What People are Commenting
Barron, Viganò & America
Moral Questions
Re: Bishop Barron's 'fiery' boys
Oh my... Does this raise questions as to his moral character for anyone else but me...
I think it does.
Oh my... Does this raise questions as to his moral character for anyone else but me...
I think it does.
'Provide Proof That Barron & Gloor Live Together'
TIA received on Instagram the following objections regarding our posting on Bishop Barron that we reproduce on the snapshot below:
To answer the last objection, we researched the addresses of both Bishop Robert Barron and Mr. Joseph Gloor on White Pages, and the current addresses that appear for both persons are the same, as can be verified in the snapshots below.
We hope that this provides the requested evidence.
TIA correspondence desk

To answer the last objection, we researched the addresses of both Bishop Robert Barron and Mr. Joseph Gloor on White Pages, and the current addresses that appear for both persons are the same, as can be verified in the snapshots below.

We hope that this provides the requested evidence.
TIA correspondence desk
Arch. Viganò & TIA
After reading on your website Mr. Guimaraes' excellent article “Two Questions Addressed to Arch. Vigano” dated June 24, 2020, I am wondering if the Archbishop ever offered a reply?
Best Regards,
TIA responds:
Hello D.C.,
No. Although Arch. Viganò has responded minutely to the questions of many other people, even simple readers, so far he has not deigned to respond to Mr. Guimarães.
TIA correspondence desk
After reading on your website Mr. Guimaraes' excellent article “Two Questions Addressed to Arch. Vigano” dated June 24, 2020, I am wondering if the Archbishop ever offered a reply?
Best Regards,
TIA responds:
Hello D.C.,
No. Although Arch. Viganò has responded minutely to the questions of many other people, even simple readers, so far he has not deigned to respond to Mr. Guimarães.
TIA correspondence desk
BBC Confirms Old Age of Masonry
Re: Did Our Lady Use the Term Masonry in Her Prophecies?
That was a most interesting and informative article. I found the following information that you may find useful: here.
From that bbc.com story I copied the following:
"The earliest meeting records, usually considered to be the best evidence of a lodge having any real organization. The oldest minutes in the world, which date to January 1599, is from Lodge Aitchison’s Haven in East Lothian, Scotland."
Thank you for your work!
Re: Did Our Lady Use the Term Masonry in Her Prophecies?
That was a most interesting and informative article. I found the following information that you may find useful: here.
From that bbc.com story I copied the following:
"The earliest meeting records, usually considered to be the best evidence of a lodge having any real organization. The oldest minutes in the world, which date to January 1599, is from Lodge Aitchison’s Haven in East Lothian, Scotland."
Thank you for your work!
Straightforward Explanation on Vaccine Babies
Good evening TIA,
I have a video here of a woman explaining why the babies of vaccinated parents are abnormal or dying. She explains it in easy-to-understand terms.
Parents who got vaccinated and then conceived had abnormal babies who show advanced aging and all black eyes. This she doesn’t explain because no one seems to know why it’s happening. However, she goes into detail regarding mothers who get vaccinated while pregnant and why it’s killing the babies at a 6000% higher rate. Simply put, the blood clots in the mothers prevent them from giving their babies enough blood to survive.
Her voice and mannerisms seem to suggest she is very scared at what she is revealing either due to general fear of what’s happened to the world with these shots or because she’s wary of the consequences this report will have on her career or even life. These poor, brave doctors are cornered. I thank this lady for her courage.
In Maria,
I have a video here of a woman explaining why the babies of vaccinated parents are abnormal or dying. She explains it in easy-to-understand terms.
Parents who got vaccinated and then conceived had abnormal babies who show advanced aging and all black eyes. This she doesn’t explain because no one seems to know why it’s happening. However, she goes into detail regarding mothers who get vaccinated while pregnant and why it’s killing the babies at a 6000% higher rate. Simply put, the blood clots in the mothers prevent them from giving their babies enough blood to survive.
Her voice and mannerisms seem to suggest she is very scared at what she is revealing either due to general fear of what’s happened to the world with these shots or because she’s wary of the consequences this report will have on her career or even life. These poor, brave doctors are cornered. I thank this lady for her courage.
In Maria,
America & Americans
Dear war companions,
I would like to write to you in Spanish, letting you know in a clearer way all my sympathy and my admiration, the feeling of brotherhood and even love that unites my heart and mind with all of you, but specially with Dr. Horvat and Mrs. Carol Byrne (my feelings for Dr. Guimaraes are of other kind, but good, deep, all of them anointed with gratitude), but I do not know if you can read Spanish and, lacking a better English, I try to do my best in it.
So, in the first place, for you my prayers and my heartfelt gratefulness.
In the second place, and last, for this is my first letter, and probably not the last one, I would only like to remind you that there is no country in the world called America. This is the name of a whole beautiful and huge continent (I am from Colombia). Do not forget that there is something named Americanism, not loved by God.
Do not forget hat I am American too, and you stole that name from hundreds of millions of people when you use it only for the people of one single country of the continent.
