What People are Commenting
Bugnolo & Brazil against Communism
'Bugnolo Never Posted My Responses'
Re: Your Bugnolo post today
Thank you for addressing. The list I sent him was the list from your website about B16. I can't find the link now... but it listed many articles all on one page which I copied and posted.
He [Fr. Bugnolo] removed that part of the message and didn't post some of my responses.
Here are some he never posted...
Re: Your Bugnolo post today
Thank you for addressing. The list I sent him was the list from your website about B16. I can't find the link now... but it listed many articles all on one page which I copied and posted.
He [Fr. Bugnolo] removed that part of the message and didn't post some of my responses.
Here are some he never posted...
- A Pope who has promoted and celebrated Novus Ordo false worship is not going to restore Tradition, unless he is converted. There is plenty of evidence of his modernism if one studies his ministry, actions and writings. More than a few have found much heresy in his writings.
- You seem naïve and resort to name calling when you refuse to look at the facts. Summorum Pontificum did not restore Tradition. Quo Primum stands alone. Quo Primum – The Latin Mass forever, The New World Order/Novus Ordo mass is illegal.
Excellent Analogy
Dear Editors,
Re: Tricks & Traps of the Bene-Vacantists
May grace and peace be yours in abundance through knowledge of God and Jesus our Lord!
Thank you for Mr. Atila Sinke Guimarães' erudite and charitable response to Bene-Vacantism and Sedevacantism.
I certainly understand the appeal of such positions, given the outrages of the conciliar popes, but I find Mr. Guimarães analogy of an invading army an excellent way of approaching the Sede- and Bene-vacantist arguments through logical, rational and Biblical lenses.
Michael Hoffman’s book Usury in Christendom: The Mortal Sin that Was and Now is Not exposes the fallacies inherent in Sede and Bene-vacantism through a different lens. Hoffman proposes that if major pontifical heresy and/or the failure to correct major heresies of prior pontiffs de facto empties the Chair of St. Peter, then a “true” Sedevacantist would need to claim that the Holy See has been vacant since at least Leo X, when the money interest formally began changing the time-honored Biblical and Church definitions of usury. Sedevacantism dating back to Leo X's (and Luther’s) time seems indefensible when viewed through the lens of Holy Scripture.
I could be wrong (and please correct me if I am), but I do find it plausible that Benedict XVI could still actually be the pope, even as I reject the Bene-vacantism position. In my thinking, it’s not overly important for me as a lay person to know which living progressivist pontiff is actually holding the Chair of Peter. I find the concept of two living popes confusing—especially with many long-ago examples of anti-popes under such conditions. Therefore, when I offer prayers for the intentions of the Holy Father, I do just that—without attaching a name to those prayers.
Thank you for your apostolate! It’s like corrective lenses for those with eyes that can see.
Peace & Joy,
Re: Tricks & Traps of the Bene-Vacantists
May grace and peace be yours in abundance through knowledge of God and Jesus our Lord!
Thank you for Mr. Atila Sinke Guimarães' erudite and charitable response to Bene-Vacantism and Sedevacantism.
I certainly understand the appeal of such positions, given the outrages of the conciliar popes, but I find Mr. Guimarães analogy of an invading army an excellent way of approaching the Sede- and Bene-vacantist arguments through logical, rational and Biblical lenses.
Michael Hoffman’s book Usury in Christendom: The Mortal Sin that Was and Now is Not exposes the fallacies inherent in Sede and Bene-vacantism through a different lens. Hoffman proposes that if major pontifical heresy and/or the failure to correct major heresies of prior pontiffs de facto empties the Chair of St. Peter, then a “true” Sedevacantist would need to claim that the Holy See has been vacant since at least Leo X, when the money interest formally began changing the time-honored Biblical and Church definitions of usury. Sedevacantism dating back to Leo X's (and Luther’s) time seems indefensible when viewed through the lens of Holy Scripture.
I could be wrong (and please correct me if I am), but I do find it plausible that Benedict XVI could still actually be the pope, even as I reject the Bene-vacantism position. In my thinking, it’s not overly important for me as a lay person to know which living progressivist pontiff is actually holding the Chair of Peter. I find the concept of two living popes confusing—especially with many long-ago examples of anti-popes under such conditions. Therefore, when I offer prayers for the intentions of the Holy Father, I do just that—without attaching a name to those prayers.
Thank you for your apostolate! It’s like corrective lenses for those with eyes that can see.
Peace & Joy,
Brazil Stands Up against Communism
Dear TIA,
I am writing to you so that you can enlighten the American public about what is happening in my country.
