What People are Commenting
Synod’s Art, Rigged Elections & The Way
New Book on St. Patrick & St. Brigid
I am the editor of this recently launched book Saints Patrick and Brigid, Patrons of Ireland.
Enjoy these two quaint and charming 19th century biographies of the two most important patrons of Ireland, St. Patrick and St. Brigid. Follow St. Patrick as he journeyed throughout Ireland, converting the nation from the paganism of the Druids. Learn how St. Brigid was one of the very first women to gather consecrated virgins into convents. See their connection with the geography of the land and its early saints, and with each other.
Available in paperback or ebook format.
Click here to see on Amazon.
See all of my books here.
Frank Rega
I am the editor of this recently launched book Saints Patrick and Brigid, Patrons of Ireland.
Enjoy these two quaint and charming 19th century biographies of the two most important patrons of Ireland, St. Patrick and St. Brigid. Follow St. Patrick as he journeyed throughout Ireland, converting the nation from the paganism of the Druids. Learn how St. Brigid was one of the very first women to gather consecrated virgins into convents. See their connection with the geography of the land and its early saints, and with each other.
Available in paperback or ebook format.
Click here to see on Amazon.
See all of my books here.
Frank Rega

Masons & Progressivist Prelates, Out!
Re: Bishop attends opening of a Masonic temple
Catholics are happy people. In these photos of men, none of them looks happy!!!!! They look sour and unhappy. These masons and prelates are not a positive addition to the Catholic Church!!
Who did you say was leading a fight against them?
Re: Bishop attends opening of a Masonic temple
Catholics are happy people. In these photos of men, none of them looks happy!!!!! They look sour and unhappy. These masons and prelates are not a positive addition to the Catholic Church!!
Who did you say was leading a fight against them?
Rigged Elections
Dear TIA,
I am not buying that the Democrats won this election. It is the fruit of the same fraudulent system that has been in place for a long time.
It is ridiculous to speak of democracy and say that the president and the politicians are representatives of the people when the electronic machines give the results the secret forces want. I don’t see too much difference between elections in the U.S. and in Russia or Syria where the dictators stay in power for the time they want. These elections are parodies.
How long will it take for Americans to wake up?
I was glad to see that some people are already aware of it. See the photo below.
Keep up the good work.
In Christ Jesus,
I am not buying that the Democrats won this election. It is the fruit of the same fraudulent system that has been in place for a long time.
It is ridiculous to speak of democracy and say that the president and the politicians are representatives of the people when the electronic machines give the results the secret forces want. I don’t see too much difference between elections in the U.S. and in Russia or Syria where the dictators stay in power for the time they want. These elections are parodies.
How long will it take for Americans to wake up?
I was glad to see that some people are already aware of it. See the photo below.
Keep up the good work.
In Christ Jesus,