Please pray for our little community of loyal Catholics, a very little one. We will pray for all of you and your needed and wonderful work.
TIA responds:
Dear A.B.,
Thank you for your amiable words about our writers. They are very encouraging.
We hope to receive more correspondence from you as you promised, on this or other matters.
Regarding the use of America or Americans to refer to the United States or the North-Americans who were born in the United States, this use does not reflect an act of arrogance or theft in relation to South Americans and Central Americans or even to Canadians and Mexicans who are also North-Americans.
The origin of this usage has a long prior history that remounts to the 17th century, as you may read here. It originated to distinguish the European settlers and their descendants who lived in British-America from the aborigines; they were the British-Americans. With time, the names were simplified to America and Americans.
These uses were established when the present-day countries of South America and Central America were still closely linked to Spain and Portugal. That is to say, before they proclaimed their independence and their present-day sentiments of patriotism were born. So, the use of the names America and Americans were established previously and organically without any intention of despising other peoples in our Three Americas or stealing their names.
Although their use today is largely generalized, they are not the exclusive names to refer to this country and its people. In Spanish and Portuguese languages the country is habitually referred to as Estados Unidos and the citizens of the United States are referred to as Norte-Americanos or Estadounidenses, to distinguish them from Central-Americans and South-Americans.
We hope this explanation resolves the misunderstanding.
As a final note, we would like you to know that we can read Spanish without difficulty, but if you have questions like the one in this letter, it would be better to write in English so that we can share them with our readers.
TIA correspondence desk
I would like to write to you in Spanish, letting you know in a clearer way all my sympathy and my admiration, the feeling of brotherhood and even love that unites my heart and mind with all of you, but specially with Dr. Horvat and Mrs. Carol Byrne (my feelings for Dr. Guimaraes are of other kind, but good, deep, all of them anointed with gratitude), but I do not know if you can read Spanish and, lacking a better English, I try to do my best in it.
So, in the first place, for you my prayers and my heartfelt gratefulness.
In the second place, and last, for this is my first letter, and probably not the last one, I would only like to remind you that there is no country in the world called America. This is the name of a whole beautiful and huge continent (I am from Colombia). Do not forget that there is something named Americanism, not loved by God.
Do not forget hat I am American too, and you stole that name from hundreds of millions of people when you use it only for the people of one single country of the continent.
Please pray for our little community of loyal Catholics, a very little one. We will pray for all of you and your needed and wonderful work.
TIA responds:
Dear A.B.,
Thank you for your amiable words about our writers. They are very encouraging.
We hope to receive more correspondence from you as you promised, on this or other matters.
Regarding the use of America or Americans to refer to the United States or the North-Americans who were born in the United States, this use does not reflect an act of arrogance or theft in relation to South Americans and Central Americans or even to Canadians and Mexicans who are also North-Americans.
The origin of this usage has a long prior history that remounts to the 17th century, as you may read here. It originated to distinguish the European settlers and their descendants who lived in British-America from the aborigines; they were the British-Americans. With time, the names were simplified to America and Americans.
These uses were established when the present-day countries of South America and Central America were still closely linked to Spain and Portugal. That is to say, before they proclaimed their independence and their present-day sentiments of patriotism were born. So, the use of the names America and Americans were established previously and organically without any intention of despising other peoples in our Three Americas or stealing their names.
Although their use today is largely generalized, they are not the exclusive names to refer to this country and its people. In Spanish and Portuguese languages the country is habitually referred to as Estados Unidos and the citizens of the United States are referred to as Norte-Americanos or Estadounidenses, to distinguish them from Central-Americans and South-Americans.
We hope this explanation resolves the misunderstanding.
As a final note, we would like you to know that we can read Spanish without difficulty, but if you have questions like the one in this letter, it would be better to write in English so that we can share them with our readers.
TIA correspondence desk

Posted February 10, 2022
The opinions expressed in this section - What People Are Commenting - do not necessarily express those of TIA
Re: Bishop Barron's fiery boys
Wow. Thank you for the article on Bishop Robert Barron from Clean the Church. I had not known of CC previous to this recent email from TIA.
Reading what was published was enough to give me a sense of betrayal and make me want to return every BRB video I purchased from WOF and request a refund so I can donate my money to legitimate organizations in need.
Has Bishop Robert Barron made any comments toward the subjects at hand?
I trust that what you print contains verifiable information. I write my comment on this basis.
Thank you for keeping us informed.