What People are Commenting
Covid Concerto & Blessing Causes Flooding
Covid Concerto
Dear TIA,
A light piece of humor by an English comedian criticizing the Covid hysteria and government impositions: click here.
A light piece of humor by an English comedian criticizing the Covid hysteria and government impositions: click here.
PEW Surveys
Dear TIA,
Re: Lax Catholics Increase
The USCCB seems to rely very heavily on the PEW survey organization, who are funded by wealthy liberals. I researched it a while back, but I don't have time today to point out the specific facts but if you look into it, you will find that to rely on one liberal-funded survey firm to guide the policies of the USCCB is an egregious error.
I, or anyone I know, was never asked by PEW what I believe. Perhaps the people they interview are not quite so random.
I did not believe their old "research" that 70% of Catholics did not believe in the True Presence, among other falsehoods. This disinformation was and is demoralizing to Catholics and many uncatechized and youth are influenced to join "the crowd."
There are many other harmful ramifications of following the nuances of PEW to look into.
Thank you.
Re: Lax Catholics Increase
The USCCB seems to rely very heavily on the PEW survey organization, who are funded by wealthy liberals. I researched it a while back, but I don't have time today to point out the specific facts but if you look into it, you will find that to rely on one liberal-funded survey firm to guide the policies of the USCCB is an egregious error.
I, or anyone I know, was never asked by PEW what I believe. Perhaps the people they interview are not quite so random.
I did not believe their old "research" that 70% of Catholics did not believe in the True Presence, among other falsehoods. This disinformation was and is demoralizing to Catholics and many uncatechized and youth are influenced to join "the crowd."
There are many other harmful ramifications of following the nuances of PEW to look into.
Thank you.
Blessing or Cursing?
Dear TIA,
Salve Maria!
Was Pope Francis' recent "blessing" of Rio Grande do Sul a curse?
The homosexual leftist governor of Brazilian State of Rio Grande do Sul (RS), Eduardo Leite, went to the Vatican on April 17, 2024 to ask for a blessing for RS from Pope Francis, first photo below.
Not long afterwards, beginning on April 26, severe rain hit the state, causing recording flooding, deaths and displacement of over half a million Brazilians:
“The toll of dead by the rains in State of Rio Grande do Sul went to 157 on May 19, according to the State Civil Defense. There are still 88 disappeared persons. The authorities calculate that the catastrophe has harmed the lives of 2.3 million in 463 municipalities so far, which represent 93% of the municipalities in the State. The number of persons who had abandoned their houses is 581,633 and the number of those living in public shelters is 76,955.”
The question that is being asked: Was Pope Francis' blessing of Rio Grande do Sul a malediction? This is perhaps yet another symbolic/metaphysical proof that God is not pleased with the progressivist infiltration in the Church as well as the official acceptation of homosexuality.
More data here, here, here, here, here, here and here.
P.L.B., Brazil
Salve Maria!
Was Pope Francis' recent "blessing" of Rio Grande do Sul a curse?
The homosexual leftist governor of Brazilian State of Rio Grande do Sul (RS), Eduardo Leite, went to the Vatican on April 17, 2024 to ask for a blessing for RS from Pope Francis, first photo below.

Not long afterwards, beginning on April 26, severe rain hit the state, causing recording flooding, deaths and displacement of over half a million Brazilians:
“The toll of dead by the rains in State of Rio Grande do Sul went to 157 on May 19, according to the State Civil Defense. There are still 88 disappeared persons. The authorities calculate that the catastrophe has harmed the lives of 2.3 million in 463 municipalities so far, which represent 93% of the municipalities in the State. The number of persons who had abandoned their houses is 581,633 and the number of those living in public shelters is 76,955.”

