Talks with Jan
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The ‘Francis Effect’ - Part II
Brazilian Church Commission Defends Homos
In my last article I pointed out the disastrous ‘Francis effect’ on the U.S. “gay pride parades," where we are unfortunately seeing a stronger Catholic presence – either as participants or spectators. At the end, I mentioned that these parades are taking place worldwide with the silence or implicit consent of the Catholic Hierarchy and priests.
In one country this complicity is particularly blatant and shameful. The world's largest “gay pride parade” took place in São Paulo on May 4, 2014, a Sunday. Its so-called success was made possible with the full support of the civil authorities and, what is more revolting, the overt endorsement of the Archdiocese of São Paulo.
On the vespers of the 18th “pride parade of lesbians, gays, bisexuals, transvestites and transsexuals,” the Archdiocese's Justice and Peace Committee issued a statement invoking the Council Vatican II to defend the "dignity and safety of homosexual people."
Since many threats have been made in the past to stop this kind of homosexual manifestation, the promoters of this’ year’s event called for the criminalization of homophobia, complaining about possible violent acts against homosexuals.
To support their claim the Archdiocese called for the need to “assure the safety” of homosexuals as a guarantee of their civil liberties. The Church document reads: “We cannot remain silent in the face of the situation experienced by this population, which is the target of prejudice and a victim of the systematic violation of their fundamental rights.” (Estado de Sao Paulo online, April 30, 2014)
The Commission document lamented that LGBTs “daily confront unsupportable verbal and physical violence” that can only be called “hate crimes.”
The Archdiocese of São Paulo assumed this position, the document stressed, based on “its mission of announcing and defending the Gospel and civilizing values of human rights, proclaimed in the Pastoral Constitution Gaudium et spes approved at Vatican Council II.”
The “sufferings and anxieties” experienced by marginalized peoples such as the homosexuals are ”the sufferings and anxieties of all the followers of Christ,” the document continues.
The director of the Justice and Peace Commission, Geraldo Tardelli, openly acknowledged that this is the first time the Archdiocese had “formally” written in favor of homosexuals. To justify the position, he quoted well known Archbishop Cardinal Paulo Evaristo Arns, a partisan of Liberation Theology and promoter of Communism, who demanded “giving a voice to those who have no voice.” It was Card. Arns who founded the Commission of Justice and Peace of São Paulo in 1972.
Tardelli also admitted that the document was released to coincide with the “gay pride parade” so that the homosexual community would feel the support of the Church.
“We think this was the right time to put this document in circulation,” Tardelli announced. “We in the Church are engaged in the defense of human rights and we do not condone any violation, independent of color or sexual orientation of the person.”
In opposition to 2,000 years of teaching against the unnatural vice of sodomy, a sin that calls to Heaven for vengeance, the São Paulo Archdiocese took a stand supporting and “protecting” homosexuals in the name of Vatican II, human rights and liberation theology.
It should come as no surprise that this Committee is publicly approving “gay rights” since the General Secretary of the Brazilian Bishops (CNBB) announced on May 24 that homosexual couples “need legal support against violence from society.”
Although the Church has always opposed the recognition of same-sex marriage, which began last year in Brazil, Bishop Leonardo Steiner stressed that this position can change: “ The church is always seeking to read the signs of the time, to see what must or must not change,” he said.
Press commentaries speculate that this bold position of a prominent Brazilian Bishop was taken anticipating the results of the October Synod on the Family, which is supposed to suggest such acceptance of homosexuals to all Catholic Episcopates around the world.
It is certainly another consequence of the Francis effect…
A violently indecent display
And what exactly was this parade that the Bishops of the country with the largest Catholic population in the world defended?
The São Paulo event, which has taken place since 1997, is noted as hosting one of the lewdest displays of immorality and pornographic material of all the ill-famed "gay parades" worldwide.. This year, supposedly a million people were present in downtown Sao Paulo for the event.
On Sunday, May 4, 2014, the city authorities blocked its main central avenue to allow room for floats and exuberant crowds of homosexuals dressed as devils, angels, drag queens and every character the notorious Brazilian imagination could conjure on behalf of the unnatural vice. A group of “gay Christians” also proudly marched with T-shirts and banners proclaiming " that Jesus loves homosexuals.
Men French-kissing men, women tightly embracing women, simulated sexual acts performed publicly – all are common sights at the São Paulo “gay parade.” These are the supposed “rights” and “dignity” of homosexuals that the Church's Bishops are defending. They should be the leaders in condemning such blatant immorality and forbidding Catholics to attend such events. But this healthy reaction has diminished everywhere after Francis told the press he cannot judge homosexuals...
This year, news reports made a point of featuring church-goers who went straight from Mass to the “gay parade,” as if to emphasize the relaxed position of the Church on homosexuality. "We attended Mass in a church nearby and then came to the march," said Cassia Maria, 53, who was at the parade with her husband. She said they felt the Church should accept all forms of love.
The betrayal of Catholic principles once considered unthinkable in countries like Brazil is now becoming routine. It is increasingly apparent to any informed Catholic that Church officials around the world – as well as supposedly ‘conservative’ groups – are offering no meaningful opposition to the homosexual agenda promoted at “gay pride parades.”
In Brazil this year the entire Catholic Episcopate in effect supported homosexuality.

