What People are Commenting
Warhammer Game, Fuellmich & Inequality
Help Me to Marry
Dear TIA,
I’ve asked this question to many people; however, their answers didn’t satisfy me. I’m a 33-year-old single Catholic male living in Turkey, and I want to marry.
Unfortunately, there aren’t many Catholic women in my parish. It’s also hard for me to go to other parishes frequently due to travel expenses, so I only know the women in my parish. There was only one woman around my age, and she rejected me. The other women around are either Muslim or atheist, and they really dislike Christianity.
I’m starting to feel that I probably won’t be able to marry, and this situation makes me feel depressed because I really want to create a Catholic family in Turkey. However, it seems impossible for me.
Do you have any suggestions?
Y.T., Turkey
TIA responds:
Dear Y.T.,
Thank you for coming to us for help.
Indeed, the situation as you described it seems quite difficult to resolve.
In cases like yours, what we habitually recommend is to resort to Our Lady of Good Counsel of Genezzano asking her to enlighten you as to what course you should take. We suggest you to make a novena to her asking for orientation.
TIA correspondence desk
I’ve asked this question to many people; however, their answers didn’t satisfy me. I’m a 33-year-old single Catholic male living in Turkey, and I want to marry.
Unfortunately, there aren’t many Catholic women in my parish. It’s also hard for me to go to other parishes frequently due to travel expenses, so I only know the women in my parish. There was only one woman around my age, and she rejected me. The other women around are either Muslim or atheist, and they really dislike Christianity.
I’m starting to feel that I probably won’t be able to marry, and this situation makes me feel depressed because I really want to create a Catholic family in Turkey. However, it seems impossible for me.
Do you have any suggestions?
Y.T., Turkey
TIA responds:
Dear Y.T.,
Thank you for coming to us for help.
Indeed, the situation as you described it seems quite difficult to resolve.
In cases like yours, what we habitually recommend is to resort to Our Lady of Good Counsel of Genezzano asking her to enlighten you as to what course you should take. We suggest you to make a novena to her asking for orientation.
TIA correspondence desk
Warhammer Game - Demonic
Hello TIA,
I saw your note about Fortnite adding demonic themes, and wanted to bring your attention to this other insidious "game" and associated franchise aimed especially at our young men.
The Warhammer "universe" includes tabletop games, video games, books, collectibles, and what they call "lore" which is essentially an inverted and perverted Luciferian history.
I write what I have had to research, sadly because one of these tabletop games has become popular with youth in my Catholic parish, and my children have been invited to play it numerous times at church.There is much more to say beyond what I write below.
The game allows players to "summon daemons," make offerings and "dark pacts" with the "gods of chaos" - who are actual demons such as the Lord of the Flies and the Father of Lies. You can see in this tutorial for one of the video games that the method of summoning the "gods of chaos" are legitimate, real-life ways to summon demons, such as performing an occultist ritual where a murder has taken place, and/or doing a blood sacrifice.
There is an entire set of books in what they call their Black Library, with a running theme of mocking and twisting the Catholic faith through titles like Black Eyed Saint, characters such as "blood angels," use of Latin (or pseudo-Latin) with twisted religious themes like convents of "battle sisters" who are in the military and worship a human "God-emporer."
The franchise purposefully commandeers Catholic terms throughout for its inverted stories, terms such as blasphemy, inquisitor, sosoritas, saints, martyrs, daemons, angels, pilgrims, revelation, sacrifice, cathedral, heretic, etc. There is even a character of a "warrior-priest" that carries a weapon called a "crozius archanum" and a "rosarium", which are clearly intentional mockeries of a bishop's crozier and the holy rosary.
Some of us parishioners wonder if these "games" can be a portal to the demonic, though we would need a priest to tell us definitively. If one verbally makes a "dark pact" with a demon in this "game", does the pact have a spiritual effect on the player? We know that "playing" with ouija boards and tarot cards does not stop in play, and that there are horrible spiritual effects on the players regardless if their intentions were simply to have a fun time.
The clear message, though, is stay far away from this franchise, and please help spread. It is gaining in popularity and apparently many parents are unaware of the depth of its depravity and demonic implications.
May God bless all your endeavors, and may He drive "games" such as these out of our parishes.
I saw your note about Fortnite adding demonic themes, and wanted to bring your attention to this other insidious "game" and associated franchise aimed especially at our young men.
The Warhammer "universe" includes tabletop games, video games, books, collectibles, and what they call "lore" which is essentially an inverted and perverted Luciferian history.
I write what I have had to research, sadly because one of these tabletop games has become popular with youth in my Catholic parish, and my children have been invited to play it numerous times at church.There is much more to say beyond what I write below.
The game allows players to "summon daemons," make offerings and "dark pacts" with the "gods of chaos" - who are actual demons such as the Lord of the Flies and the Father of Lies. You can see in this tutorial for one of the video games that the method of summoning the "gods of chaos" are legitimate, real-life ways to summon demons, such as performing an occultist ritual where a murder has taken place, and/or doing a blood sacrifice.
There is an entire set of books in what they call their Black Library, with a running theme of mocking and twisting the Catholic faith through titles like Black Eyed Saint, characters such as "blood angels," use of Latin (or pseudo-Latin) with twisted religious themes like convents of "battle sisters" who are in the military and worship a human "God-emporer."
The franchise purposefully commandeers Catholic terms throughout for its inverted stories, terms such as blasphemy, inquisitor, sosoritas, saints, martyrs, daemons, angels, pilgrims, revelation, sacrifice, cathedral, heretic, etc. There is even a character of a "warrior-priest" that carries a weapon called a "crozius archanum" and a "rosarium", which are clearly intentional mockeries of a bishop's crozier and the holy rosary.
Some of us parishioners wonder if these "games" can be a portal to the demonic, though we would need a priest to tell us definitively. If one verbally makes a "dark pact" with a demon in this "game", does the pact have a spiritual effect on the player? We know that "playing" with ouija boards and tarot cards does not stop in play, and that there are horrible spiritual effects on the players regardless if their intentions were simply to have a fun time.
The clear message, though, is stay far away from this franchise, and please help spread. It is gaining in popularity and apparently many parents are unaware of the depth of its depravity and demonic implications.
May God bless all your endeavors, and may He drive "games" such as these out of our parishes.
German Vax Opponent Dr. Fuellmich in Prison
Dear Friends,
Ave Maria!
I have not had news of Dr. Reiner Fuellmich for a long time, the internationally acclaimed German lawyer who was kidnapped by the German government, unjustly imprisoned in isolation and who now reveals details of his torture -- all on account of his dogged determination in working to hold accountable those behind the Covid Plandemic.
That his message got out to the outside world, that his spirits are high and that he remains optimistic is in itself a Miracle of Singular Grace, in my opinion!
Let not the memory of this brave dear man fade! As you read this update, be sure to click on the blue embedded link (first one) within the article where he gives his report so that you may hear his message from the German prison posted on X.
Let us not forget him in our daily Rosary!
God bless you,
In Maria
E.Z., Ph.D.
Ave Maria!

