What People are Commenting
Modern Culture: Satanic Cult
Leprous Doorkeepers
Dear TIA,
Re: To Receive or Not Sacraments from Heretical Priests
Thank you for all the excellent work you do.
I just wanted to add something to your reply to a question regarding receiving sacraments from bad/heretical priests.
In The Prophecies and Revelations of Saint Bridget of Sweden, Chapter 41, one reads:
“The Mother’s words to the daughter about how priests with lawful faculties of absolution, no matter what kind of sinners they themselves are, are able to absolve from sins; the same applies to the sacrament of the Eucharist:
The Mother speaks: “Go to him who has the faculty of absolution. No matter how leprous the doorkeeper is, he can still open the door as well as a healthy man, provided he has the keys. It is the same with absolution and the sacrament of the altar. No matter who the minister is, provided he has a lawful faculty of absolution, he can absolve from sins. Therefore, no priest is to be rejected.”
God Bless,
Re: To Receive or Not Sacraments from Heretical Priests
Thank you for all the excellent work you do.
I just wanted to add something to your reply to a question regarding receiving sacraments from bad/heretical priests.
In The Prophecies and Revelations of Saint Bridget of Sweden, Chapter 41, one reads:
“The Mother’s words to the daughter about how priests with lawful faculties of absolution, no matter what kind of sinners they themselves are, are able to absolve from sins; the same applies to the sacrament of the Eucharist:
The Mother speaks: “Go to him who has the faculty of absolution. No matter how leprous the doorkeeper is, he can still open the door as well as a healthy man, provided he has the keys. It is the same with absolution and the sacrament of the altar. No matter who the minister is, provided he has a lawful faculty of absolution, he can absolve from sins. Therefore, no priest is to be rejected.”
God Bless,
God Punished the Rock Priest
Re: Rock Priest Burned to Death in Zaragoza
I would say Heaven punished the rock star priest., for being a wolf in many, many ways. I can see the horrible examples of modernists that I had first part of my life. I knew I didn’t have the faith. I wanted the faith, but never was shown a catechism. It was, what do you think class, of X moral issue. A nun explaining away God’s miracles in utter nonsense.
I prayed the Rosary daily and then added Brown Scapular. And She sent me wondering, brave Priests and a Bishop. From out of state. She is Powerful, Effective, Merciful. And She keeps Her promises.
Re: Rock Priest Burned to Death in Zaragoza
I would say Heaven punished the rock star priest., for being a wolf in many, many ways. I can see the horrible examples of modernists that I had first part of my life. I knew I didn’t have the faith. I wanted the faith, but never was shown a catechism. It was, what do you think class, of X moral issue. A nun explaining away God’s miracles in utter nonsense.
I prayed the Rosary daily and then added Brown Scapular. And She sent me wondering, brave Priests and a Bishop. From out of state. She is Powerful, Effective, Merciful. And She keeps Her promises.
Martyrs of the End Times
Dear TIA,
I would like to comment a little on the TIA article regarding Sister Lucy’s words:
“The final triumph of Mary’s Heart is certain and it will be definitive. But it will take place ‘in the end,’ that is, to say after a terrible purification of sinful humanity in a baptism of fire, blood and tears.”
My comment: According to Saint Bede’s explanation, the smoke of Satan that enters the Catholic Church is a secret vengeance from God which will be revealed with the arrival of the precursor of the Antichrist.
So the smoke of Satan is the final persecution in the form of Baptism of fire or hellfire or spiritual death, and will not happen again throughout human history
So the final persecution that Martyrs will experience in the End Times is spiritual death not physical death
So it is said that the Martyrs will be victorious and stand in the baptism of fire (hellfire).
I would like to comment a little on the TIA article regarding Sister Lucy’s words:
“The final triumph of Mary’s Heart is certain and it will be definitive. But it will take place ‘in the end,’ that is, to say after a terrible purification of sinful humanity in a baptism of fire, blood and tears.”
My comment: According to Saint Bede’s explanation, the smoke of Satan that enters the Catholic Church is a secret vengeance from God which will be revealed with the arrival of the precursor of the Antichrist.
