Tradition In Action


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This page is divided into two parts:

1. Reviews by TIA members and friends on works by others

2. Reviews written by others on TIA books

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Reviews by TIA Members & Friends - Part I

catholic Saints Who Saw Hell and Other Witnesses to the Fate of the Damned
by Paul Thigpen © 2019 B Tan Books: 2019 , 216 pp.

catholicLife - My Story Through History
by Pope Francis with Fabio Marches Ragona, Harperone, 2024, 232 pp.

catholicHow the Irish Saved Civilization
by Thomas Cahill, Doubleday, 1995, 246 pp.

catholicHistory from a Counter-Revolutionary Perspective
The TIA Desk offers a list of recommended history books & biographies

catholic A Good Catholic History Critical of Americanism
United States History from a Traditional Catholic Perspective by Christ the King Books, 1st ed, 372 pp.

catholic The Devil & Bella Dodd: One Woman's Struggle against Communism & her Redemption
by Mary Nicholas & Paul Kengor (Tan Books, 2022, 422 pp.)

catholic The Practice of Perfection & Christian Virtues
by Alphonsus Rodriguez (London. Manresa Press: Roehampton, 1929, 2 vols.)

catholic The Synodal Process Is a Pandora's Box
by José Ureta & Julio Loredo (Spring Grove: American TFP, 2023, 100 pp.)

catholic Catechism of the Seven Sacraments
by Kevin & Mary O'Neill (Story Tel Press, 2018, 290 pp.)

catholic Brave New World
by Aldous Huxley (Easton Press, 1978, 237 pp.)

catholic Léonie Martin: A Difficult Life
by Marie Baudouin-Croix, trans. by Mary Frances Mooney (Ignatius Press, 2017, 168 pp.)

catholicThe Anti-Mary Exposed, Rescuing the Culture from Toxic Femininity
by Carrie Gress (TAN Books, 2019, 199 pp.)

catholic Lessons from the Covid War: An Assessment
by Danielle Allen, et al. (Public Affairs, 2023, 352 pp.)

catholic The Avengers of the Kings
by Jean Drault (trans. by Ryan P. Plummer, Lambfount, 2022, 384 pp.)

catholic Good Books for Catholics to Read
Children & adults will profit from these recommended works

catholic A Series of Unfortunate Events
by Lemony Snicket (Harper Collins, 1999-2006)

catholic Great Wives & Mothers
by Msgr. Hugh Francis Blunt (Devin-Adair Co, 1917; reprint Lepanto Press, 2006, 424 pp.)

catholic History from a Counter-Revolutionary Perspective
The TIA Desk offers a list of recommended history books & biographies

catholic United States History - A Traditional Catholic Perspective
by Angelic Doctor Academy (Christ the King Books, 1st ed., 372 pp.)

catholic The Church Burns - Crisis and Future of Christianity - I
by Andrea Riccardi (Editori Laterza, Kindle ed., April 2021, 208 pp.)

catholic The Church Burns - Crisis and Future of Christianity - II
by Andrea Riccardi (Editori Laterza, Kindle ed., April 2021, 208 pp.)

catholic Black Beauty
by Anna Sewell (London: Jarrold & Sons, 1st ed. 1877, 255 pp.)

catholic Please Explain the Magic in Narnia & Middle Earth
General reviews of The Chronicles of Narnia & The Lord of the Rings

catholic Little Women - I
by Louisa May Alcott (NY: Scholastic Inc, 2000)

catholic Little Women - II
by Louisa May Alcott (NY: Scholastic Inc, 2000)

catholic Our Lady's Wardrobe
by Anthony DeStefano, Juliana Kolesova, illustrator (Sophia Institute Press, 2020)

catholic With Fire and Sword
by Henryk Sienkiewicz. (Little, Brown & Co., 1887, vol. 1 of the Trilogy)

catholic The Deluge & Pan Michael
by Henryk Sienkiewicz, (Little, Brown & Co., 1887, vols. 2-3 of the Trilogy)

catholic Under Angel Wings: The True Story of a Young Girl & Her Guardian Angel
Trans. by Fr. Conall O'Leary, (Rockford IL: TAN Books, 2000, 236 pp.)

