NEWS: March 30, 2016
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Bird’s Eye View of the News
What is a so-called transgender or transsexual? I think that, according to teachings of the Catholic Church until Vatican II, a transgender or transsexual could be defined as a homosexual male (“gay’) or female (lesbian) who is so addicted to and complacent with his/her vice against nature and so delirious in mind that he/she imagines that he/she belongs to the other sex. It is in this hallucinating state of rebellion against nature and God that this person denies his/her own sex and identifies himself /herself with the opposite sex.
It is, therefore, a zenith of vice and revolt that leads to a psychological volte-face of one’s natural identity and, consequently, the search for correspondent surgical operations, which unfortunately today’s medicine allows these people to undergo.
What process must take place in the mind of a Catholic to accept these “identity changes” as normal? I am not referring to the homosexuals themselves, but to those who accept them. I list some of the successive plunges into the moral abysses that this position implies:
We are witnessing, therefore, a very high level of moral perversion followed by Frankenstein-style surgeries that give the fallacious impression that those persons are what they will never be. It is not so different from a man addicted to having sexual intercourse with monkeys who becomes so deliriously self-complacent that he believes he was actually born a monkey, and, consequently, he pays a surgeon to make operations and give him injections to make him look like a monkey. We are in the realm of nightmares.
We see that anyone who accepts these moral-physiological aberrations and these “new identities” as normal is in frontal opposition to Catholic doctrine and Natural Law, be he a layman, priest, Bishop or Pope.
The LA Education Congress
From 25 to 28 February, 2016, the annual Los Angeles Religious Education Congress took place; this event is said to be the largest gathering of Catholics in North America. This year it boasted drawing 40,000 participants. Archbishop José Gomez of Los Angeles named as its director Fr. Christopher Bazyouros, who, with the due episcopal blessing, proceeded to officially promote “Catholic transsexuals.”
For the first time in the event’s history, which is notorious for its radically progressivist positions, this topic was included in the program because, according to him, this was an important first step for the Church in grappling with an issue that has received intensive media coverage.
Bazyouros introduced a special workshop in the Congress for this aberration titled “Transgender in the Church: One Body, One Bread.” The name seems to be a blasphemous allusion to the Eucharist where the bread is transformed into the Body of Christ; by extension, through this “providential” surgery a man is transformed into a woman and vice versa.
The priest invited two “transgender Catholics” to be the featured speakers at that workshop, each one claiming a new sex: an “ex”-young man who has assumed the name of Anna Patti, and an “ex”-young woman who is now called Mateo Williamson. Both used their presentations to urge acceptance by a broader body of Catholics. Their talks were attended by about 750 persons including numerous priests, nuns and seminarians. Both speakers received full room standing ovations at the end of their talks.
Bazyouros’ rationale for including the talk, in his own words, is this: “There aren’t many places for Catholics to discuss these things that are thoughtful, intentional and gather people who have this experience. Many Catholics want information about this topic, they want things to help them understand this situation.”
“We were just going with the Pope’s desire to go out and encounter people, to hear their stories,” continued Bazyouros. And he added: “We decided to see what would happen if we hosted a session for people to share their stories. Sometimes issues are just abstract things until you hear people speak about their journeys and, then, you can begin to have a conversation.”
One of the transsexuals also praised Francis, saying that his initiatives “have changed the tone in the Church” to welcome them.
We see, therefore, that both the priest and the transsexuals are trying to justify their actions by the papal reception of two lesbians – one of whom made herself a transgender – at the Vatican and the scandalous washing of the feet of a transsexual inmate by Francis during the Maundy Thursday ceremony in 2015.
Arthur FitzMaurice, who speaks frequently about LGBT issues in the Church and who organized the workshop, said he believes it was the largest discussion devoted to transgenders and Catholicism in the Church’s history. He said that organizers have already asked him to plan a similar workshop next year. (data from Crux, here)
So, the same psychological approach adopted by the Conciliar Church on welcoming homosexuals three decades ago by then Card. Ratzinger (1) is now being repeated by Francis regarding transsexuals and rapidly assumed by progressivist Bishops.
Waiting in line to be accepted are those addicted to bestiality and necrophilia…
Following this path, I wonder when, in the name of tolerance and mercy, the Conciliar Popes will make the enthronement of the Great Inspirer of all these anti-natural vices – that Luminous Creature who also changed his identity to become the Dark One par excellence.
An English man spent $80,000 to become a ‘woman,’ and is still not happy...
