Progressivism in the Church
Church Revolution in Pictures
Photo of the Week
Bergoglio, Patron of Argentine Porno Carnival
Following in the bad footsteps of the Brazilian porno Carnival, for some years Argentina has been eagerly competing with its model by hosting a bold porno Carnival in the city of Gualeguaychu, some 130 miles north of Buenos Aires.This year, one of the samba schools chose "to pay homage" to Pope Francis, and dedicated four floats to him in the Carnival parade. The first float, above and below first row, displays a gigantic yellow face of a smiling Bergoglio with a magnetic gaze that pops out of an enormous soccer ball. Over the ensemble a dove hovers, a clear claim that the Holy Spirit would be approving both Bergoglio and the immoral dress.
Right under Bergoglio's nose is a woman dressed in a transparent sequin bikini, with angels in white holding long trumpets on either side of her. She descends from that soccer heaven to the street on a staircase flanked by fantastic three-horned angel-harlequins with red wings and drums, probably representing the joker devils who love Francis.
The second float, second row, is a simple truck that has on its balcony a double of Bergoglio dressed as pope. He holds on to the unstable railing to keep his balance and, when he can, waves to the people imitating Francis.
The third float, third to fifth rows, represents a church topped by a display of glory quite similar to a monstrance with the Holy Sacrament. Another blasphemous inference. At the entrance of the church are women-angels dressed in white flowing skirts that open to show their legs.
Behind the gold draperies at the entrance of this church, fourth row, we can see the same angels along with what can be described as almost naked women. Between the arches of the church and on its altars are other women in bikinis provoking the audience with their lustful movements as they dance to the beat of the samba.
The last float, seventh row, hardly visible in the photo, seems to be a huge chandelier that has dancing women as its candles.
The whole shows us that the bad people – those who reject the example and teachings of Our Lord Jesus Christ and His Church – love Jorge Bergoglio. This brings to mind that simple criterion He gave for us to recognize those who are His: If you had been of the world, the world would love its own: but because you are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you. (Jn 15:19)
It is not hard to conclude that Pope Francis is not a true disciple of Our Lord.
Photos from various sources in the Internet first seen in Amor de la Verdad

Posted February 15, 2015