Book Reviews
A Book of Resistance - to the Face
TRADITIO - Traditional Roman Catholic Website
Book-review on We Resist You to the Face by Atila S. Guimarães, Michael J. Matt,
John Vennari and Marian T. Horvat, Ph.D., (Los Angeles: TIA, 2000), 168 pp.
I would like to bring to your attention a new book that is most needed.
We Resist You to the Face, after the example of St. Paul, who resisted St. Peter to the face when the latter fell from Apostolic doctrine, is a public statement of resistance against the Novus Ordo fallacy by four noted traditional Catholic journalists: Atila Sinke Guimarães, Michael Matt, John Vennari, and Marian Therese Horvat.
The book attempts to elevate the dialog to the “principles” involved. It is simply sensible. Traditional Catholics will find this book a most welcome addition to their arsenal of understanding and apologetics for the traditional Catholic Faith.
Part I contains a summary of where the Traditional Catholic Movement is, how the “progressivists” are growing in the intensity of their attacks upon the traditional faith, how traditional Catholics are increasingly being attacked. Then follow the journalists’ public declaration of resistance to the Novus Ordo apparatus.
As one who value words above pictures, I must admit the devastating effect that the selection of photographs in Part I produces. For those who do not have a copy of Peter, Lovest Thou Me?, this new book contains the crucial pictures showing the true Novus Ordo in all its glory – bare-breasted women presenting themselves to the Pope at the Novus Ordo Worship Service, the kissing of the Mohammedan Koran containing blasphemies against Our Lord and His Blessed Mother, the embracing of the Schismatic Patriarch before the Holy Altar of St. Peter, and many, many more.
Part II offers an arsenal of articles by the authors on specific points of dispute, including historical precedents for Popes falling into personal error and heresy.
What we are experiencing now may (or may not) be worse than the past, but it is certainly not without historical precedent – or without effective remedy. These four journalists have taken a major step toward that remedy. If only more did so, the Novus Ordo would be on the run even more quickly.
This book review was first posted on Traditio website on June 16, 2000
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