Movie Reviews
How Did We Reach This Point?
The TV series Pretty Little Liars, Degrassi, 90210 and Glee reviewed by Marian T. Horvat
The youths in the picture below left all appear to be “normal” looking teens of our days. Although the girl in the top left is badly dressed and the boy to her right looks revolted and needs a haircut, the young men in the second row appear well groomed and upright.
Don’t be fooled; it is just appearances. They are a few of the homosexual models Hollywood is presenting in TV programs meant to influence your children. The characters here - Emily, Riley, Teddy, and Kurt – are becoming conscious of their homosexuality or “coming out.” They are featured on various TV series on ABC Family, CW, TeenNick and Fox.
 Top left clockwise: Emily in Pretty Little Liars, Riley in Degrassi, Teddy in 90210 and Kurt in Glee |
You can guess the lesson-line for youth: Homosexuals and lesbians are “born that way” and everyone must accept them as such. Intense story lines against bullying and shunning homosexuals are supposed to impress youth to spurn any form of rejection of their fellow youth. The propaganda intends to train teens to do more than just tolerate homosexuality, but accept and embrace it.
I was appalled after reading the basic lines of these series in the brief research I did for this article. Emily, the girl in Pretty Little Liars is from a supposedly ultra-conservative family. At first she keeps her love affair with another girl secret, but when she is ‘outed,’ her parents object. After she runs away, her parents rethink their ‘harsh’ stance and welcome her home ‘to love her as she is.’
In Degrassi, Riley, a first generation Canadian of Greek descent, is Degrassi High School football captain and quarterback. He prefers men to women and has ‘come out at school, but has not told his mother at home. This show is a Peyton Place for teens, filled with natural and unnatural vice. A transgender girl-pretending-to-be-boy was even introduced into the cast.
Teddy, the rich playboy on 90210, ‘hooks up’ with classmate Ian at the beginning of this season and slowly admits ‘the truth’ of being homosexual. Before, Teddy was so unbearable that one of his beautiful ex-girlfriends dumped him last year to experiment with lesbianism. Now, after reaching the conclusion that he was “gay” he becomes a likeable character as he and his friends accept his homosexuality.
Kurt, a glee club singer and open homosexual bullied by the football team in Glee, is supposed to elicit compassion from the audience. This season the big story is his telling his father about his homosexuality. The father responds by showing an unconditional love for his son ‘just as he is.’ The father is praised as a model of how a parent or relative of someone who is lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender should act.
 What your children will find as "normal" fare on TV |
These episodes show every kind of illicit sexual relationship – boy-girl, boy-boy, girl-girl – with graphic kissing and sexual scenes. Material like this, which once would have been rated X, today is casually presented on prime time TV for your teens and pre-teens. Sad to say, most of today’s teens are shockingly indifferent toward these unnatural relationships. "I'm often delightfully surprised at how unshocked young people are," commented Oliver Goldstick, a producer on "Pretty Little Liars." "They just move on. It's like, OK." (“Gay and lesbian characters are popping up on shows for young people,” Los Angeles Times, January 3, 2011).
Obviously, such programming to accustom youth to accept homosexuality will reaffirm the wise decision of parents to ban television and restrict internet access in their homes, as well as keep their children out of schools that are teaching tolerance toward sins against nature.
How we reached this point
What I am sure many readers are wondering is how we reached this point.
When the Revolution wants to make a major moral break like this one in society, it acts like a bulldozer that rolls over everything that stands in its path. The media attempts to saturate public opinion with images of the vice it promotes that everyone has to accept or be excommunicated from the mainstream. This accustoms the public to live side by side with something that before they strongly condemned.
 Gay straight alliances are forming in high schools across the country; top, in Liberty, MO; bottom, in Kaloheo, HI |
This is what is happening with the unnatural sin of homosexuality. Fifteen years ago no one imagined teen shows like the ones I just described could be possible, and still much less that they would be so indifferently accepted. What happened was that people gradually became accustomed to what was artificially presented to them as an unavoidable reality. An upright Catholic might have been shocked and offended the first time he saw two men holding hands in public. But if he does not hold to Catholic principles, he gradually becomes co-natural with something he never dreamed he would tolerate - homosexuality.
The enormous ground lost over these last decades was lost mainly by this process of gradual concessions.
The revolution creates a climate where the ‘normal’ person is presented as accepting what is bad and sinful. Then it solicits celebrities and public figures to make such ‘normality’ fashionable by accepting that vice. Following their natural instinct not be considered abnormal, much of the public follow their leaders. So, gradually, we have reached the situation of our days, when to show horror for homosexuality is considered insensitive and bad. We are heading to the next step where we Catholics will be persecuted for upholding what is according to nature.
The modern man prefers to conform rather than face ostracism. How many Catholics today prefer to give in to the modern world, knowing this will not lead to victory, but at least it will give them a peaceful life for the moment and make them appear ‘normal’ in the eyes of ‘the world.’ Because they dread being different in anything, they accept the vices and bad customs of the world. This cowardice is the root of the general indifference to the escalating display of homosexuality and lesbianism.
Our Catholic position
How does the counter-revolutionary act? Based on firm principles, we oppose this vice in a strong and categorical way. We realize that we will be set aside and rejected by those around us, at times even by family members. We find in that repudiation by a decadent society confirmation that we are on the right path rather than motivation to conform. This position demands courage and is a great sacrifice, one that is pleasing to God. To be despised and set aside is not important; what is important is to be faithful to God.
How useful it would be to hear sermons about this problem. How it would help Catholics to resist the general trends that are taking the world to Hell. But this does not happen because even among most of today’s priests, there is this fear of being different from the general tolerant ambience.
Let us ask Our Lady to give us a profound understanding of the seriousness of these times, and the corresponding strength to fight against every aspect of the Revolution in ourselves and around us, and to refuse to compromise with the errors of the Revolution.
Posted January 7, 2011

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