Homosexuality and the Clergy
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Waving the White Flag on ‘Gay Marriage’
As progressivist organizations in different countries relentlessly push forward pro-homosexual legislation, what does the silence from the Vatican tell us? It tells us that the Conciliar Church gave up the fight. It isn’t hard to figure that out. Even the “gay lobby” itself can see that silence says surrender.
For example, Michelangelo Signorile, the activist homosexual editor of Huffington Post Gay Voices gives Francis a good grade on the homosexual issue. He notes:
“Since Francis became pope, France became the largest predominantly Catholic country to pass marriage equality [= “gay marriage”] right in the Vatican's backyard. In the U.S., three states, including Rhode Island, which has the highest percentage of Catholics in the country, passed marriage equality.
“Predominantly Catholic Mexico continues to move forward on the issue in the courts, and Brazil's National Council of Justice green-lighted gay marriage in that country, which became the largest country in South America and the largest predominantly Catholic country in the world to allow gay marriage. Another Latin American country near the Argentine pope's old stomping grounds, Uruguay, passed marriage equality in recent months, as did New Zealand.
“And Pope Francis had nothing publicly to say about any of it. Zero. Zilch. Nada. He was busy washing the feet of the poor and tweeting about how selflessness is a virtue. Go figure.” [see story here]
Meeting with French Parliament members
In fact, even at his meeting with members of the French Parliament on June 16, 2013, Francis did not address the “gay marriage” bill directly. The meeting came at a sensitive time when protests against the President’s approval of the bill have escalated, and many of the Catholic protesters were expecting a strong message of support from the Pope. Their hopes were dashed.
What did he say? According to Vatican Radio, his speech took a diplomatic approach, basically saying nothing, so as not to offend anyone. After saying that “the Church’s vision of the human person and its dignity in view of the common good” are valued in French society, Francis urged the legislators to “contribute in a constant and effective way toward the improvement of the life of your fellow citizens” and “to be sensitive to their needs.”
Then, Francis used a more progressivist language, recommending the Parliament members to make laws that “elevate and ennoble the human person.” The homosexuals can certainly interpret this statement in their favor. His conclusion was that the legislators should “always seek the good of the person and promote fraternity” in their country.
All these words sound more like another boost for the ideals of the French Revolution than the strong censure of the homosexual “marriage” bill that Catholics were hoping for…. (You can read the Vatican Radio report here).
At any rate, what is clear is that Francis danced around the issue of ”gay rights” and “gay marriage.” His words confirm that condemning homosexuals is not a high priority on the papal list.
The ‘gay lobby’ comment
Well, some conservatives might counter, what about his recent ‘condemnation’ of a Vatican “gay lobby” at a private meeting of the Latin American Confederation of Men and Women Religious (CLAR)? The remark received a lot of media publicity in the last week, as if this off-the-cuff remark at a private meeting - taken from the personal notes of an unidentified source - is certain proof that Francis is ready to take dramatic steps to shut down the pro-homosexual network at the Vatican.
The source reported Francis as saying, “They speak of a 'gay lobby,' and that is true. It is there... We will have to see what we can do [about it]." Later, the CLAR released a statement refuting the statement entirely, saying that the assertion that there is a gay lobby at the Vatican "cannot be attributed with certainty to the Holy Father."
What Vatican insiders surmise is that the denial came under pressure from the Curia, which does not want to tackle this issue at all right now.
Supposing that the statement was made, it is a weak comment about a very serious problem: “Oh yes, a gay lobby exists, but we’ll just have to see about it … mas tarde, por favor [later, please].” The fact that Francis does not even admit making the statement tells us he is not planning to do anything about the “gay lobby” anytime soon, if ever.
The meeting with the Anglican head
Then, there is the supposed defense of traditional marriage made by Francis during his meeting with the new Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby on June 14. The latter, in fact, spoke strongly against “gay marriage” in the United Kingdom, which is about to approve it.
According to the Associated Press, Francis responded by saying he hoped they could collaborate in promoting the sacredness of life "and the stability of families founded on marriage." This innocuous banality was interpreted by some of the optimistic Catholic media as a strong stand for traditional marriage and against “gay marriage.”
Not really. Significantly, Francis did not specify that marriage should be based on a union between a man and woman. In short, he did not bother to make the Church’s opposition to same-sex “marriage” clear at all.
Vatican officials said that Francis' phrasing was a diplomatic attempt to make his point without making a provocative pronouncement. This fits with Francis’ emphasis on dialogue, being open to everyone’s voice and views, including – so it seems – homosexuals. It also fits with his relative disregard for traditional Catholic morals and doctrine.
As homosexual leader Signorile points out, his failing to define marriage is the same tactic used by politicians who stop defining marriage as “between a man and woman” so as not to lose the votes of homosexuals. It is not far-fetched to think Francis is adopting the same tactic, especially in view of the report that in the past, during the hot debate on a “gay marriage” bill in Argentina, then Cardinal Bergoglio was willing to cut a private deal with Argentina’s government to offer homosexual couples civil unions rather than marriage. The deal didn’t fly, it was reported, only because the other Bishops would not agree to the compromise.
Continuing on the path of tolerance
What Signorile triumphantly concludes is that Pope Francis is “waving a white flag on the ‘gay marriage’ issue.” Yes, the white flag is waving, a sign not just of truce but of the surrender of the Conciliar Church to the homosexuals.
In this, however, he is simply following the path of tolerance and the ‘soft approach’ toward sodomy set by the post-conciliar Popes…
Putting things in perspective, I don’t think we should expect this Pope to be leading a crusade against homosexual “marriage” in the near or distant future.
For example, Michelangelo Signorile, the activist homosexual editor of Huffington Post Gay Voices gives Francis a good grade on the homosexual issue. He notes:

