What People are Commenting
‘Blessed’ Acutis & Preparing Us for Aliens
Where Is the Hierarchy?
Re: Sensual dance profanes Toledo Cathedral
You wrote: "... if the laity would react more energetically to such desecrations, it would oblige the clergy and Hierarchy to curtail the boldness of their escalating destruction."
Shouldn't it be the Hierarchy and clergy providing guidance and instruction to the laity?
We really do live in a topsy-turvy world!
Re: Sensual dance profanes Toledo Cathedral
You wrote: "... if the laity would react more energetically to such desecrations, it would oblige the clergy and Hierarchy to curtail the boldness of their escalating destruction."
Shouldn't it be the Hierarchy and clergy providing guidance and instruction to the laity?
We really do live in a topsy-turvy world!
'Blessed' Carlo Acutis in Swimwear
Does this boy looks like a saint? But the Vatican made him “Blessed” Carlo Acutis...
In Jesu et Maria,
Does this boy looks like a saint? But the Vatican made him “Blessed” Carlo Acutis...

In Jesu et Maria,
Preparing to Meet ETs
Quite curious! Now we have the NASA preparing to have contacts with aliens…
Is all that sci-fi of Hollywood regarding UFOs coming to be a reality?
Read below.
NASA Has Hired a Priest to Prepare Humans for Extraterrestrial Life
Aishwarya Dharni
Dec 27, 2021 - NASA wants to assess how humans will react if alien life is found on other planets and discovery could impact our ideas of gods and creation.
According to reports, the agency is hiring 24 theologians to take part in its program at the Center for Theological Inquiry (CTI) at Princeton University in New Jersey, which NASA gave a $1.1 million grant to in 2014.
CTI is described as building 'bridges of understanding by convening theologians, scientists, scholars, and policymakers to think together.
The program's aim is to answer questions that have confused us for a long time such as 'What is life? What does it mean to be alive? Where do we draw the line between humans and aliens? What are the possibilities for sentient life in other places?'
Presently, NASA has two rovers on Mars, and several probes orbiting Jupiter and Saturn. It also launched the James Web Telescope yesterday that will study galaxy, star and planet formation in the universe. The agency is in hopes to discover life outside Earth.
The Rev Dr Andrew Davison, a priest and theologian at the University of Cambridge with a doctorate in biochemistry from Oxford, is among 24 theologians chosen for the program.
'Religious traditions would be an important feature in how humanity would work through any such confirmation of life elsewhere,' Davidson shared in a blog post on the University of Cambridge site.
'Because of that, it features as part of NASA's ongoing aim to support work on 'the societal implications of astrobiology', working with various partner organizations, including the Center of Theological Inquiry at Princeton.'
Davison is set to publish a book next year, titled Astrobiology and Christian Doctrine, which notes he believes we are getting closer to finding life on other planets.
Original here.
Quite curious! Now we have the NASA preparing to have contacts with aliens…
Is all that sci-fi of Hollywood regarding UFOs coming to be a reality?
Read below.
Aishwarya Dharni
Dec 27, 2021 - NASA wants to assess how humans will react if alien life is found on other planets and discovery could impact our ideas of gods and creation.
According to reports, the agency is hiring 24 theologians to take part in its program at the Center for Theological Inquiry (CTI) at Princeton University in New Jersey, which NASA gave a $1.1 million grant to in 2014.
CTI is described as building 'bridges of understanding by convening theologians, scientists, scholars, and policymakers to think together.
The program's aim is to answer questions that have confused us for a long time such as 'What is life? What does it mean to be alive? Where do we draw the line between humans and aliens? What are the possibilities for sentient life in other places?'
Presently, NASA has two rovers on Mars, and several probes orbiting Jupiter and Saturn. It also launched the James Web Telescope yesterday that will study galaxy, star and planet formation in the universe. The agency is in hopes to discover life outside Earth.
The Rev Dr Andrew Davison, a priest and theologian at the University of Cambridge with a doctorate in biochemistry from Oxford, is among 24 theologians chosen for the program.
'Religious traditions would be an important feature in how humanity would work through any such confirmation of life elsewhere,' Davidson shared in a blog post on the University of Cambridge site.
