What People Are Commenting
Sodom & Gomorrah
Obama Declares June as LGBT Month
I have read an article reporting something I didn’t know: That Obama has officially declared June the LGBT Pride Month. The original is here.
So, now in the United States of America we have a full month to commemorate a sin against nature that caused five cities of the Old Testament to be annihilated. If this is not an invitation for God to punish us as a country, I don’t know what could be.
If we add that shortly the Supreme Court may mandate “gay marriage” for the entire country, we have two of the three powers upon which or republican system is based officially promoting sodomy.
We should not be surprise if a great punishment comes and our country disappears, like Sodom & Gomorrah.
Keep up your work. We need your site in this time of corruption in both State and Church.
God bless,
I have read an article reporting something I didn’t know: That Obama has officially declared June the LGBT Pride Month. The original is here.
So, now in the United States of America we have a full month to commemorate a sin against nature that caused five cities of the Old Testament to be annihilated. If this is not an invitation for God to punish us as a country, I don’t know what could be.
If we add that shortly the Supreme Court may mandate “gay marriage” for the entire country, we have two of the three powers upon which or republican system is based officially promoting sodomy.
We should not be surprise if a great punishment comes and our country disappears, like Sodom & Gomorrah.
Keep up your work. We need your site in this time of corruption in both State and Church.
God bless,
Boston Franciscan Friars Support Homosexuality
I believe your readers should know before Saturday, June 13, about this petition addressed to Card. O’Malley.
Boston’s annual homosexual “Pride” parade and festival will occur this Saturday, June 13th. The event is a cauldron of depravity, characterized by indecency, immodesty, lewd and lascivious behavior, exhibitionism and open displays of sado-masochism, including men in leather masks, dog collars, and chains.
Besides celebrating the rejection of Divine and natural law, it frequently promotes explicitly anti-Catholic themes. Last year’s honorary Grand Marshals were the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence. This year’s LGBT flag raising ceremony at City Hall included the anti-Christian hate group with the pornographic name Pussy Riot. The group has a long history of perpetrating hate crimes against Catholic and Eastern Orthodox churches.
For the past few years, the Franciscan Friars of Saint Anthony’s Shrine on Arch Street in Boston, who are members of our Capuchin Cardinal’s own religious family, have participated in the festival. In 2014, they manned a booth displaying signs which read: “Who am I to judge?”
They are not there to practice the Spiritual Works of Mercy, call anyone to conversion and repentance, or warn of the dangers of mortal sin. As their own website reveals, they are there to express “pride” in the homosexual identity, and to affirm the homosexual movement.
Priests ought to have zeal for souls. Abandoning people to their sins is a spiritual dereliction. It suggests, that in the mind of some clerics, the desire for human respect has superseded the obligations of Christian charity.
Although an official of the Archdiocese of Boston in 2014 made the unpersuasive claim that the friars, as members of a religious order, were not under the control of the Archdiocese, it is unimaginable that the friars would engage in such a controversial initiative without, at least, the tacit consent of the Archbishop. In fact, the League received reports last year that some of the friars openly asserted that they enjoyed Cardinal O’Malley’s support.
The presence of the friars at this celebration of sodomy is a grave scandal. No rational person in secular society can reasonably be expected to take seriously Catholic teaching about marriage, about chastity outside of marriage, about the immorality of homosexual acts, and about the need for modesty and purity in speech, dress, and behavior, when Catholic priests participate in something as course, vulgar and obscene as a homosexual pride festival.
Please contact Cardinal Sean O’Malley and urge him to put a stop to this scandalous repudiation of Catholic morality, which is also a callous betrayal of all those faithful Catholics struggling to preserve traditional marriage and moral sanity in our nation! You may reach the Cardinal by email at ArchbishopSean@RCAB.org, or by telephone at (617) 254-0100, or (617) 782-2544.
Please remind the His Eminence that loyal Catholics should not have to fight a two-front war, against a culture of death in society, and against a culture of betrayal in our own Church!
Thank you.
Catholic Action League
I believe your readers should know before Saturday, June 13, about this petition addressed to Card. O’Malley.
Boston’s annual homosexual “Pride” parade and festival will occur this Saturday, June 13th. The event is a cauldron of depravity, characterized by indecency, immodesty, lewd and lascivious behavior, exhibitionism and open displays of sado-masochism, including men in leather masks, dog collars, and chains.
Besides celebrating the rejection of Divine and natural law, it frequently promotes explicitly anti-Catholic themes. Last year’s honorary Grand Marshals were the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence. This year’s LGBT flag raising ceremony at City Hall included the anti-Christian hate group with the pornographic name Pussy Riot. The group has a long history of perpetrating hate crimes against Catholic and Eastern Orthodox churches.
For the past few years, the Franciscan Friars of Saint Anthony’s Shrine on Arch Street in Boston, who are members of our Capuchin Cardinal’s own religious family, have participated in the festival. In 2014, they manned a booth displaying signs which read: “Who am I to judge?”
They are not there to practice the Spiritual Works of Mercy, call anyone to conversion and repentance, or warn of the dangers of mortal sin. As their own website reveals, they are there to express “pride” in the homosexual identity, and to affirm the homosexual movement.
Priests ought to have zeal for souls. Abandoning people to their sins is a spiritual dereliction. It suggests, that in the mind of some clerics, the desire for human respect has superseded the obligations of Christian charity.
