Book Reviews
Vatican II Reexamined
Toby Westerman
Book-review on In the Murky Waters of Vatican II by Atila Sinke Guimarães
Tradition in Action, a group specializing in Catholic apologetics, has recentlyn released the English edition of a new and valuable book, In the Murky Waters of Vatican II, by Atila Sinke Guimarães. It is the first of eleven volumes on the Second Vatican Council and its effect upon the Church. The entire series is entitled Collection Eli, Eli lamma sabacthani? (The words said by Our Lord at His crucifisxion as related by St. Mark and St. Matthew). Mr. Guimarães’s analysis is a rare combination of thorough scholarship and readability employing careful documentation while avoiding destructive polemic.
Fr. Malachi Martin has written a special forward to this volume in which he states that “.... It is not hazardous or rash to predict that this work of Guimarães will be a standard reference work on the subject (of the Council) and well into the 21st Century.”
In the Murky Waters of Vatican II is generously footnoted and contains an impressive bibliography; thus, the reader is given the opportunity to examine areas of particular interest with greater ease and certainty.
The forces of chaos are never idle. Mr. Guimarães’ efforts will be of particular importance as the Church enters into a period of even greater confusion and Satanic attack.
Toby Westerman is the editor of International News Analysis. This book review was first published in Catholic Family News, January 1998
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