What People Are Commenting
Forgetful Good Man
When we ask someone to pray for us because we trust in their holiness or merits, the Lord revealed to St. Gertrude the Great that should that person neglect or forget to do so, the Lord Himself will provide the graces asked for.
Frank Rega
When we ask someone to pray for us because we trust in their holiness or merits, the Lord revealed to St. Gertrude the Great that should that person neglect or forget to do so, the Lord Himself will provide the graces asked for.
Frank Rega
Alex Soros & Kamela Harris
Dear TIA,
Not sure this info [below] is accurate. It seems to me that Alex Soros is a smart man, shrewd enough not to say this kind of thing in public.
But anyway, it makes sense.
Even if it were not true, the picture of him and Harris together is already significant.
Not sure this info [below] is accurate. It seems to me that Alex Soros is a smart man, shrewd enough not to say this kind of thing in public.
But anyway, it makes sense.
Even if it were not true, the picture of him and Harris together is already significant.

Math Is No Longer Objective
Now - be prepared for it… - a Brooklyn, NY, College Professor is defending that to affirm that Math is an objective discipline is a manifestation of “white supremacy patriarchate.”
It is hard to believe that insanity has reached this level. But if you don’t believe it - I also would not take it for granted - please, read the news report here.
We are living in extraordinary times…
Each day they seem more and more like the demented times that preceded the French Revolution. Every excess is permitted, lunacy is considered normal, violence rules unrestricted and the defenders of the law are filled with human respect in doing their job.
Stick to your guns, if you don’t want to be taken to the guillotine.
Now - be prepared for it… - a Brooklyn, NY, College Professor is defending that to affirm that Math is an objective discipline is a manifestation of “white supremacy patriarchate.”
It is hard to believe that insanity has reached this level. But if you don’t believe it - I also would not take it for granted - please, read the news report here.
We are living in extraordinary times…
Each day they seem more and more like the demented times that preceded the French Revolution. Every excess is permitted, lunacy is considered normal, violence rules unrestricted and the defenders of the law are filled with human respect in doing their job.
Stick to your guns, if you don’t want to be taken to the guillotine.
Three Photos Tell All
Hello TIA,
Here is another one for your records - the real downhill ride this poor nun took after Vatican II.
Vivian Ivanti was born in 1913 and made it through the real pandemic, the Spanish flu (that killed at least 50 million people!), and became a Benedictine teaching sister at St. Scholastica Monastery in Chicago at age 19.
You can see her habit changing after Vatican II; first she looks pious and good, then, like a Protestant sister.
Now, here she is today [below], turning 107 years old on August 28, the Feast of St. Augustine. No habit, pants, a sour-faced demonstrator for racial justice who supports women’s ordinations...
You are seeing the Revolution in the Church and the terrible consequences of Vatican II.
In Jesu et Maria,
Here is another one for your records - the real downhill ride this poor nun took after Vatican II.
Vivian Ivanti was born in 1913 and made it through the real pandemic, the Spanish flu (that killed at least 50 million people!), and became a Benedictine teaching sister at St. Scholastica Monastery in Chicago at age 19.
You can see her habit changing after Vatican II; first she looks pious and good, then, like a Protestant sister.

Now, here she is today [below], turning 107 years old on August 28, the Feast of St. Augustine. No habit, pants, a sour-faced demonstrator for racial justice who supports women’s ordinations...

