Three Blaring Errors in A Perfect Storm - Part 3
No good Novus Ordo, no holy Paul VI, no 'new springtime'
A Revisionist History to Favor the Council - Part 2
Mass of the Ages makes excuses for Paul VI & Vatican II
Mass of the Ages: Beautifully Misleading - Part 1
Episode 1 shows the beauty of the Old Mass, but with a utopian note
The Jesus Film: A Natural Portrayal of the Divine
Sentimental & weak without the sanctity & grandeur of Christ
Disney’s Hunchback of Notre Dame:Tolerance for Sin & Error A rightous 'villain,' a seductive 'heroine' & a 'happy ending'
Conclave: The Patriarchal Church Is Dead Scandals & intrigue end with a surprise: An intersex pope
Boss Baby Presents Stupid Parents & Ill-bred 'Kids'
A flawed & modern depiction of family life & authority
 | Disney’s Coco
Part 1 - Paganizing Día de los Muertos An enticing 'family' story, but nothing Catholic in it
Part 2 - The Catholic Origins of Día de los Muertos How the All Souls Day customs developed in Mexico
Part 3 - Paganism Dominates Coco's Mexican Feast Day Checking bad tendencies in Día de los Muertos
Analyzing Movies from a Counter-Revolutionary Perspective - Part 1 Romanticism & egalitarianism in Hollywood films
The Bad Spirit of Spontaneity & Optimism in Movies - Part 2 Rare to find a Hollywood film without these revolutionary faults
A Feminist Rendition of the Great Missionary Mother Cabrini A false portrayal of the Saint with fictitious scenes & lines
 | Disney’s Wish (2023)
Part 1 - Gnostic Initiation for Children A subtle doctrine encourages youth to revolt against the Catholic Faith
Part 2 - Mimicking God & Catholic Symbols Disney chooses to parody Catholic symbols & architecture
Part 3 - Gnostic & Occult Symbols Disney reveals its dark side: gnostic, Masonic& satanic elements
Journey to Bethlehem: Profane Trip to a Fantasy Land A feminist Mary, fictional plot, blasphemous scenes
A Flawed & Mundane Mary of Nazareth Filled with false history, feminism & blasphemies
A Foolish & Revolutionary Depiction of St. Francis of Assisi Brother Sun, Sister Moon distorts & blasphemes the real Saint
 | Barbie 2023: Feminist Ideology Dressed in Pink & Frills Barbie leaves Barbieland & enters the real world
 | The Pope Answers
Part 1 - A Frontal Attack on Faith & Morals A Disney+ movie features Francis approving lesbians & porn stars
Part 2 - Revolutionary Ambiences & Gestures A hippy-tribal atmosphere opposed to past papal ceremony
Part 3 - Francis Attacks Religious Life He maligns the Church & favors a lesbian ex-nun
Part 4 - Francis Fuels Racist Class-Struggle Conservative immigration called 'egoist'; colonization 'embarassing'
Talking Tom and Friends: Not an Innocent Conservative Show Like most children's TV, it fosters virtual reality, vulgarity & vice
Jesus Revolution Is the Hippie Revolution in Religion Celebrating a movment that should be soundly rejected
Cinderella 2021: Not the Sweet Good Princess We Knew She wanted a career rather than a Prince
Jesus Christ Superstar - Bad Now, Then & Always A confused Christ & a misunderstood 'hero' Judas
A Horrendous Cannibal Romance Bones and All tries to make cannibalism appetizing to the youth...
Catholics, Do Not Watch The Chosen Serious flaws & blasphemies against Our Lady
When the World Loves Despair Movie review of The Way
Father Stu: A Blasphemous & Irreverent 'Redemption Story' Enter the sheep yard and smell the manure...