catholic The Church Impotent
by Leon J. Podles (Spence Publishing Company, 1999, 208 pp.)

catholic Anti-Semitism, Its History and Causes
by Bernard Lazare (University of Nebraska Press, 1995, 208 pp.)

catholic St. Dominic Savio
by St. John Bosco (New York: Don Bosco Publications, 1979, 169 pp.)

catholic Red Famine, Stalin's War on Ukraine
by Anne Applebaum (New York: Doubleday, 2017, 496 pp.)

catholic The Philosophy of Communism
by Joseph McFadden, Ph.D. (New York: Benziger Brothers, Inc. 1939, 345 pp.)

catholic The Lost Mandate of Heaven – The American Betrayal of Vietnamese President Ngo Dinh Diem
by Geoffrey Shaw (San Francisco: Ignatius Press, 2015, 313 pp.)

catholic All for the Love of Mothers: Memoirs of a Catholic Midwife
by Lisbeth Burger (Lepanto Press: 2008, 305 pp.)

catholic A Land so Strange, the Epic Journey of Cabeza de Vaca
by Andres Resendez (New York: Basic Books, 2009, 314 pp.)

catholic The Gospel of Judas
by R. Kasser, M. Meyer, G.Wurst & B. Ehrman (Washington DC: National Geographic Society, 2006, 185 pp.)

catholic The Papal Monarcchy
by Dom Prosper Guéranger (Fitzwilliam, NH: Loreto Publications, 2003, 307 pp.)

catholic Bearing False Witness - Debunking Centuries of Anti-Catholic History
by Rodney Stark (Templeton Press, 2016, 268 pp.)

catholicThe North & The South & Secession - I
by Adam S. Miller (Tower of David/Marian Pub., Inc.. 2006, 114 pp.)

catholicThe North & The South & Secession - II
by Adam S. Miller (Tower of David/Marian Pub., Inc.. 2006, 114 pp.)

catholicThe North & The South & Slavery - III
by Adam S. Miller (Tower of David/Marian Pub., Inc., 2015, 120 pp.)

catholicThe North, the South and Lincoln’s War Policies - IV
by Adam S. Miller (ower of David/Marian Pub., Inc., 2015, 196 pp.)

catholicThe North, the South and Lincoln’s War Policies - V
by Adam S. Miller (Tower of David/Marian Pub., Inc., 2015, 196 pp.)

catholicMao: The Unkonwn Story
by Jung Chang & Jon Halliday (Jonathan Cape, 2006, 814 pp.)

catholicHollywood Traitors - I
by Allan H. Ryskind (Regnery Press, 2015, 538 pp.)

catholicHollywood Traitors - II
by Allan H. Ryskind (Regnery Press, 2015, 538 pp.)

catholicCapital in the 21st Century
by Thomas Piketty (Harvard University Press, 2014, 649 pp.)

catholicThe Exorcist (novel & movie)
by William Peter Blatty (1971) & 1973 horror film derived from it

catholicLiberalism Is a Sin vs Essays in Liberalism
by Felix Sarda y Salvani & Hilaire Belloc(Rockfort: TAN, 1993;  London, Paris & Melbourne: Cassell, 1897)

catholic Medieval Panorama
by Robert Barlett (London: Thomas & Hudson Ltd, 2001, 336 pp.)

catholicBloody Passovers and Ritual Homicides
by Ariel Toaff (Bologna: Il Mulino, 2007, Online edition, 242 pp.)

catholic The Poem of the Man-God
by Maria Valtorta (Anomalist Books, 2007, 276 pp.)

catholic Celestial Secrets: The Hidden History of the Fatima Incident
by Joachim Fernandes & Fina D'Armada (Anomalist Books, 2007, 276 pp.)

catholicFatima Shock!
by Bob Theil (Arroyo Grande, CA: Nazarene Books, 2012, 303 pp.)

