Progressivism in the Church
Church Revolution in Pictures
Photo of the Week
Brazilian 'Gay' Priest Celebrates the Epiphany
Fr. José Pinto, above, is a priest at the Church of Our Lady of the Conception in the neighborhood of Lapinha, in the city of Salvador, State of Bahia, Brazil. He was named pastor of that parish in 1974 and remained there for 32 years, until 2006, when he was suspended, but not transferred. As soon as he resolves certain "misunderstandings," he will be reinstated in his functions.
The main reason for his suspension was the general complaints of the faithful about his 2006 Epiphany celebration, whose photos we repoduce here. Above, the priest wears a gaudy multi-colored outfit supposedly representing the garb of the Three Magis. After preaching from the altar, Fr. Pinto, who has a degree in ballet, entered the aisles to dance among the attendees, below first row.
Dressed in yellow, he offered a homage to Oxum, a voodoo deity. Next, changing to orange vestments, he danced to honor the Brazilan Indian natives, second row.
After receiving his suspension, he gave an interview to the local TV station where he appeared in a sleeveless white tunic top, wearing large earrings, make-up, womens' sandals and silver painted toenails, third and fourth rows. The reporter asked about his participation in the next 'gay parade,' and he confirmed his plans to be there "wearing the most brilliant possible outfit, because I am born to shine"...
Regarding his suspension, Cardinal Geraldo Majella, Archbishop of Salvador and Primate of Brazil, was very lenient. He only saw certain "misunderstandings" of the priest, leaving every door open for Fr. Pinto to return to his functions.
For the complete video in Portuguese, click here.
For the Archdiocesan notice, also in Portuguese, click here.
Posted January 11, 2009

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