So the smoke of Satan is the final persecution in the form of Baptism of fire or hellfire or spiritual death, and will not happen again throughout human history
So the final persecution that Martyrs will experience in the End Times is spiritual death not physical death
So it is said that the Martyrs will be victorious and stand in the baptism of fire (hellfire).
Lax Catholics Increase
Recent Catholic polls show:.
Recent Catholic polls show:.
- 70 % of priests and laity, do not believe in “transubstantiation,” but rather the Lutheran concept of “transignification” or Our Lord becomes present only spiritually, although Our Lord doesn’t subject Himself to heretics and their actions.
- Only 5% of American Catholics attend Novus Ordo mass and the sacraments regularly - 25% attend mass and the sacraments only occasionally or on special occasions.
- 80% of Catholics support LGBT & even trans and over 50% support abortion.
- And these numbers are increasing exponentially among Catholics - so-called.
Modern Culture Is a Satanic Cult
Re: Korean priests dancing and singing
D. V. replies:
Thank you for your question. You are correct when you say the Revolution in the Church and world in the ‘60s was the “fruit of a long rot”. Indeed, the crisis in which the Church and society finds itself is merely the near end of a long process that Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira identified in his work, Revolution and Counter-Revolution.
This was a planned Revolution against Catholic Civilization that began with Humanism & the Renaissance. Reading two articles on the topic - here and here - may help to give a more encompassing answer to your question, since it gives the “bird’s eye view” of the problem.
We hope this answers your question. Please feel free to reach out again should other questions arise. Our Lady help you.
TIA Media
D.V. replies:
Thanks very much, that's great!
I’ve just read the first one and that is exactly what I was after. Thank you so much and may God bless you and your work. I’ll spread this around.
I have something I’d really love to discuss when you have time. It is in regard to modern culture as a cult. I feel like I have gone down the rabbit hole a bit and would really appreciate being able to discuss my thoughts with someone who is solidly Catholic to see what you think.
What I would like to discuss is about the cultural revolution in society. These articles got me on a train of thought that seem to lead to the conclusion that there is basically a massive cult that people don’t realize they are part of. I used to be in it.
I was in the rave scene but the devil's house has many doors. Think of the Taylor Swift phenomenon. It’s another door. They have a creed forming too, free love, abortion and all that. I can demonstrate some stuff with video’s to show what I'm getting at.
Hopefully just watching these will paint the picture I am trying to convey. I don’t see anyone talking about this, most people look at individual issues but don’t see it as all being the same thing. When the antichrist comes, he will find faith on earth.
Hello D.V.,
You are correct: Modern culture is a cult leaning closely toward Satanism.
Prof. Plinio called the Cultural Revolution the Fourth Revolution leaning toward the Fifth Revolution: Satanism. This last stage implies the public cult of Satan. The four videos you sent illustrate this process well.
The hypnotic rhythm of the sounds and lights, the frenetic-hysteric behavior of the audiences, the flashing symbols of the Devil and dictatorial command of the “singers” or DJs are oriented to create an ambience of a Satanic orgy. This orgy has some notes of a Black Mass, as you also observed well.
We are on the same page.
TIA correspondence desk
Re: Korean priests dancing and singing
D. V. replies:
- I’ve been seeing your articles on canon 212 over the years, recently joined X. I wonder if you have any thoughts or resources regarding the spiritual blindness that descended on the vast majority of Catholics? I imagine it really began in the 1800’s?
- Thinking of Our Lady’s warnings about the corruption all the way back at Fatima and La Salette, people were pretty far gone back then. I used to think people were so much better back then, but it was just the general
behavior that was better.
- Their hearts had been turned from God and towards the world for some time. So the revolution in the Church and the world in the 60’s was the fruit of a long rot. That long rot is what I want to know more about It is fascinating and horrifying to see such blindness to reality.
- It is a bit like The Matrix but infinitely worse. They have forgotten the reality of hell, their concept of Almighty God is so far from what He actually is. No wonder they don’t genuflect because they don’t comprehend His majesty. Eternity is not thought of. God bless you.