catholic The Red Queen
by Philippa Gregory (NY: Simon & Schuster, 2010, 429 pp.)

catholicEmily Post, Daughter of the Gilded Age, Mistress of American Manners
by Laura Claridge (NY: Random House, 2008, 500 pp.)

catholicReasons for Resistance: The Hierarchy of the Catholic Church Speaks
on the Post-Vatican II Crisis

by Jason A. Roberts (Jacksonville, FL: Queen of Martyrs Press, 2011, 71 pp.)

catholicSetting the Table: Preparing Catholic Parishes to Welcome
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender People and Their Families

by Fr. James Schexnayder (James A. Schexnayder, 2011, 121 pp.)

catholicHolding the Stirrup: The Memoirs of Baroness Elizabeth von Guttenberg
(Post Falls: Lepanto Press, first published in 1953, 270 pp.)

catholicJesus of Nazareth
by Pope Benedict XVI (San Francisco, Ignatius Press, 2011, volume II, 362 pp)

catholicThe Catholic Worker Movement (1933-1980): A Critical Analysis
by Carol Byrne (Bloomington: AuthorHouse, 2010, 332 pp.)

catholicFootprints in a Darkened Forest
by Fulton Sheen (New York: Meredith Press, 1967)

catholicNewman's Essay on the Development of Doctrine
by Orestes Brownson (Brownson’s Quarterly Review, July, 1846)

catholicThe Story of the Trapp Family Singers
by Maria von Trapp (Philadelphia: Lippincott, 1949)

catholicJohn Henry Newman
by Avery Dulles (London/NY: Continuum, 2009, 176 pp.)

catholicAnother Look at John Henry Cardinal Newman
by Richard Sartino (e-book, pdf file, n.d., 36 pp.)

catholicThe Rise of the Neo-Communist Empire: Origins and Directions
by Toby Westerman (Authorhouse, 2009, 231 pp.)

catholicThe Lennon Prophecy: A New Examination of the Death Clues of the Beatles
by Joseph Niezgoda (New Chapter Press, 2009, 284 pp.)

catholicThe Case for the Cause: Is Mother Teresa of Calcutta a Saint?
by Mark Michael Zima (Nashville: Cold Tree Press, 2007, 268 pp.)

catholicThe Gauntlet: A Challenge to the Myth of Progress
by Arthur J. Penty (Norfolk, VA: IHS Press, 2003, 95 pp.)

catholicNo Crisis in the Church?
by Simon Galloway (Manchester: New Olive Press, 2006, 268 pp.)

catholicGabriel Garcia Moreno
by Mary Monica Maxwell-Scott (Oconomowoc: Apostolate OLGS, 2004, 185 pp.)

catholicThe Prince Dethroned
by A. J. West, (Publish America, 2005, 192 pp.)

catholicWorld Youth Day - From Catholicism to Counterchurch
by Cornelia R. Ferreira and John Vennari (Canisius Books, 2005, 229 pp.)

catholicDistributism: A Manifesto
by Arthur Penty (Norfolk, VA: IHS Press, 2004, 126 pp.)

catholicThe Da Vinci Code
by Dan Brown (NY: Doubleday, 2003, 454 pp.)

catholicA Guildsman’s Interpretation of History
by Arthur J. Penty (London: George Allen & Unwin Ltd, 1920, 315 pp.)

catholicThe Bugnini Liturgy and the Reform of the Reform
by Lazlo Dobszay (Catholic Church Music Association, 2003, 217 pp.)

catholicThe Catholic Revolution - New Wine, Old Wineskins, & Vatican II
by Andrew Greeley (University of California Press, 2004, 224 pp.)

catholicBeyond Politics: A Meta-Historical View
by Solange Strong Hertz (Remnant Press, 2003, 291 pp.)