You are seeing the Revolution in the Church and the terrible consequences of Vatican II.
In Jesu et Maria,
When the Novus Ordo Is the Only Option…
Dear Tradition in Action,
First of all, I would like to thank you for your enlightening and edifying work. I greatly appreciate how I can come to your website and find an answer for almost any question I have regarding tradition and customs. Your fidelity to the truth instead of human respect reveals great fortitude, which is much needed in these times.
I have a question regarding the Sunday Mass obligation.
Many followers of the SSPX and SSPV have said that if the Novus Ordo mass is our only option (no access to either the Latin Mass or Eastern Rite Masses), we cannot attend the Novus Ordo and must keep the Sabbath holy on our own.
On the other hand, I have been told by followers of the FSSP and Novus Ordo that to miss Mass simply because it is the New Mass is still a mortal sin.
I am afraid to advise anyone to stay home from Mass when this could possibly endanger their souls. I myself would fear for my soul if I missed my Sunday Mass obligation.
Any words of wisdom would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you for your time and consideration,
TIA responds:
Dear I.R.C.,
Thank you for your confidence and kind words. They mean a lot to us.
The Novus Ordo Mass in itself has flavor of heresy and induces those who assist at it to accept Progressivism.
For this reason, we have never advised anyone to attend it, although we believe it is valid.
Just as we do not advise anyone to receive communion in Greek-Schismatic services - although the New Code of Canon Law allows it (canon 844 §2) - so also we do not counsel anyone to attend a Novus Ordo Mass.
TIA correspondence desk
First of all, I would like to thank you for your enlightening and edifying work. I greatly appreciate how I can come to your website and find an answer for almost any question I have regarding tradition and customs. Your fidelity to the truth instead of human respect reveals great fortitude, which is much needed in these times.
I have a question regarding the Sunday Mass obligation.
Many followers of the SSPX and SSPV have said that if the Novus Ordo mass is our only option (no access to either the Latin Mass or Eastern Rite Masses), we cannot attend the Novus Ordo and must keep the Sabbath holy on our own.
On the other hand, I have been told by followers of the FSSP and Novus Ordo that to miss Mass simply because it is the New Mass is still a mortal sin.
I am afraid to advise anyone to stay home from Mass when this could possibly endanger their souls. I myself would fear for my soul if I missed my Sunday Mass obligation.
Any words of wisdom would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you for your time and consideration,
TIA responds:
Dear I.R.C.,
Thank you for your confidence and kind words. They mean a lot to us.
The Novus Ordo Mass in itself has flavor of heresy and induces those who assist at it to accept Progressivism.
For this reason, we have never advised anyone to attend it, although we believe it is valid.
Just as we do not advise anyone to receive communion in Greek-Schismatic services - although the New Code of Canon Law allows it (canon 844 §2) - so also we do not counsel anyone to attend a Novus Ordo Mass.
TIA correspondence desk
Gates Vaccine Produces Polio
Here is something you need to know. According to this source [check news below], the Gates vaccine is spreading polio throughout Africa.
It is not rumor. It comes from a document by WHO.
United Nations forced to admit that vaccines from Bill Gates
are spreading polio throughout Africa
(Natural News) A new report by the World Health Organization (WHO), a branch of the United Nations (UN), confirms everything we have long been saying about the deadly nature of Bill Gates’ vaccination programs in the Third World.
Entitled, “Circulating vaccine-derived poliovirus type 2 – Sudan,” the report outlines how polio vaccines from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation are spreading more polio throughout Africa. Not only that, but these “relief” jabs are killing young black lives in places like Chad and Sudan where outbreaks of the vaccine-induced disease are spreading like wildfire.
Amazingly, the WHO openly admits that the strain of poliovirus currently circulating, known as cVDPV2, is “vaccine-derived.” This clearly indicates that it is being spread by the very same vaccines that Bill Gates claims are helping to “save lives” and “eradicate polio.”
“Sequencing of viruses isolated in Sudan so far reflects that the viruses are related with viruses reported earlier in neighboring Chad from where there were multiple separate introductions into Sudan from Chad,” the report explains.
“There is local circulation in Sudan and continued sharing of transmission with Chad.”
As far as we know, this is the first time that an official government body – and the WHO, no less – has used the words “vaccine-induced” to describe how and why polio is still spreading all throughout Third World Africa.
Original here.
Here is something you need to know. According to this source [check news below], the Gates vaccine is spreading polio throughout Africa.
It is not rumor. It comes from a document by WHO.
are spreading polio throughout Africa
(Natural News) A new report by the World Health Organization (WHO), a branch of the United Nations (UN), confirms everything we have long been saying about the deadly nature of Bill Gates’ vaccination programs in the Third World.
Entitled, “Circulating vaccine-derived poliovirus type 2 – Sudan,” the report outlines how polio vaccines from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation are spreading more polio throughout Africa. Not only that, but these “relief” jabs are killing young black lives in places like Chad and Sudan where outbreaks of the vaccine-induced disease are spreading like wildfire.
Amazingly, the WHO openly admits that the strain of poliovirus currently circulating, known as cVDPV2, is “vaccine-derived.” This clearly indicates that it is being spread by the very same vaccines that Bill Gates claims are helping to “save lives” and “eradicate polio.”
“Sequencing of viruses isolated in Sudan so far reflects that the viruses are related with viruses reported earlier in neighboring Chad from where there were multiple separate introductions into Sudan from Chad,” the report explains.
“There is local circulation in Sudan and continued sharing of transmission with Chad.”
As far as we know, this is the first time that an official government body – and the WHO, no less – has used the words “vaccine-induced” to describe how and why polio is still spreading all throughout Third World Africa.
Original here.

Posted September 8, 2020
Thank you for forwarding my experience and question on the Divine Mercy Devotion.
God bless you and Tradition in Action for your Commitment to the Faith!
Prayerfully yours in Jesus and Mary,