Although an official of the Archdiocese of Boston in 2014 made the unpersuasive claim that the friars, as members of a religious order, were not under the control of the Archdiocese, it is unimaginable that the friars would engage in such a controversial initiative without, at least, the tacit consent of the Archbishop. In fact, the League received reports last year that some of the friars openly asserted that they enjoyed Cardinal O’Malley’s support.
The presence of the friars at this celebration of sodomy is a grave scandal. No rational person in secular society can reasonably be expected to take seriously Catholic teaching about marriage, about chastity outside of marriage, about the immorality of homosexual acts, and about the need for modesty and purity in speech, dress, and behavior, when Catholic priests participate in something as course, vulgar and obscene as a homosexual pride festival.
Please contact Cardinal Sean O’Malley and urge him to put a stop to this scandalous repudiation of Catholic morality, which is also a callous betrayal of all those faithful Catholics struggling to preserve traditional marriage and moral sanity in our nation! You may reach the Cardinal by email at ArchbishopSean@RCAB.org, or by telephone at (617) 254-0100, or (617) 782-2544.
Please remind the His Eminence that loyal Catholics should not have to fight a two-front war, against a culture of death in society, and against a culture of betrayal in our own Church!
Thank you.
Catholic Action League
‘Gay’ Parade in Brazil Turns Blasphemous
Dear TIA,
I am P.M., a reader of your site in São Paulo, Brazil. Unfortunately last Sunday, June 7, 2015, we witnessed an enormous “gay” parade in one of the principal avenues of the city, Paulista Ave. This event counted on the full support of the civil authorities, who gave large sums of tax-payer money for this commemoration. Last year the Archdiocese of São Paulo issued a declaration supporting homosexuals and their anti-natural exhibitions.
This year the homosexuals were bolder. Now they are mocking Our Lord, Our Lady and the Catholic Saints. A topless transsexual singer (first a man, now a “woman”) appeared on a float “crucified” to represent the supposedly unjust persecution against homosexuals. Other photos show two lesbian women “sleeping” together - each with a crown of thorns on the head; a homosexual wearing a blue gown, mantle and crown, as if he/she were Our Lady; pictures of supposed “patron” saints - St. John the Baptist and St. Sebastian - recommending sexual protection and the use of condoms.
These are the photos I found. I believe that many other profanations and blasphemies took place that I didn’t find or were not spread by the media.
Pressured by the faithful to act to repair the offenses to our Catholic Religion, the Archbishop of São Paulo, Card. Odilo Scherer, issued a very mild reprimand to the homosexuals, which basically says to them: “If you want to be respected, you should respect.” Meaning: they should not make profanations and blasphemies. He couldn’t be more lenient.
I believe we should offer reparation for all these offenses and sins, especially those of the Shepherds, who, from top to bottom, are approving the worst sins possible against nature.
Our Lady of La Salette was right when she said that the Clergy would become as dirty as latrines of impurity.
P.S. - I included a photo of Pope Francis with his “Who Am I to Judge?” displayed in the “gay” parade in the city of Maringá, State of Paraná, that took place on May 17, 2015; also a collage of the Pope holding the rainbow colors.

I am P.M., a reader of your site in São Paulo, Brazil. Unfortunately last Sunday, June 7, 2015, we witnessed an enormous “gay” parade in one of the principal avenues of the city, Paulista Ave. This event counted on the full support of the civil authorities, who gave large sums of tax-payer money for this commemoration. Last year the Archdiocese of São Paulo issued a declaration supporting homosexuals and their anti-natural exhibitions.
This year the homosexuals were bolder. Now they are mocking Our Lord, Our Lady and the Catholic Saints. A topless transsexual singer (first a man, now a “woman”) appeared on a float “crucified” to represent the supposedly unjust persecution against homosexuals. Other photos show two lesbian women “sleeping” together - each with a crown of thorns on the head; a homosexual wearing a blue gown, mantle and crown, as if he/she were Our Lady; pictures of supposed “patron” saints - St. John the Baptist and St. Sebastian - recommending sexual protection and the use of condoms.
These are the photos I found. I believe that many other profanations and blasphemies took place that I didn’t find or were not spread by the media.
Pressured by the faithful to act to repair the offenses to our Catholic Religion, the Archbishop of São Paulo, Card. Odilo Scherer, issued a very mild reprimand to the homosexuals, which basically says to them: “If you want to be respected, you should respect.” Meaning: they should not make profanations and blasphemies. He couldn’t be more lenient.
I believe we should offer reparation for all these offenses and sins, especially those of the Shepherds, who, from top to bottom, are approving the worst sins possible against nature.
Our Lady of La Salette was right when she said that the Clergy would become as dirty as latrines of impurity.
P.S. - I included a photo of Pope Francis with his “Who Am I to Judge?” displayed in the “gay” parade in the city of Maringá, State of Paraná, that took place on May 17, 2015; also a collage of the Pope holding the rainbow colors.

Posted June 11, 2015
The opinions expressed in this section - What People Are Commenting - do not necessarily express those of TIA
Someone sent me these pictures of the transsexual man whose feet Pope Francis washed and kissed last Maundy Thursday. I didn’t see them on your website. I believe they could be a good addition to your archives.
They document that Francis really did wash his/her feet. The photos you published were very good, but here the faces of both the Pope and the transsexual appear in the same shot as he kneels at his/her feet, which constitutes first class evidence to incriminate him.
I go daily to your site, support TIA and pray for all of you.
In Jesus and Mary,