catholicClose-ups of the Charismatic Movement
by John Vennari (Los Angeles: TIA, 2002, 175 pp.)  - Reviewed by Guimarães

catholicClose-ups of the Charismatic Movement
by John Vennari (Los Angeles: TIA, 2002, 175 pp.) - Reviewed by Horvat

catholicA Kinder, Gentler Military: How Political Correctness Affects Our Ability to Win Wars
by Stephanie Gutmann (Long Prairie, MN: The Neumann Press, 2000, 205 pp.)

catholicThe Hebrew People and its Holy Scriptures in the Christian Bible
by the Pontifical Biblical Commission, (Libreria Editrice Vaticana, 2001, 213 pp.)

catholicA Critical Examination of the Theology of Karl Rahner
by Robert C. McCarthy (Buchanan Dam, TX: Carthay Ventures, 2001, 64 pp.)

catholicGods of Wasteland
by Michael J. Matt (St. Paul: The Remnant Press, 2000, 193 pp.)

catholicTrianon, A Novel of Royal France
by Elena Maria Vidal (Long Prairie, MN: The Neumann Press, 2000, 205 pp.)

catholicPapal Primacy in the Third Millennium
by Russell Shaw (Huntington, IN: Our Sunday Visitor, 2000, 186 pp.)

catholicThe Changing Face of the Priesthood
by Donald B. Cozzens (Collegeville: The Liturgical Press, 2000, 148 pp.)

catholicGone with the Wind in the Vatican
(Via col Vento in Vaticano) anonymous (Milan: Kaos Edizione, 1999, 297 pp.)

catholicThe Reform of the Papacy
by Arch. John R. Quinn (New York: Herder & Herder, 1999, 189 pp.)

catholicWhat Went Wrong with Vatican II ? The Catholic Crisis Explained
by Dr. Ralph McInerny (Manchester: Sophia Press, 1998, 170 pp.)

catholicSame-Sex Unions in Pre-modern Europe
by John Boswell (New York, Canada: Random House Books, 1994, 412 pp.)

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Reviews on TIA Books - Part II

catholic Salwa Bachar on In the Murky Waters of Vatican II
by Atila S. Guimarães (Los Angeles: TIA, 2008, 3rd ed.), 396 pp.

catholic Jonathan B. Coe on Our Lady of Good Success: Prophecies for Our Times
by Marian T. Horvat (Los Angeles: TIA, 1999, 5th ed.), 72 pp.

catholic Barbara Maczek on Discovering Our Lady of Bethlehem
by Judith Fife Mead and Marian T. Horvat (Los Angeles: TIA, 2017), 76 pp

catholicMargaret C. Galitzin on Eli, Eli, Lamma Sabacthani?
Michael St. Amand interviews Atila Guimarães (Los Angeles: TIA, 2017), 96 pp

catholicRobert Banaugh, Ph.D. on Creatio
by Atila S. Guimarães (Los Angeles: TIA, 2016), 272 pp

catholicMargaret C. Galitzin on Fumus Satanae
by Atila S. Guimarães (Los Angeles: TIA, 2015), 398 pp

catholicMarian T. Horvat, Ph.D. on Fumus Satanae
by Atila S. Guimarães (Los Angeles: TIA, 2015), 398 pp

catholicDr. Remi Amelunxen on The Marvelous St. Philomena
by M. Horvat, J. Mead, E. Miller & C. Croisette (Los Angeles: TIA, 2013), 86 pp.

catholicLyle J. Arnold, Jr. on Destructio Dei - Destruction of God
by Atila S. Guimarães (Los Angeles: TIA, 2012), 406 pp.

catholicLyle J. Arnold, Jr. on In the Murky Waters, Animus Delendi I & II
the three books by Atila S. Guimarães

catholicFr. Paul Sretenovic on Animus Injuriandi I
by Atila S. Guimarães (Los Angeles: TIA, 2010), 392 pp.

catholicFrank M. Rega, S.F.O. on In the Murky Waters of Vatican II
by Atila S. Guimarães (Los Angeles: TIA, 2008), 396 pp.

catholicEric Hester on Courtesy Calls Again
by Judith Fife Mead & Marian T. Horvat (Los Angeles: TIA, 2009), 151 pp.