What process must take place in the mind of a Catholic to accept these “identity changes” as normal? I am not referring to the homosexuals themselves, but to those who accept them. I list some of the successive plunges into the moral abysses that this position implies:
- He has to accept the Freudian-Jewish philosophical criterion (actually a pathological obsession) that everything in life and history depends principally on sex;
- He has to accept that all men have something feminine in them and all women have something masculine, that is, that all of mankind is potentially androgynous – another presupposition that Freud and the Jewish Kabala teach;
- He has to accept the consequence of this “scientific” postulation, which is that there is nothing wrong with being homosexual, since “it is the way people are born.”
- He has to accept that a homosexual should change his/her sex in order to finally “be happy” in his “real” identity.
- The Catholic has to deny that life and history rely principally on God, the action of the Devil and the will of man;
- He has to deny that man committed original sin, which introduced in human nature a principle of disorder and moral corruption;
- He has to deny that, as a consequence of original sin, every man has bad tendencies that, if not duly combated, give birth to moral vices including the vice of lust, of which homosexuality is one of the most atrocious perversions – on the same level of bestiality (sex with animals) and necrophilia (sex with cadavers);
- He has to accept as normal the quarry of horrors of modern genetic engineering that castrates men, mutilates women’s breasts and replaces natural organs with silicone-like counterparts along with artificial injections of feminine/masculine hormones.
Surgeons show a pair of plastic breasts to be implanted into a transgender
We see that anyone who accepts these moral-physiological aberrations and these “new identities” as normal is in frontal opposition to Catholic doctrine and Natural Law, be he a layman, priest, Bishop or Pope.
The LA Education Congress
From 25 to 28 February, 2016, the annual Los Angeles Religious Education Congress took place; this event is said to be the largest gathering of Catholics in North America. This year it boasted drawing 40,000 participants. Archbishop José Gomez of Los Angeles named as its director Fr. Christopher Bazyouros, who, with the due episcopal blessing, proceeded to officially promote “Catholic transsexuals.”
Bazyouros introduced a special workshop in the Congress for this aberration titled “Transgender in the Church: One Body, One Bread.” The name seems to be a blasphemous allusion to the Eucharist where the bread is transformed into the Body of Christ; by extension, through this “providential” surgery a man is transformed into a woman and vice versa.
The priest invited two “transgender Catholics” to be the featured speakers at that workshop, each one claiming a new sex: an “ex”-young man who has assumed the name of Anna Patti, and an “ex”-young woman who is now called Mateo Williamson. Both used their presentations to urge acceptance by a broader body of Catholics. Their talks were attended by about 750 persons including numerous priests, nuns and seminarians. Both speakers received full room standing ovations at the end of their talks.
Francis receives at the Vatican a couple of lesbians, one of whom became a transgender
“We were just going with the Pope’s desire to go out and encounter people, to hear their stories,” continued Bazyouros. And he added: “We decided to see what would happen if we hosted a session for people to share their stories. Sometimes issues are just abstract things until you hear people speak about their journeys and, then, you can begin to have a conversation.”
One of the transsexuals also praised Francis, saying that his initiatives “have changed the tone in the Church” to welcome them.
We see, therefore, that both the priest and the transsexuals are trying to justify their actions by the papal reception of two lesbians – one of whom made herself a transgender – at the Vatican and the scandalous washing of the feet of a transsexual inmate by Francis during the Maundy Thursday ceremony in 2015.
Arthur FitzMaurice, who speaks frequently about LGBT issues in the Church and who organized the workshop, said he believes it was the largest discussion devoted to transgenders and Catholicism in the Church’s history. He said that organizers have already asked him to plan a similar workshop next year. (data from Crux, here)
So, the same psychological approach adopted by the Conciliar Church on welcoming homosexuals three decades ago by then Card. Ratzinger (1) is now being repeated by Francis regarding transsexuals and rapidly assumed by progressivist Bishops.
Waiting in line to be accepted are those addicted to bestiality and necrophilia…
Following this path, I wonder when, in the name of tolerance and mercy, the Conciliar Popes will make the enthronement of the Great Inspirer of all these anti-natural vices – that Luminous Creature who also changed his identity to become the Dark One par excellence.
- I am referring to the Letter to the Bishops of the Catholic Church on the Pastoral Care for Homosexual Persons of October 1, 1986, signed by then Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Card. Joseph Ratzinger, which I duly analyzed in my book Vatican II, Homosexuality & Pedophilia (Los Angeles: TIA, 2004) pp. 45-48.