Progressivism in the Church
Church Revolution in Pictures
Photo of the Week
Bishop attends opening of a Masonic temple
Bishop Francesco Antonio Soddu of Terni, Italy, attended the inauguration in his city of a Masonic house, which hosts two temples in it.In doing this, Bishop Soddu did not fear sanctions from the Vatican, since he is following the same policy of the Conciliar Popes, who adopted the ideals of Freemasonry - liberty, equality, fraternity (here, here, here and here). For a long period now, they have allowed high-ranking Vatican representatives to address the Masons with cordial letters, such as the case of Card. Ravasi, president of the Pontifical Council for Culture.
Not to mention the case of Card. Carlo Maria Martini, ex-Archbishop of Milan, who, according to the Grand Oriente d'Italia Democratico, was a member of Freemasonry.
This closeness of the Conciliar establishment to one of the greatest enemies of the Catholic Church should open the eyes of those who still nurture the illusion that present day Church men confess the Catholic Faith and fight for her victory over her enemies.
Photos from
Grand Orient of Italy & Internet

Posted November 6, 2022