Catholic protesters waiting in vain for a strong word from Francis against the bill
“Predominantly Catholic Mexico continues to move forward on the issue in the courts, and Brazil's National Council of Justice green-lighted gay marriage in that country, which became the largest country in South America and the largest predominantly Catholic country in the world to allow gay marriage. Another Latin American country near the Argentine pope's old stomping grounds, Uruguay, passed marriage equality in recent months, as did New Zealand.
“And Pope Francis had nothing publicly to say about any of it. Zero. Zilch. Nada. He was busy washing the feet of the poor and tweeting about how selflessness is a virtue. Go figure.” [see story here]
Meeting with French Parliament members
In fact, even at his meeting with members of the French Parliament on June 16, 2013, Francis did not address the “gay marriage” bill directly. The meeting came at a sensitive time when protests against the President’s approval of the bill have escalated, and many of the Catholic protesters were expecting a strong message of support from the Pope. Their hopes were dashed.

Above, Francis receives French Parliament members: No word from the Pope on the 'gay marriage' bill
Then, Francis used a more progressivist language, recommending the Parliament members to make laws that “elevate and ennoble the human person.” The homosexuals can certainly interpret this statement in their favor. His conclusion was that the legislators should “always seek the good of the person and promote fraternity” in their country.
All these words sound more like another boost for the ideals of the French Revolution than the strong censure of the homosexual “marriage” bill that Catholics were hoping for…. (You can read the Vatican Radio report here).
At any rate, what is clear is that Francis danced around the issue of ”gay rights” and “gay marriage.” His words confirm that condemning homosexuals is not a high priority on the papal list.
The ‘gay lobby’ comment
Well, some conservatives might counter, what about his recent ‘condemnation’ of a Vatican “gay lobby” at a private meeting of the Latin American Confederation of Men and Women Religious (CLAR)? The remark received a lot of media publicity in the last week, as if this off-the-cuff remark at a private meeting - taken from the personal notes of an unidentified source - is certain proof that Francis is ready to take dramatic steps to shut down the pro-homosexual network at the Vatican.
The source reported Francis as saying, “They speak of a 'gay lobby,' and that is true. It is there... We will have to see what we can do [about it]." Later, the CLAR released a statement refuting the statement entirely, saying that the assertion that there is a gay lobby at the Vatican "cannot be attributed with certainty to the Holy Father."
What Vatican insiders surmise is that the denial came under pressure from the Curia, which does not want to tackle this issue at all right now.
Supposing that the statement was made, it is a weak comment about a very serious problem: “Oh yes, a gay lobby exists, but we’ll just have to see about it … mas tarde, por favor [later, please].” The fact that Francis does not even admit making the statement tells us he is not planning to do anything about the “gay lobby” anytime soon, if ever.
The meeting with the Anglican head
Then, there is the supposed defense of traditional marriage made by Francis during his meeting with the new Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby on June 14. The latter, in fact, spoke strongly against “gay marriage” in the United Kingdom, which is about to approve it.

Several speeches per day,
but no censure of homosexual "marriage"
Not really. Significantly, Francis did not specify that marriage should be based on a union between a man and woman. In short, he did not bother to make the Church’s opposition to same-sex “marriage” clear at all.
Vatican officials said that Francis' phrasing was a diplomatic attempt to make his point without making a provocative pronouncement. This fits with Francis’ emphasis on dialogue, being open to everyone’s voice and views, including – so it seems – homosexuals. It also fits with his relative disregard for traditional Catholic morals and doctrine.
As homosexual leader Signorile points out, his failing to define marriage is the same tactic used by politicians who stop defining marriage as “between a man and woman” so as not to lose the votes of homosexuals. It is not far-fetched to think Francis is adopting the same tactic, especially in view of the report that in the past, during the hot debate on a “gay marriage” bill in Argentina, then Cardinal Bergoglio was willing to cut a private deal with Argentina’s government to offer homosexual couples civil unions rather than marriage. The deal didn’t fly, it was reported, only because the other Bishops would not agree to the compromise.
Continuing on the path of tolerance
What Signorile triumphantly concludes is that Pope Francis is “waving a white flag on the ‘gay marriage’ issue.” Yes, the white flag is waving, a sign not just of truce but of the surrender of the Conciliar Church to the homosexuals.
In this, however, he is simply following the path of tolerance and the ‘soft approach’ toward sodomy set by the post-conciliar Popes…
Putting things in perspective, I don’t think we should expect this Pope to be leading a crusade against homosexual “marriage” in the near or distant future.

Posted June 19, 2013