The Brazilian people have taken to the streets since the results of the run-off elections were published on October 30. The criminal Lula was "re-elected" and the conservative and very popular Bolsonero is out - 50.9% for Lula vs 49.1% for Bolsonaro). It is a replay of your Trump-Biden drama.
Why are the Brazilians in the streets? What is the background of this situation?
As a Brazilian I ask your prayers for my country in this crucial time.
In Jesu et Maria,
I am writing to you so that you can enlighten the American public about what is happening in my country.
The Brazilian people have taken to the streets since the results of the run-off elections were published on October 30. The criminal Lula was "re-elected" and the conservative and very popular Bolsonero is out - 50.9% for Lula vs 49.1% for Bolsonaro). It is a replay of your Trump-Biden drama.
Why are the Brazilians in the streets? What is the background of this situation?
- The crux of the crisis is the Federal Supreme Court, which is like the one you have in the United States. It is composed of 11 judges who rule until they reach age 75. When one judge retires, his replacement is chosen by the President and ratified by the Senate. Now then, after 14 years of communist rule in Brazil (two terms of Lula or 8 years, plus 1 1/2 terms or 6 years of
Rousseff, 8 of the 11 members of the Supreme Court have been named by these two Presidents, that is to say, they are radical leftists.
- Bolsonaro was elected by the people in 2018, but had to govern his four-year-term with the leftist Supreme Court against him.
- Lula was condemned to 9 years in prison for corruption by a regional court (Curitiba). He appealed that sentence to a higher regional court (Porto Alegre) and his sentence, instead of being annulled, was extended to 12 years. He served two years of his jail term. After that, the Supreme Court annulled his sentences under the pretext that it was not legal to put an ex-president in jail. Then, the Supreme Court opened an exception for Lula to run for a third term. Brazil only allows a person to have two terms as president.
- The ballot counting in a Brazilian election is done by the Regional Electoral Courts, which rely on the Federal Electoral Court for final decisions on presidential elections. The Federal Electoral Court is composed of three judges of the Supreme Court. In the last October 2 election, the final result was indecisive, probably rigged by the Federal Electoral Court. Thus the need for a run-off, which took place on October 30, that is, four days ago.
- It is almost certain that the Supreme Court changed the results to favor Lula. That is, the country is living under a dictatorship of the Supreme Court, which is now dictating who must be the next president. This means that the Judicial Power is abusing its role and imposing its will on the Executive Power.
- It is also terrorizing the Legislative Power by persecuting and jailing Chamber representatives who complain
about the present day policies of the Supreme Court. That is, it is also imposing its will on the Legislative Power.
- According to the Brazilian Constitution, when there is a conflict between the Executive, the Legislative and the Judicial powers, the one to resolve the conflict is the Supreme
Court of the Armed Forces.
- In this scenario, the people did not accept the result of the election and went to the streets to protest pacifically against corruption and Communism, and to ask the Armed Forces to enter the picture and restore order.
- As soon as the run-off results were known, the protests started with truck drivers blocking all the main freeways of the country. They were followed by protests made by the entire population; the number going to the streets to protest the "rigged" election results is constantly increasing, as shown in the videos on this page.
- The restoration of order certainly implies that the evidence of election fraud will be exposed before the Military Court of the three Forces – Army, Navy and Air Force. If fraud on the part of the Supreme Court is proved, it should be dissolved and a provisory solution must be found until new judges are named.
- It is indispensable to note that if the Armed Forces intervene, they will be fulfilling an obligation set out in the Constitution; by following the demands of the population; their take-over of the State will not be a coup. They will assume charge of the political situation not permanently, but only as long it will be necessary. When order is restored, they should return to their headquarters.
- If fraud is proved, it will show that Bolsonaro probably had already been elected in the first round and that he should be inaugurated as President in January.
- If this happens, then the activists of Left will probably also take to the streets to protest in a non-pacific way.
- The Armed Forces and the Police facing this ongoing scenario should be ready to intervene also in the streets in case the manifestations cease to be pacific.
- Presently the people are still in the streets. Right now a general strike of the entire country is being called for November 7. In the political sphere, the talk is that the evidence of fraud on the part of the Supreme Court is ready to be demonstrated by Bolsonaro to the Military Court.
As a Brazilian I ask your prayers for my country in this crucial time.
In Jesu et Maria,

Posted November 3, 2022
The opinions expressed in this section - What People Are Commenting - do not necessarily express those of TIA
Re: Tricks & Traps of Bene-Vacantism
As an admirer and owner of both your work and the work of Brother Bugnolo, please note that I have shown your comment to Br. Bugnolo and he has modified his comment, which to me he admits to have originally written in haste, not knowing anyone was trolling him.
With gratitude and admiration,