'Because of that, it features as part of NASA's ongoing aim to support work on 'the societal implications of astrobiology', working with various partner organizations, including the Center of Theological Inquiry at Princeton.'
Davison is set to publish a book next year, titled Astrobiology and Christian Doctrine, which notes he believes we are getting closer to finding life on other planets.
Original here.
A Pro-Life Victory
Dear TIA,
Please read the news report below. It is a victory for us.
GOP Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine Signs 'Born Alive' Abortion Bill
Russell Falcon
December 23 — (KXAN) — On Wednesday, Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine signed into law the state’s Senate Bill 157, also known as the “Born-Alive Infant Protection Act” — requiring doctors to save the lives of babies who are born alive after attempted abortions.
Doctors face felony charges of “abortion manslaughter” if they don’t comply, The Hill reports. Ohio SB 157 also allows for women to sue doctors for a baby’s “wrongful death” if a doctor doesn’t act to save the baby’s life.
Doctors could also face loss of their medical licenses.
“Gov. DeWine and Ohio Republican legislators have been courageous advocates for the most vulnerable among us, the unborn,” Ohio GOP Chairman Bob Paduchik said in a statement.
SB 157 also bans clinics who provide abortions from working with instructors at university/college-affiliated medical schools, state hospitals and other public institutions.
The legislation comes amid a nationwide crusade against abortion access by some lawmakers. The majority of bills are authored or backed by Republican lawmakers.
Back in September, Texas Senate Bill 8 went into law and became the most restrictive abortion legislation in the U.S. It bans abortions when cardiac activity is present in a fetus. That can be as early as six weeks into a pregnancy and before many people even realize they’re pregnant.
A bill similar to Ohio’s “Born-Alive” Act was also passed by Kentucky in January.
In a few months, the U.S. Supreme Court is expected to rule on Dobbs v. Jackson — which could effectively end rights granted by the landmark Roe v. Wade. Petitioner Dobbs, a Mississippi State Health Officer, argues abortion access is not a constitutional right, while defendant Jackson Women’s Health Organization says abortions are covered under “liberty” in the Fourteenth Amendment.
Should SCOTUS move to overturn Roe, it’s estimated over 65 million Americans would lose access to abortions in their home states.
Original here
Please read the news report below. It is a victory for us.
Russell Falcon
December 23 — (KXAN) — On Wednesday, Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine signed into law the state’s Senate Bill 157, also known as the “Born-Alive Infant Protection Act” — requiring doctors to save the lives of babies who are born alive after attempted abortions.
Doctors face felony charges of “abortion manslaughter” if they don’t comply, The Hill reports. Ohio SB 157 also allows for women to sue doctors for a baby’s “wrongful death” if a doctor doesn’t act to save the baby’s life.
Doctors could also face loss of their medical licenses.
“Gov. DeWine and Ohio Republican legislators have been courageous advocates for the most vulnerable among us, the unborn,” Ohio GOP Chairman Bob Paduchik said in a statement.
SB 157 also bans clinics who provide abortions from working with instructors at university/college-affiliated medical schools, state hospitals and other public institutions.
The legislation comes amid a nationwide crusade against abortion access by some lawmakers. The majority of bills are authored or backed by Republican lawmakers.
Back in September, Texas Senate Bill 8 went into law and became the most restrictive abortion legislation in the U.S. It bans abortions when cardiac activity is present in a fetus. That can be as early as six weeks into a pregnancy and before many people even realize they’re pregnant.
A bill similar to Ohio’s “Born-Alive” Act was also passed by Kentucky in January.
In a few months, the U.S. Supreme Court is expected to rule on Dobbs v. Jackson — which could effectively end rights granted by the landmark Roe v. Wade. Petitioner Dobbs, a Mississippi State Health Officer, argues abortion access is not a constitutional right, while defendant Jackson Women’s Health Organization says abortions are covered under “liberty” in the Fourteenth Amendment.
Should SCOTUS move to overturn Roe, it’s estimated over 65 million Americans would lose access to abortions in their home states.
Original here

Posted December 30, 2021
The opinions expressed in this section - What People Are Commenting - do not necessarily express those of TIA
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