Progressivism in the Church
Church Revolution in Pictures
Photo of the Week
Bergoglio greets transgenders in a public audience
Pope Bergoglio continues to break his own records: On June 22, 2022, he greeted a group of six transgender "women" in a public audience at St. Peter's Square.Above, you see the man who took on the name of Allesia Nobile shaking hands with the Pope. He wrote a book, The Invisible Girl – La Bambina Invisible – and delivered it to Bergoglio when received for that individual greeting, first row below.
The transgender explained to Fanpage what happened during the audience: "We met at the Vatican with a sister and a priest who are part of the National TRANSition Group of LGBT+ Christians – a project of La Tenda di Gionata. The Pope received each one of us and I was the first. To give him my book was a dream come true."
He continued: "He [the Pope] did not want me to kneel, he held my hand and when I presented myself as a transgender girl he responded that he did not care who I was, that we all have one Father, as if he wanted to tell me, 'you are my sister.'"
When the transgender gave the book to Francis, "he [the Pope] took it and told me, 'Brave girl, you did well writing your story.' Then, he recommended that I always be myself and not to let myself be impressed by prejudices of the Church. ... I felt myself welcomed, taken by the hand and embraced."
Below second row, the six transgenders show their permits to enter the VIP area of the public audience in order to personally greet the Pope.
The meeting was organized by Sister Genevier, who proposed the encounter to the Pope, explaining to him that it was not only one person who wanted to meet him but six from different countries. He responded: "Bring them all."
What can we say to characterize this new barrier broken by Bergoglio? We see him blessing the sins against nature – homosexuality and the abomination of transgenderism – as if they were normal activities. How can we not think of the "man of sin" described by St. Paul (2 Thes 2) when addressing the Great Apostasy?
Photos from the Fanpage & Internet

Posted June 26, 2022