A Morbid Tale for an Ungodly Society Movie/book review of Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events
Death on the Nile: What a Shame! Magnificent panoramas, but too many revolutionary compromises
Distorting the Message of Fatima to Fit Progressivism The 2020 film Fatima omits facts & ignores the real message
Flaws of the Four Sisters in Little Women - Part 1 Feminist tendencies in the novel come to their fruition in the film
Egalitarianism, Tolerance & Independence in Little Women - Part 2 The flawed characters of Marmee and Laurie
Louisa May Alcott: A Transcendentalist Pioneer of Feminism - Part 3 Preparing the tendencies for the hippie & feminist revolution
Marvel Universe 6: Feminism, Mediocrity & Abandonment of the Fight The best become the worst in Avengers: Endgame
How American Jews Secularized Christmas through Music Review of Weinstein's documentary Dreaming of a Jewish Christmas
 | The Marvel Universe
Part 1 - An Unreal & Dangerous World Movie review of Infinity War (2018) and Endgame (2019)
Part 2 - An Invitation to a Gnostic & Evolutionary World View Fans are seduced into accepting lies & myths as truth & reality
Part 3 - Genocide to Restore Balance to the Universe Tribalism & population control enter a Marvel Universe that rejects God
Part 4 - The Revolution in the Tendencies in The Avengers Vulgarity & constant joking set the tone
Part 5 - A World Where Suffering & Merit Have No Meaning Inducing people to revolt against God when a chastisement happens
‘Into the Unknown’: Occult Tribalism - 1 Review of the Disney films Frozen 1 (2013) and Frozen 2 (2019) -
Part 1
Anti-colonialism, Shamanism & Feminism - 2 Review of the Disney films Frozen 1 (2013) and Frozen 2 (2019) -
Part 2
The New Hero: The Villain Review of the Disney show Villainous (2019)
The Lion King: Tribalism in a Virtual Reality The doctrine behind an ‘innocent’ movie
Are Dinosaurs Equal to Humans? Movie review of Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom (2018)
Dazzling & Sumptuous Revolutionary Ideas 'Love conquers all' in Crazy Rich Asians
Toy Story 4 Promotes LGBT Agenda with Lesbian Moms Scene A sip of poison served in popular Disney film
A Feminist Revolt against the Natural Order Movie review of Aladdin (2019)
The Blood of Martyrs Is the Seed of Christians Movie review of Paul, Apostle of Christ
 | The Vatican’s Nostalgia for the Beatles Praising their revolution that unleashed the era of free love & drugs
 | Will the KGB Kill Edward Snowden? Oliver Stone's Snowden makes a hero of a traitor
 | The Vatican’s Depraved Sex-Ed Program for Youth - Graphic photos A shameless show of modern morality & immodest imagery
 | Democrats’ Racist Roots Examined in New Film Hillary's America reveals the secret history of the Democratic Pary
 | Winter on Fire: Ukraine’s Fight for Freedom A moving documentary that records Ukraine's present day plight
 | The Black Legend of the Inquisition Put to Rest Movie review of Timewatch - The Spanish Inquisition, BBC special
 | Evil at the Movies Movie review of Bless the Child and Ouija
 | Detrimental Upshots of Noah False messages carved into memories
 | Noah’s Theosophic Underpinnings – Part 1 An upside-down account of Creation favoring the Green Revolution
 | Noah - The Rest of the Story – Part 2 A completely unbiblical account of the Flood & God's alliance with man
 | How Hollywood Prepared for the ‘60s Inserting subversive messages in the films of the '50s
 | A Jolting End to Amour A film supporting euthanasia is praised & promoted by the media
 | The Exorcist Movie & Novel: Not Recommended Horror and exaggerations with only one point in its favor
 | Vatican Radio Applauds Bold Lesbian Film Blue Is The Warmest Color wins award at the Cannes festival
 | Brave: Feminist & Progressivist A premiere showing & high praise at the Rimini Meeting
 | The Strange Message in the 2012 Olympics Opening Marxist history joins with tribalist customs to announce a new era
 | A Historic Lesson: The Danger of the Compromise Movie Review of For Greater Glory: The True Story of Cristiada
 | José Sánchez del Rio, Martyr for Christ the King Movie review of For Greater Glory
 | How Did We Reach This Point? Review of the TV series Pretty Little Liars, Degrassi, 90210 and Glee
 | Hollywood’s Disinformation on Freemasonry Movie review of National Treasure
 | A Systematic Campaign against Catholic Spain Movie review of Goya's Ghost
 | An Occult Spain Reborn from Paganism Movie review of Pan's Labyrinth
 | Bella: An Incomplete Catholic Message Movie review of Bella