catholicFr. Paul Sretenovic on Courtesy Calls Again
by Judith Fife Mead & Marian T. Horvat (Los Angeles: TIA, 2009), 151 pp.

catholicDr. Alice von Hildebrand on Courtesy Calls Again
by Judith Fife Mead & Marian T. Horvat (Los Angeles: TIA, 2009), 151 pp.

catholicToby Westerman on Ecclesia
by Atila S. Guimarães (Los Angeles: TIA, 2009), 320 pp.

catholicEric Hester on A Catholic Manual of Civility
by Marian T. Horvat (Los Angeles: TIA, 2008), 160 pp.

catholicFr. Paul Sretenovic on Will He Find Faith
by Atila S. Guimarães (Los Angeles: TIA, 2007), 384 pp.

catholicFr. Stephen Somerville on Vatican II, Homosexuality and Pedophilia
by Atila S. Guimarães (Los Angeles: TIA, 2004), 315 pp.

catholicCyndi Cain on The Admirable Life of Mother Mariana
by Fr. Manuel Souza Pereira (Los Angeles: TIA, 2004), 258 pp.

catholicGary Morella on Vatican II, Homosexuality and Pedophilia
by Atila S. Guimarães (Los Angeles: TIA, 2004), 315 pp.

catholicMarian Horvat on Vatican II, Homosexuality, and Pedophilia
by Atila S. Guimarães (Los Angeles: TIA, 2004), 315 pp.

catholicJonathan Tuttle on War, Just War
by Atila S. Guimarães (Los Angeles: TIA, 2003), 100 pp.

catholicSolange S. Hertz on Stories and Miracles of Our Lady of Good Success
by Marian T. Horvat, Ph.D. (Los Angeles: TIA, 2002), 101 pp.

catholicTraditio - Traditional Catholic Website on Previews of the New Papacy
by Atila S.Guimarães and Marian T. Horvat, Ph.D. (L.A.: TIA, 2001), 285 pp.

catholicBishop Richard Williamson on In the Murky Waters & Animus Delendi I
Both books by Atila S. Guimarães

catholicMichael J. Matt on Animus Delendi I
by Atila S. Guimarães (Los Angeles: TIA, 2000), 503 pp.

catholicJohn Vennari on Animus Delendi I
by Atila S. Guimarães (Los Angeles: TIA, 2000), 503 pp.

catholicTraditio - Traditional Roman Catholic Website on We Resist You to the Face
by A. Guimarães, M. Matt, J. Vennari and M. Horvat (L.A.: TIA, 2000), 168 pp.

catholicSolange S. Hertz on Quo Vadis, Petre?
by Atila S. Guimarães (Los Angeles: TIA, 1998), 110 pp.

catholicMark Ellis on In the Murky Waters of Vatican II
by Atila S. Guimarães (Metairie, LA: Maeta, 1997), 453 pp.

catholicFr. Charles Fiore on In the Murky Waters of Vatican II
by Atila S. Guimarães (Metairie, LA: Maeta, 1997), 453 pp.

catholicFr. Brian W. Harrison, O.S. on In the Murky Waters of Vatican II
by Atila S. Guimarães (Metairie, LA: Maeta, 1997), 453 pp.

catholicBrother Francis of St. Benedict Center on In the Murky Waters of Vatican II
by Atila S. Guimarães (Metairie, LA: Maeta, 1997), 453 pp.

catholicToby Westerman on In the Murky Waters of Vatican II
by Atila S. Guimarães (Metairie, LA: Maeta, 1997), 453 pp.

catholicJohn Vennari on In the Murky Waters of Vatican II
by Atila S. Guimarães (Metairie, LA: Maeta, 1997), 453 pp.

catholicSolange S. Hertz on In the Murky Waters of Vatican II
by Atila S. Guimarães (Metairie, LA: Maeta, 1997), 453 pp.

catholicFr. Malachi Martin’s Foreward on In the Murky Waters of Vatican II
by Atila S. Guimarães (Metairie, LA: Maeta, 1997), 453 pp.

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