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Lennon, Luther & Schonborn
A Satanic Lennon
Dear TIA,
I'm glad you printed something on John Lennon. I have lots of Catholic friends who think that the Beatles were great - and these are traditionalists. But John Lennon in particular was no friend to religion. When you call him prophet of the devil, you are right, but I bet it makes people mad.
In fact, early in his career, John regularly poked fun at church dignitaries, parodied hymns, and drew blasphemous cartoons of Christ on the cross. A biographer Philip Norman writes, "While in Hamburg, John, each Sunday would stand on the balcony, taunting the churchgoers as they walked to St. Joseph's. He attached a water-filled contraceptive to an effigy of Jesus and hung it out for the churchgoers to see. Once he urinated on the heads of three nuns."(Philip Norman, Shout! The Beatles in Their Generation, p. 152)
Later, he started to think that Christ - like the Beatles - might have had divinity thrust on him by fans. When he was under the influence of drugs, he admitted that he thought he was Christ. When he got into Eastern mysticism, he thought Christ's message was to tell us we're all divine, sons of God like Christ - we just don't recognize it. Very up to date thinking - right in line with Vatican II and most of our Bishops.
About Satanic links. Lennon gave a suspicious account of the origin of the name 'Beatles.' In 1961 he wrote: "It came in a vision - a man appeared on a flming pie and said unto them, 'From this day on you are Beatles with an A.' Thank you, Mister Man, they said, thanking him."
Prof. Plinio is right on about the murderer Chapman. After murdering Lennon, he told interviewers he could feel the presence of Satan's demons around him: "I can feel their thoughts. I hear their thoughts. I can hear them talking, but not from the outside, from the inside."
Before John Lennon was murdered, and after the Beatles break-up, he was still using reverse music methods. "Double Fantasy," the last record he ever made, recorded that he was going to be murdered. Yoko Ono sang the piece, "Kiss Kiss Kiss." When played in reverse, you hear a ghostly voice sing, "Satan is Coming....six six six...." and finally the chilling lyrics, "We Shot John Lennon!"
The demons that foretold Lennon's death knew what they were going to do. It was already on the record. Shortly after the record's release, Lennon was shot as predicted. All this lends credence to Mark Chapman's story that he was ordered by Devils to kill John Lennon.
Probably Lennon and Yoko Ono knew about it too. They consulted mediums, astrologists, numerologists, psychics, etc. and had links with the occult. One of Ono's latest albums is titled 'Yes, I'm a Witch'
It seems the Beatles' made some kind of deal with Satan. In his book, The Ultimate Evil, investigator-author Maury Terry writes that between 1966 and 1967, the Satanic cult, the Process Church, "sought to recruit the Rolling Stones and the Beatles. The Beatles' links with Satanist Alastair Crowley are documented. Crowley's photo appeared on the Sgt. Pepper album cover. The Beatles testified that the characters who appeared on the album were their 'heroes.'
Lennon loved to shock, and you are right about that sex act being an act of the devil. Actually, however, it was only simulated. They were shooting a video for a music track. When the camera turned, they suddenly undressed, climbed onto a bed, kissed each other, then simulated having sex. Not even the wildest punks and post-punks had yet dared stage something so bold. I don't know why it doesn't get more publicity. Beatle lovers, especially my Catholic friends, just pretend that didn't happen.
Anyway, thought you might want some more facts about Lennon. Maybe one day I'll write an article on the Satanic links of the Beatles.
A Sordid Luther
Dear TIA,
I am indebted to you for pointing out the wretched character of Martin Luther. I am afraid I had no idea of the reality of this man. I know of course that Protestantism is an error. It was founded after all from disobedience and pride, but I had no idea that Luther was such a sordid individual.
While in school in the 1940s, one of my friends had a Protestant mother. This was very unusual [in Ireland] at the time. When the Sister who taught us pointed out that salvation lies only in the Catholic Church, my friend was of course, very worried as her mother was a good person. Sister explained to her she must work and pray for the conversion of her mother to the true faith and thank God, that is in fact what happened. By the time we were confirmed this girl's mother was attending Holy Mass and became a devout and pious Catholic, much to the relief of my friend.
We seem to have lost the zeal and confidence of this teaching Sister due no doubt, to the influence of ecumenism. It is truly an evil. Christian charity demands that we point out to Protestants the error of their ways and the sordid nature of the founder of this "faith of disobedience".
There are many good Protestants who value true family values, who promote modesty and obedience and surely it is a true act of charity to be honest with them.
Thankfully yours
C.M.P., Ireland
A Clownish Schonborn
In these photos Cardinal Schonborn of Austria is celebrating the Novus Ordo Community Meal Liturgy. It is obvious that the celebration is that of a meal, not a sacrifice, let alone being a propitiatory sacrifice as a valid Mass must be.
Cardinal Schonborn was primarily responsible for the composition of Pope John Paul II's new Catechism of the Catholic Church. This cardinal is also mentioned as a possibility of being Pope after the death of Pope Benedict XVI.
Since it is apparent he is "enjoying" his celebration it follows that the cardinal, were he present at Our Lord's terrible and agonizing ordeal at Calvary, would be enjoying singing, playing with balloons, dancing and in general having a merry old time.
Is it any wonder most of the hierarchy of the conciliar Church detests the old Latin Mass of St. Pius V?
If you were right then, we are right now.
If we are wrong now, you were wrong then.
Posted January 15, 2009

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