Dr. Reiner Fuellmich
That his message got out to the outside world, that his spirits are high and that he remains optimistic is in itself a Miracle of Singular Grace, in my opinion!
Let not the memory of this brave dear man fade! As you read this update, be sure to click on the blue embedded link (first one) within the article where he gives his report so that you may hear his message from the German prison posted on X.
Let us not forget him in our daily Rosary!
God bless you,
In Maria
E.Z., Ph.D.
Necessary Social Inequality
Dear TIA,
Ave Maria Purissima !
God, in His infinite wisdom, created us and made us for different roles in society. A different role for men and women, boys and girls, and for those of noble birth and those of modest birth. We must carry out the duties of our station in life. Those who wish to introduce equality in this world are in rebellion against the Holy Will of God.
In many cases the virtuous and the sinful were trained in close proximity to each other and very often in the case of girls, by Nuns who understood God's plan better than most. Here we have two photographs from Caen.
One from the institution of the Notre Dame de Charite Sisters and the other from the boarding school of Our Lady. In the latter, dignified young girls in beautiful uniform and hats are lined up to enter the Chapel perhaps for Devotions or Holy Mass. In the other we see girls from the class of Preservation of the good Sisters of Our Lady of Charity, girls in need of firm discipline and sound religious and moral training. The contrast is clear to see. The difference in nobility, one group born to lead, the other born to serve.
Of course God will judge both groups in an infinitely just manner. How well have they served Him and obeyed His laws in the role and social class to which He has assigned them? Have the noble girls been good leaders and given good example? Have they been good Mistresses? Have they ensured their servants attended to their religious duties? Have they rewarded good work and corrected mistakes? Have they been charitable? In the case of the Preservate class they will be judged on their religious duties, their obedience, respect for their betters and diligence in their work.
God bless TIA.
Yours sincerely
C.P., Ireland
Ave Maria Purissima !
God, in His infinite wisdom, created us and made us for different roles in society. A different role for men and women, boys and girls, and for those of noble birth and those of modest birth. We must carry out the duties of our station in life. Those who wish to introduce equality in this world are in rebellion against the Holy Will of God.
In many cases the virtuous and the sinful were trained in close proximity to each other and very often in the case of girls, by Nuns who understood God's plan better than most. Here we have two photographs from Caen.

One from the institution of the Notre Dame de Charite Sisters and the other from the boarding school of Our Lady. In the latter, dignified young girls in beautiful uniform and hats are lined up to enter the Chapel perhaps for Devotions or Holy Mass. In the other we see girls from the class of Preservation of the good Sisters of Our Lady of Charity, girls in need of firm discipline and sound religious and moral training. The contrast is clear to see. The difference in nobility, one group born to lead, the other born to serve.
Of course God will judge both groups in an infinitely just manner. How well have they served Him and obeyed His laws in the role and social class to which He has assigned them? Have the noble girls been good leaders and given good example? Have they been good Mistresses? Have they ensured their servants attended to their religious duties? Have they rewarded good work and corrected mistakes? Have they been charitable? In the case of the Preservate class they will be judged on their religious duties, their obedience, respect for their betters and diligence in their work.
God bless TIA.
Yours sincerely
C.P., Ireland
Posted October 29, 2024

The opinions expressed in this section - What People Are Commenting - do not necessarily express those of TIA
Re: Pope Meets Four American Transwomen
I don't know if any of you at TIA look at responses, but if you do read this, know that I love your emails and info you share.
God Bless You ALL.
Pope meets with 4 people who need to repent from their sins of impurity, and acts as if they are not in need of it.
Yet, we who hold the Faith of Our Fathers are called by Bergoglio Pharisees, Jansenists and rigid.
Moses falls into these categories also, for he had 3,000 Israelites executed for worshipping the golden calf. I guess the Lord God Almighty wasn't into Ecumenism that day!
Have a Great Day, this 26th of October the feast of St. Cedd.