Politicians at the parade, above, Sao Paulo Governor Alckmin, below, candidate for governor Padilha

On the vespers of the 18th “pride parade of lesbians, gays, bisexuals, transvestites and transsexuals,” the Archdiocese's Justice and Peace Committee issued a statement invoking the Council Vatican II to defend the "dignity and safety of homosexual people."
Since many threats have been made in the past to stop this kind of homosexual manifestation, the promoters of this’ year’s event called for the criminalization of homophobia, complaining about possible violent acts against homosexuals.
To support their claim the Archdiocese called for the need to “assure the safety” of homosexuals as a guarantee of their civil liberties. The Church document reads: “We cannot remain silent in the face of the situation experienced by this population, which is the target of prejudice and a victim of the systematic violation of their fundamental rights.” (Estado de Sao Paulo online, April 30, 2014)
The Commission document lamented that LGBTs “daily confront unsupportable verbal and physical violence” that can only be called “hate crimes.”
The Archdiocese of São Paulo assumed this position, the document stressed, based on “its mission of announcing and defending the Gospel and civilizing values of human rights, proclaimed in the Pastoral Constitution Gaudium et spes approved at Vatican Council II.”
The “sufferings and anxieties” experienced by marginalized peoples such as the homosexuals are ”the sufferings and anxieties of all the followers of Christ,” the document continues.

The Archdiocese defends the right to dress unnaturally and perform lewd acts publicly

Tardelli also admitted that the document was released to coincide with the “gay pride parade” so that the homosexual community would feel the support of the Church.
“We think this was the right time to put this document in circulation,” Tardelli announced. “We in the Church are engaged in the defense of human rights and we do not condone any violation, independent of color or sexual orientation of the person.”
In opposition to 2,000 years of teaching against the unnatural vice of sodomy, a sin that calls to Heaven for vengeance, the São Paulo Archdiocese took a stand supporting and “protecting” homosexuals in the name of Vatican II, human rights and liberation theology.
It should come as no surprise that this Committee is publicly approving “gay rights” since the General Secretary of the Brazilian Bishops (CNBB) announced on May 24 that homosexual couples “need legal support against violence from society.”
Although the Church has always opposed the recognition of same-sex marriage, which began last year in Brazil, Bishop Leonardo Steiner stressed that this position can change: “ The church is always seeking to read the signs of the time, to see what must or must not change,” he said.
Press commentaries speculate that this bold position of a prominent Brazilian Bishop was taken anticipating the results of the October Synod on the Family, which is supposed to suggest such acceptance of homosexuals to all Catholic Episcopates around the world.
It is certainly another consequence of the Francis effect…
A violently indecent display
And what exactly was this parade that the Bishops of the country with the largest Catholic population in the world defended?

Revolted faces and blatant satanism on display...

On Sunday, May 4, 2014, the city authorities blocked its main central avenue to allow room for floats and exuberant crowds of homosexuals dressed as devils, angels, drag queens and every character the notorious Brazilian imagination could conjure on behalf of the unnatural vice. A group of “gay Christians” also proudly marched with T-shirts and banners proclaiming " that Jesus loves homosexuals.
Men French-kissing men, women tightly embracing women, simulated sexual acts performed publicly – all are common sights at the São Paulo “gay parade.” These are the supposed “rights” and “dignity” of homosexuals that the Church's Bishops are defending. They should be the leaders in condemning such blatant immorality and forbidding Catholics to attend such events. But this healthy reaction has diminished everywhere after Francis told the press he cannot judge homosexuals...
This year, news reports made a point of featuring church-goers who went straight from Mass to the “gay parade,” as if to emphasize the relaxed position of the Church on homosexuality. "We attended Mass in a church nearby and then came to the march," said Cassia Maria, 53, who was at the parade with her husband. She said they felt the Church should accept all forms of love.
The betrayal of Catholic principles once considered unthinkable in countries like Brazil is now becoming routine. It is increasingly apparent to any informed Catholic that Church officials around the world – as well as supposedly ‘conservative’ groups – are offering no meaningful opposition to the homosexual agenda promoted at “gay pride parades.”
In Brazil this year the entire Catholic Episcopate in effect supported homosexuality.

A daylong exhibition of immorality and devilish behavior implicitly approved by the Archdiocese

Posted August 22, 2014