Progressivism in the Church
Church Revolution in Pictures
Photo of the Week
Francis invites 120 transgenders for lunch
On Sunday, November 19, 2023, Pope Francis commemorated the “World Day of the Poor” with more than 1,000 guests whom he invited to the Paul VI Hall in the Vatican. He offered his guests food catered and served by Hilton.Among the invitees were about 120 transgender “women” who "work" as prostitutes at the beach city of Torvaianica, 20 miles from Rome on the Mediterranean West Coast of Italy.
He placed two of these prostitutes as guests of honor at his table, occupying the center of the table across from his place. Above, we see the Pope speaking with great attention to his two transgender guests, who are wearing magenta and gray blouses.
It is another landmark in Francis' growing promotion of homosexuality in its more radical form: the professional prostitution of transgender “women.”
If having a Vicar of Christ honoring this monstrous vice at the See of Peter will not cause God's vengeance to strike, we do not know what can.
In the four first rows below, we see scenes from the event as well as the names of the two “women” at the Pope's table.
In the fifth row, one of those prostitutes speaks to a AP reporter. In the sixth and seventh rows we see other transgenders placed at different tables in the Hall.
From the eighth row to the end we see photos from a video by Patricia Thomas, a AP reporter who travelled in one of the buses with the group of transgender prostitutes from Torvaianica to the Vatican and captured some expressions of Francis’ guests before their arrival at the meal.
Photos from this AP video r & the Internet
Posted December 3, 2023