 | Don’t Watch this Protestant Nativity Movie review of The Nativity Story
 | Marie Antoinette - Her Myth and an Attempt To Destroy It Movie review of Marie Antoinette
 | The Matrix, The Matrix Reloaded & The Matrix Revolution Review of The Matrix trilogy
 | The Passion of the Christ - A Wasted Oppportunity? Movie revue on The Passion of Christ
 | Another False Portrayal of the South American Masses... Movie review on Evita
 | The Hours: A Moral Abyss Movie review of The Hours
 | A Chocolat Laced with Poison Movie review of Chocolat
 | The Messenger: A Distorted View of St. Joan of Arc Movie review of The Messenger
 | Nourishing an Appetite for the Marvelous With a word on the vulgar animated movie Shrek
Hollywood & Pop Stars
Analyzing Movies from a Counter-Revolutionary Perspective Romanticism & Egalitarianism in Hollywood films
Sr. Cristina Sings for LGBT For the competition 'The World's Best' she sings 'Born this Way'
Please Explain the Magic in Narnia & Middle Earth General reviews of The Chronicles of Narnia & The Lord of the Rings
Heavy Metal: Origin & Main Bands Steeped in an occult and Satanist 'spirituality'
 | Does Francis Endorse the Blasphemies of Scorsese? The Pope receives the director of The Last Temptation of Christ
 | Francis Awards Hollywood Pro-aborts George Clooney, Salma Hayek & Richard Gere awarded by the Pope
 | David Evans (The Edge) Invited to Perform at the Sistine Chapel Rock concert desecrates that symbolic place
 | Suor Cristina Joins Sister Act Musical Grotesque rock parodies of the religious life
 | Androgynous David Bowie Glorified by the Vatican Burning incense at the altar of an occult rock star
 | Rock 'n Roll - Satanic Music
Part 1 - Its Origins & Its Promoters Born to glorify the sexual act & liberate lower instincts
Part 2 - Its Evolution to Hard & Acid Rock Direct link between rock, drugs & the occult
Part 3 - Rock's Subliminal Satanic Messages Are Unmasked Words, rhythm, signals & lights violate one's consciousness
Part 4 - Examples of Subliminal Messages in Rock Music Testimonies of rock stars confessing their techniques
Part 5 - From Subliminal to Direct Messages Satanic messages are spread without dissimulation
Part 6 - Witchcraft, Voodoo, Rock & Disco These groups are funded by the Illuminati
Part 7 - Entering the Battle against Rock Practical measures & good counsels for formation of youth
 | Francis Receives Pop Star Martina Stoessel Papal blessing for her performance of Imagine
 | Suor Cristina's Hugs & Gestures Improper poses of the nun-pop-star
 | Francis Endorses Career of Angelina Jolie - Graphic photos Received at the Vatican without restrictions
 | Satanic Presence at the 2015 Grammy Awards The world rocks out its highway to Hell
 | America’s Enemies in Hollywood Then & Now - Part 1 Communist fellow travelers have long influenced the film industry
 | America’s Enemies in Hollywood Then & Now - Part 2 Hollywood’s love for Cuban Communism & Islamism
 | Pope Embraces 'Hot Model' Wanda Nara - Graphic photos Argentine TV & magazine immoral model meets with Francis
 | L’Osservatore Romano: Two Thumbs Up to Harry Potter Vatican newspaper implicitly approves black magic
 | Schwarzenegger Flexing Muscles for Moscow U.S. authorities give Medvedev the best of our electronic technology
 | Harry Potter Film Praised by Vatican Newspaper A 4-star rating for a film that makes casting spells look fun
 | The Vatican Approves John Lennon: An Ill-timed Act Vatican paper commemorates the Beatles' White Album
 | The Vatican’s Incomprehensible Praise of Michael Jackson The new 'sign of the time' of approving rock music and its extravagant stars
 | The Vatican Recommends Michael Jackson L'Osservatore Romano chooses a Top Ten list of rock albums
 | The High Moral Damage of Rock Music On Michael Jackson's bad influence on youth
 | Homosexual Marriage and Democracy Arnold Schwarzenegger scorning the decision of the people of California
 | Lennon - Prophet of the Devil How the Beatles shaped the habits and thinking of our times
 | John Lennon’s Pact with Satan Compelling evidence about how he rose to fame and died
 | More Data on the Satanism of John Lennon A reader concur with information on Lennon's relation with the occult
 | Harry Potter & the Fight between Good and Evil Books and movies to make children accept magic and Satanism
 | The Debasement of Knighthood Mick Jagger dubbed knight by the Queen of England
 | Hepburn & Mephistopheles Why is Katharine Hepburn being praised as a role model for women?