Evil Press
You know I don't like the press and it probably don't like me and I'm okay with that. Let me clarify that when I say I don't like the press, it means the person in charge, not the people doing the work. Are there some good people in the press? Of course there are, I am not disputing that, but my point is, it's the CEO's, Managers, Owners and so forth that are what I call, religious liberals who deny the Supernatural at any costs. They serve Satan, their master, and there is a lot of money involved!
"But those who seek to become rich fall into temptation and a snare and into many useless and harmful desires, which plunge MEN (emphasis is mine) into destruction and damnation. For covetousness is the root of all evils, and some in their eagerness to get rich have strayed from the FAITH (emphasis is mine) and have involved themselves in many troubles." (1 Timothy 6:9-10)
What's going on here? To start, we have Bill Gates, who donated $319 million to the press (media and businesses)! So, evil Bill promotes all kinds of evil, population control, and also Bill and his lovely wife, Melinda, contributed or donated $100,000 and another $500,000 to Washington State (I live in Pullman), to support "marriage equality," and also that the Referendum 74 campaign law is good for Washington State.
The Moral Law cannot come from MAN, but ONLY from God the Law Maker.
You know I don't like the press and it probably don't like me and I'm okay with that. Let me clarify that when I say I don't like the press, it means the person in charge, not the people doing the work. Are there some good people in the press? Of course there are, I am not disputing that, but my point is, it's the CEO's, Managers, Owners and so forth that are what I call, religious liberals who deny the Supernatural at any costs. They serve Satan, their master, and there is a lot of money involved!
"But those who seek to become rich fall into temptation and a snare and into many useless and harmful desires, which plunge MEN (emphasis is mine) into destruction and damnation. For covetousness is the root of all evils, and some in their eagerness to get rich have strayed from the FAITH (emphasis is mine) and have involved themselves in many troubles." (1 Timothy 6:9-10)
What's going on here? To start, we have Bill Gates, who donated $319 million to the press (media and businesses)! So, evil Bill promotes all kinds of evil, population control, and also Bill and his lovely wife, Melinda, contributed or donated $100,000 and another $500,000 to Washington State (I live in Pullman), to support "marriage equality," and also that the Referendum 74 campaign law is good for Washington State.
The Moral Law cannot come from MAN, but ONLY from God the Law Maker.
The Way: When the World Loves Despair
Salve Maria!
I was recently asked to watch and analyze a movie called The Way. It is about an older widower who has lost his only son to a storm along the Camino de Santiago, an ancient path that used to be traversed by devout pilgrims. The grieving father decides to walk along this path in order to reckon with his complicated emotions. Along the way, he makes friends with several other travelers, none of whom are Catholic.
Instead, all are journeying with the hope of achieving some sort of self-realization.
Among them are Sarah, who has fled from her abusive husband, Joost, who is seeking to lose weight so his wife will like him again, and Jack, an author hoping to surmount his case of "writer's block." Life has not turned out the way they expected. However, their agony, and the reflection it inspires, is deemed almost attractive. Suffering turns inward instead of being a means to a greater hope in Christ.
Deemed "overly simplistic," hope is replaced by emptiness, and the characters never heal from their struggles. They reflect on life and they make friends, but ultimately, they are still the same broken individuals. They almost cling to their pain. The viewer is made to feel moved by this because he or she likely feels the same way.
Many people would speak of this as "nuance." Really, it ends in despair, not wisdom. There are a lot of modern literary works, songs., and art pieces based in this idea. One that I can think of is the song "Both Sides Now," written by Joni Mitchell. Here is a part of the lyrics:
Tears and fears and feeling proud
To say, "I love you" right out loud
Dreams and schemes and circus crowds
I've looked at life that way
Oh, but now old friends they're acting strange
And they shake their heads and they say I've changed
Well something's lost, but something's gained
In living every day
I've looked at life from both sides now
From win and lose and still somehow
It's life's illusions I recall
I really don't know life at all
A lot of people resonate with this, but why would we prefer this over faith? Why would we prefer confusion to hope?
It is a question I cannot answer.
Indeed, the faithful Catholics who walked the Camino de Santiago during the Middle Ages were simpler than those living now, but it is because they preserved some of the innocence of childhood. They never abandoned the marvelous as silly or false. Rather, to use the phrase of Dr. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira, they advanced "from apex to apex," with a depth that is infinitely greater than what the world now offers.
In Maria,
Clare Hall
I was recently asked to watch and analyze a movie called The Way. It is about an older widower who has lost his only son to a storm along the Camino de Santiago, an ancient path that used to be traversed by devout pilgrims. The grieving father decides to walk along this path in order to reckon with his complicated emotions. Along the way, he makes friends with several other travelers, none of whom are Catholic.
Instead, all are journeying with the hope of achieving some sort of self-realization.
Among them are Sarah, who has fled from her abusive husband, Joost, who is seeking to lose weight so his wife will like him again, and Jack, an author hoping to surmount his case of "writer's block." Life has not turned out the way they expected. However, their agony, and the reflection it inspires, is deemed almost attractive. Suffering turns inward instead of being a means to a greater hope in Christ.
Deemed "overly simplistic," hope is replaced by emptiness, and the characters never heal from their struggles. They reflect on life and they make friends, but ultimately, they are still the same broken individuals. They almost cling to their pain. The viewer is made to feel moved by this because he or she likely feels the same way.
Many people would speak of this as "nuance." Really, it ends in despair, not wisdom. There are a lot of modern literary works, songs., and art pieces based in this idea. One that I can think of is the song "Both Sides Now," written by Joni Mitchell. Here is a part of the lyrics:
Tears and fears and feeling proud
To say, "I love you" right out loud
Dreams and schemes and circus crowds
I've looked at life that way
Oh, but now old friends they're acting strange
And they shake their heads and they say I've changed
Well something's lost, but something's gained
In living every day
I've looked at life from both sides now
From win and lose and still somehow
It's life's illusions I recall
I really don't know life at all
A lot of people resonate with this, but why would we prefer this over faith? Why would we prefer confusion to hope?
It is a question I cannot answer.
Indeed, the faithful Catholics who walked the Camino de Santiago during the Middle Ages were simpler than those living now, but it is because they preserved some of the innocence of childhood. They never abandoned the marvelous as silly or false. Rather, to use the phrase of Dr. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira, they advanced "from apex to apex," with a depth that is infinitely greater than what the world now offers.
In Maria,
Clare Hall

Posted November 15, 2022
The opinions expressed in this section - What People Are Commenting - do not necessarily express those of TIA
Thank you for posting Rita's Stewart's article on the "art" of Becky McIntyre. What I found to be so telling is the manifestation of inferiority to the "traditional" Church which, as noted, this drawing rejects.
Specifically, the use of slogans and catch phrases scattered upon the images strikes me as incredibly puerile and an admission of the abysmal standards of the Vatican II era.
By contrast, could you imagine seeing chiseled across the Blessed Mother's forehead on the Pieta, Michelangelo's commentary 'the agelessness of the pure soul' (he deliberately portrayed her as younger than the upper-40s she would have reached by that point in time) or reading his own graffiti upon the Sistine Chapel's Last Judgment 'this is Hell - it is not a happy place'?
If one were to seek Truth in the post-Vatican II era, there is at least one such truth that has been manifested a million times in its art and architecture: godlessness is incapable of beauty.
Fr. J.F.