Perhaps there are other better histories presenting the Catholic and true history of the French Revolution that have been written more recently. I invite our readers to share those titles should they know them.
Marian T. Horvat
Posted November 28, 2023

I just wanted to contact you, to say that have just found the TIA website. And I am glad to have done so. I live in England, UK, and have done so since birth.
Keep up the good work.