Thank you for your question. You are correct when you say the Revolution in the Church and world in the ‘60s was the “fruit of a long rot”. Indeed, the crisis in which the Church and society finds itself is merely the near end of a long process that Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira identified in his work, Revolution and Counter-Revolution.
This was a planned Revolution against Catholic Civilization that began with Humanism & the Renaissance. Reading two articles on the topic - here and here - may help to give a more encompassing answer to your question, since it gives the “bird’s eye view” of the problem.
We hope this answers your question. Please feel free to reach out again should other questions arise. Our Lady help you.
TIA Media
D.V. replies:
Thanks very much, that's great!
I’ve just read the first one and that is exactly what I was after. Thank you so much and may God bless you and your work. I’ll spread this around.
I have something I’d really love to discuss when you have time. It is in regard to modern culture as a cult. I feel like I have gone down the rabbit hole a bit and would really appreciate being able to discuss my thoughts with someone who is solidly Catholic to see what you think.
What I would like to discuss is about the cultural revolution in society. These articles got me on a train of thought that seem to lead to the conclusion that there is basically a massive cult that people don’t realize they are part of. I used to be in it.
I was in the rave scene but the devil's house has many doors. Think of the Taylor Swift phenomenon. It’s another door. They have a creed forming too, free love, abortion and all that. I can demonstrate some stuff with video’s to show what I'm getting at.
Hopefully just watching these will paint the picture I am trying to convey. I don’t see anyone talking about this, most people look at individual issues but don’t see it as all being the same thing. When the antichrist comes, he will find faith on earth.
- Beatles fan hysteria demonstrates something primal brought about by the artificial construct of celebrity and how being part of a massive crowd with a central focus can induce loss of control. Around 1:20 demonstrates.
- This demonstrates control by
a central figure, it’s the next stage of the same phenomena. Some swearing but the visuals show what I’m talking about. From
45 seconds in shows it.
- This demonstrates what they term “crowd control” and I don't really need to say much more about it. Swearing between 1:00 to 1:10. Note effigy of the devil also.
- Finally this demonstrates
the organization and the impressiveness of a pagan ritual, note white robed figures, DJ elevated, turntables like an altar. All that is missing really is a sacrifice and that’s where I think all this is headed.
Hello D.V.,
You are correct: Modern culture is a cult leaning closely toward Satanism.
Prof. Plinio called the Cultural Revolution the Fourth Revolution leaning toward the Fifth Revolution: Satanism. This last stage implies the public cult of Satan. The four videos you sent illustrate this process well.
The hypnotic rhythm of the sounds and lights, the frenetic-hysteric behavior of the audiences, the flashing symbols of the Devil and dictatorial command of the “singers” or DJs are oriented to create an ambience of a Satanic orgy. This orgy has some notes of a Black Mass, as you also observed well.
We are on the same page.
TIA correspondence desk
Posted April 30, 2024

The opinions expressed in this section - What People Are Commenting - do not necessarily express those of TIA
Re: To Receive or Not Sacraments from Heretical Priests
As usual your analysis is comprehensive and helpful. But what of those priests ‘in good standing’ whom Professor Plinio would no doubt deem ‘White Heretics’?
Examples of this phenomenon would be priests:
Who constantly assert “God wants everyone to be saved” without qualification.
Who promote pilgrimages to Medjugore.
Who despite requests, never use the Roman Canon.
Who scarcely ever let the word Catholic cross their lips.
Who publish weekly scripture commentaries that deliberately airbrush Extra Ecclesia Nulla Salus.
Who require that those who want confession must ask the priest for it.
Who ‘Ghandi-gush’ about the merits of the Guru.
Who invite applause at Mass/ baptisms on any pretext.
Who are de facto indifferentists in granting equivalence as Christians to Protestants.
Who offer the sacrifice of the Mass in a Protestant temple.
Etc, etc, etc ad nauseam.
Yours in Jesus Mary and Joseph
TIA responds:
Dear N.M.G.,
They should be avoided. Their Novus Ordo Masses should not be attended, but, regarding validity, their Sacraments – generically speaking – are valid.
Please, read the posting below, spontaneously sent to us by another reader.
TIA correspondence desk