Your Are Wrong: Catholics Should Learn to Dance TIA refutes a morally lax article by Tradition & Sanity
Your Attack against TFP's Book Is Wrong! The editor responds to objections
about TFP's Pandora Box
You Are Wrong on Marriage: The Priest Does Not Effect the Sacrament Two schools on the ministers of matrimony
Lay Catholics Cannot Say the Leo XIII Exorcism Yes, we can. The position you took is against Catholic sense
Prove the Link between Vatican II & the Civil Constitution of the Clergy TIA gives the rationale: Liberal Catholicism was a version of that document
Where Does the Catechism Say Immodest Clothing Is a Mortal Sin? TIA responds based on the Catholic Moral Magisterium
 | TIA’s Film Has Wrong Affirmations & Biased Data Rebuttals from TIA & readers who support the apparition
 | Why Not Change the Name of Our Lady of Good Success to Good Event? TIA responds: ‘Good Success’ is appropriate & historically accurate
 | Wearing Any Kind Type of Trousers Is Objectionable Bloomers, pantaloons etc. can be wore by women and girls modestly
 | You Shouldn't Say that Benedict Agrees with the China Accord TIA shows that Benedict paved the way for the
action of Francis
 | Your Answer on Mortal Sin in Attending the New Mass Was Inadequate TIA distinguishes between those aware of the crisis in the Church & the naïve
There Is No Factual Evidence that Newman Was a Homosexual TIA distinguishes: The data allow a serious suspicion, not a certainty
 | It Is Not Our Lady of Good Success But Our Lady of Buen Suceso TIA responds: An effort by SSPX to create confusion & usurp the devotion
 | Arch. Léfèbvre Was Not a Mason TIA responds to 3 objectors & shows they offer no valid evidence or proof
TIA Is Fueling Terrorist Plots & White Supremacy Paranoid fantasies of an anti-racist
You Lied When You Attributed Hesitation to Our Lady A reader demands evidence of any hesitation before Our Lady's Fiat
Rumors, Confusing Arguments & Public Debate Guimarães invites Fr. Sretenovic to enter the public arena on marriage
 | The Author You Praised Took Part in an Abortion Fr. Sretenovic responds, agreeing there is no excuse for her participation
Kosher Does Not Require a Jewish ‘Blessing’ A reader lectures us on Jewish food and Muslim 'blessings' - TIA responds
You Misquoted a Document on the Holy Week Reform Dr. Byrne responds to a reader who confused two quotations
 | You Are Wrong to Criticize a Dancing Priest A reader in England reacts to our post on Fr. Frankie Mulgrew
 | Stop Criticizing Pius XII, I Can’t Bear It... Dr. Byrne shows she provided ample documentation & facts
 | No Saint Said All Homosexuals Died on Christmas - Your Quote Is Fake TIA publishes the full sermon of St. Bonaventure that includes this quote
 | Answering an Open Letter from Spain on the Death of Sister Lucy Guimarães states why he doubts she died in 1949
 | The U.S. Is Bad, while Putin Supports Morality Westerman responds showing the schismatic religion is a tool of Communism
 | You Are Outdated on Freemasonry TIA updates our objector with a realistic picture of who controls Masonry
 | Take off the Porno Photos You Posted The aim is to expose the scandal of Francis, not to promote indecency
 | You Are Spreading False Information about Card. Ottaviani TIA: the accusation confuses apples and oranges
 | You Are Scandalous & Heretics for Calling Protestants Christians TIA presents its consistent position on using the term Christian
 | You Should Cover Up for the Conciliar Popes & Msgr. Lefebvre TIA: Our policy is to defend the whole truth and to expose the full error
 | Baptism of Blood Is Not in the Catholic Magisterium A priest challenges TIA - The editor responds
 | It's Bad Advice to Pray when Driving It is a lax manner of praying - Fr. Paul Sretenovic replies
 | Eight Objections to the ‘Third Secret’ The discussion grows on document posted by TIA
 | Americans Need to Wear Blue Jeans, Don’t Try to Change Our Identity Mead & Horvat respond: Our identity is not at stake, but our customs & morals
 | You Are Worldly - Catholic Life and Culture Should be Simpler TIA refutes a Catholic who unknowngly is promoting Calvinism
 | Your Criticism of Distributism Is Unfair A traditionalist insists Distributism is 'better than nothing' - TIA responds
 | It Is Not According to the Gospels To Censure Unwed Mothers Distinction between private and public sins and their consequences
 | Fellay: The SSPX Bishops Did Not Compromise; Your Critique Is a Delirium Guimarães responds and asks: Did you accept the legitimacy of Vatican II or not?