Photo of downtown Porto Alegre, capital of Rio Grande do Sul
The question that is being asked: Was Pope Francis' blessing of Rio Grande do Sul a malediction? This is perhaps yet another symbolic/metaphysical proof that God is not pleased with the progressivist infiltration in the Church as well as the official acceptation of homosexuality.
More data here, here, here, here, here, here and here.
P.L.B., Brazil
‘Bishops, Change Your Vax Policy’
Hi Tradition in Action,
I hope all is well. I thought TIA might like to post my wife’s open letter to Bishops to change the vaccine policy for Catholic schools in the country.
My wife has her doctorate in genetics from Columbia University so she knows what she’s talking about.
Lifesite News already published an article, and I thought TIA would also like to do a story on this.
Thanks in advance for whatever you can do!
Here’s the article if you’d like to do your own story.
I hope all is well. I thought TIA might like to post my wife’s open letter to Bishops to change the vaccine policy for Catholic schools in the country.
My wife has her doctorate in genetics from Columbia University so she knows what she’s talking about.
Lifesite News already published an article, and I thought TIA would also like to do a story on this.
Thanks in advance for whatever you can do!
Here’s the article if you’d like to do your own story.
Etiquette Classes for Men
Good Morning,
Blessings to you and peace during this Eastertide. My wife and I were driving home from Saturday's meeting and were reflecting on what a joy it is to be part of this wonderful group of Catholic men and women (and children). We are grateful for all the work, publications, events and conversations over the past few years we have been graced to attend and partake in. We would like you to know how formative this has been for our prayer life and daily routines to bring Christ into the world by our actions through Catholic tradition.
On the topic of tradition, I have been meaning to speak with Mr. Atila Guimarães and Mr. Patrick Odou about the need for a men's etiquette class or practicum of sorts. I am not sure if this has been done in previous years, but I believe it would be most beneficial for the young men (myself included) to engage in a class where traditional Catholic customs could be observed and applied at a practical level.
After reading several of TIA's publications on civility, courtesy and family life, I think it would help restore order in the family and be a great example to those who find family traditions attractive, even to the post-modern eye. This is not a thought of my own for the past year, but I have heard others would take interest in this sort of practicum.
By no means would I want to disrupt the normal rhythm of the monthly meeting, in fact I would even pay to take such a practicum class, knowing the gravity of these traditional customs applied today. I was wondering if this topic has surfaced before and would be very interested to see how this may be a possibility in the future for the men. My wife would enjoy such a class as well and would also be open to a practicum.
Thank you for all the work you continue to do at Tradition in Action.
Ad Jesum per Mariam,
TIA responds:
Good evening M.D.,
Thank you for your kind words about our work and meetings.
Your idea of having an etiquette classes for men is very good and we will take it into serious consideration.
In the past TIA has promoted several etiquette classes taught by Mr. Patricio Padilla, director of the Ecuadorian branch of TIA and a past director of Ecuador's Royal Academy of Etiquette. He would be the one we would like to have to teach the course you mentioned, since he has all the credentials for it. For example, he began to write a series of articles on culture and good manners based on Carreño's famous Manual of Urbanity, which we hope he will continue in the future.
At this moment, however, he cannot come to the United States due to difficulties in getting a visa. Yes, although the U.S. has it borders practically wide open to illegal immigrants, it is making it more and more difficult for those who want to enter our country legally - even for visits.
Another example: A director of the Brazilian branch of TIA with all his documentation in order tried to apply for a visa to visit us here in the U.S., and was informed by the American Consulate in São Paulo that he had a wait of 560 days before his application could be reviewed...
We ask your prayers that Mr. Padilla’s situation be cleared hastily so he can teach the classes you proposed.
TIA correspondence desk
Blessings to you and peace during this Eastertide. My wife and I were driving home from Saturday's meeting and were reflecting on what a joy it is to be part of this wonderful group of Catholic men and women (and children). We are grateful for all the work, publications, events and conversations over the past few years we have been graced to attend and partake in. We would like you to know how formative this has been for our prayer life and daily routines to bring Christ into the world by our actions through Catholic tradition.
On the topic of tradition, I have been meaning to speak with Mr. Atila Guimarães and Mr. Patrick Odou about the need for a men's etiquette class or practicum of sorts. I am not sure if this has been done in previous years, but I believe it would be most beneficial for the young men (myself included) to engage in a class where traditional Catholic customs could be observed and applied at a practical level.
After reading several of TIA's publications on civility, courtesy and family life, I think it would help restore order in the family and be a great example to those who find family traditions attractive, even to the post-modern eye. This is not a thought of my own for the past year, but I have heard others would take interest in this sort of practicum.
By no means would I want to disrupt the normal rhythm of the monthly meeting, in fact I would even pay to take such a practicum class, knowing the gravity of these traditional customs applied today. I was wondering if this topic has surfaced before and would be very interested to see how this may be a possibility in the future for the men. My wife would enjoy such a class as well and would also be open to a practicum.
Thank you for all the work you continue to do at Tradition in Action.
Ad Jesum per Mariam,
TIA responds:
Good evening M.D.,
Thank you for your kind words about our work and meetings.
Your idea of having an etiquette classes for men is very good and we will take it into serious consideration.
In the past TIA has promoted several etiquette classes taught by Mr. Patricio Padilla, director of the Ecuadorian branch of TIA and a past director of Ecuador's Royal Academy of Etiquette. He would be the one we would like to have to teach the course you mentioned, since he has all the credentials for it. For example, he began to write a series of articles on culture and good manners based on Carreño's famous Manual of Urbanity, which we hope he will continue in the future.
At this moment, however, he cannot come to the United States due to difficulties in getting a visa. Yes, although the U.S. has it borders practically wide open to illegal immigrants, it is making it more and more difficult for those who want to enter our country legally - even for visits.
Another example: A director of the Brazilian branch of TIA with all his documentation in order tried to apply for a visa to visit us here in the U.S., and was informed by the American Consulate in São Paulo that he had a wait of 560 days before his application could be reviewed...
We ask your prayers that Mr. Padilla’s situation be cleared hastily so he can teach the classes you proposed.
TIA correspondence desk
Posted May 21, 2024

The opinions expressed in this section - What People Are Commenting - do not necessarily express those of TIA
When will Rome be destroyed?
I tell friends going to Europe not to visit it.
And certainly Chanceries will also be hit?
Stowe, Cupich, Little Timmie. I could drop dead of a heart attack.
I failed to raise my children Catholic. I'm to blame, but these animals never gave me any formation. Only in modernism and "decide for yourself" morals