 | Fr. Fernando Rifan Was Never a Decision-Maker in the SSPX Cupola Guimarães expounds on the basis of his previous statement
 | Your Position of Resistance Is Wrong; Sede-Vacantism Is Right TIA rebuts the simplistic reasoning of a sede-vacantist reader
 | Quo Primum vs. Novus Ordo TIA summarizes its position regarding the illegitimacy of the New Mass
 | Your Comments on Pictures Are Foolish - Here is the Evidence A reader reveals his liberalism by ignoring immoralities and improprieties
 | Say Heretic and Not Progressivist; You Are Using Propaganda Photos Two readers send objections to our language and photos - Two answers
 | You Sinned against Charity and Purity by Exposing Gill Fr. Peter Scott indirectly attacks Patrick Odou's articles - Read the rebuttal
 | On the Attack of the Southern Poverty Law Center TIA accused of being 'dirty' and 'anti-semitic' - Guimarães responds
 | There Is No Evidence that St. Paul Avoided Crucifixion
A reader criticizes Prof. Plinio's "strident" remarks - The editor responds
 | You Should Have Compassion for Ducks and Other Livestock A covert eco-terroist explodes over our position on animals - TIA replies
 | You Can't Say that Mother Teresa Was Praying to Gandhi One reader attacks us, another supports us.
 | Blair Is Not Episcopalian and Judaism Is Not Bad. You Are Wrong. An English reader accuses TIA of imprecision in facts. Read our response.
 | “The Rock” & Rock 'n' Roll: A Clarification and Some Objections Fr. Rick Stary: Dances are valid cultural expressions at Masses - TIA responds
 | A Dispute over the Rainbow
The vestments of Bishops at WYD 1997 had no homosexual connotations
 | There Are Exaggerations in Your Pictures of the Week The attitudes of JPII and Benedict XVI are not revolutionary - Our response
 | The New Mass Is Not Protestant. You Are Wrong. A convert objects - Fr. Stephen Somerville responds
 | You Gave No Evidence that Judaism Destroyed Christendom A reader demands the proof - Guimarães offers it
 | The "Anathemas" of John Grasmeier A multi-argument attack by two journalists against TIA - Guimarães refutes it
 | We Should Leave the Decision on the Two Sister Lucys to Forensic Experts Our answer: Although such opinions are important, they are not decisive
 | The Inside the Vatican Photo Is Mislabeled - You Are Conspiracy Maniacs A reader defends the magazine and attacks TIA - Our response
 | Wildfire Spreading over Sister Lucy's Photos Pros and cons on whether there are two Sister Lucys of Fatima
 | It's a Waste of Time to Study Our Colonial History It is better to be concerned with today's crisis in the Church - Dr. Horvat responds
 | Don't Link Eric Gill and His Sexual Deviations to Distributism A reader presents four different objections - TIA responds
 | Cardinals Rampolla and Gasparri Could Not Be Bad. You Are Wrong
Pius X kept them in the Curia, so how could they be Masons? Our response
 | Why Don't You Discuss the Main Authors of Distributism? We just did. Two days ago an article was posted addressing this point
 | Should Our Lady of Good Success Carry a Crosier? Yes, she should. There is nothing unusual in this depiction of Our Lady.
 | It Is Good to Have a Dancing Bishop Bishop Britt was just "praising the Lord" - TIA responds
 | Diverting Attention from the Distributist Polemic? You cannot post my name in your repercussions - About articles on Eric Gill
 | The Subjective Morals of Mr. Karl Keating An attack on a review by Dr. Horvat on WYD
 | Against TIA's Supposedly Utopic Standards of Culture From Zimbabwe: Nothing traditionalist can come from the U.S.
 | The Book Previews of the New Papacy Contains Heresy Fr. Savage accuses: The divinity of Christ is denied - Our response
 | A Torrent of Pros and Cons on Eric Gill, A Founder of Distributism Gill admirers attack Odou's critique of his pornographic art & perverted lifestyle
 | Nothing Is Wrong with Paul VI Wearing the Jewish High Priest Symbol Fr. Joseph Santos accuses that TIA's criticism of Paul VI is due to ignorance
 | There Is No Implication of the Pope in the Cover-Up Scandal From Kansas City: objection to the article Papal Letter by Guimarães.
 | You Cannot Condemn Women Wearing Trousers Today From London: objection to Horvat's article Good Ideas Fit With Good Customs