What People Are Commenting
El Noi de la Mare
Dear TIA,
The Christmas carol you featured today, El Noi de la Mare, has filled me with early-morning delight. So tender and sweet! I had heard it before.
And I know of a Polish Christmas carol in which the Christ Child is being given raisons, apparently a fine gift in a world not as materialistic as ours.
Salve Maria!
Patrick O'Brien
The Christmas carol you featured today, El Noi de la Mare, has filled me with early-morning delight. So tender and sweet! I had heard it before.
And I know of a Polish Christmas carol in which the Christ Child is being given raisons, apparently a fine gift in a world not as materialistic as ours.
Salve Maria!
Patrick O'Brien
Shooting the Fox of Sede-Vacantism
Dear TIA,
Re: The Devil in the Rubrics (Dialogue Mass)
Many thanks once again to Dr Carol Byrne for her closely-argued analysis of the progressive thinking and motives underpinning the novel rubrics of the Dialogue Mass promulgated by Pope Pius XII.
Her work causes me to wonder how any honest Novus Ordo seminarian with even the slightest awareness of Tradition can conclude that the Mass of Paul VI was an ‘organic development’ of the liturgy.
To my mind also, Dr Byrne’s analysis ‘shoots the fox’ of the sede-vacantists who cling to the notion that Pius XII was the last ‘true Pope’. They assert his acts, whilst they may have been imprudent or, in liturgical terms, ‘minor’ or ‘experimental’, were unadulterated by modernism/progressivism.
Yours in Jesus, Mary and Joseph,
Re: The Devil in the Rubrics (Dialogue Mass)
Many thanks once again to Dr Carol Byrne for her closely-argued analysis of the progressive thinking and motives underpinning the novel rubrics of the Dialogue Mass promulgated by Pope Pius XII.
Her work causes me to wonder how any honest Novus Ordo seminarian with even the slightest awareness of Tradition can conclude that the Mass of Paul VI was an ‘organic development’ of the liturgy.
To my mind also, Dr Byrne’s analysis ‘shoots the fox’ of the sede-vacantists who cling to the notion that Pius XII was the last ‘true Pope’. They assert his acts, whilst they may have been imprudent or, in liturgical terms, ‘minor’ or ‘experimental’, were unadulterated by modernism/progressivism.
Yours in Jesus, Mary and Joseph,
Children vs Kids
Re: Please Say Children, Not Kids
THANK YOU FOR the input! I did not have Kids. I had children!!!
I am glad to know I am not the only objector to refer to my children AS kids!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!….. I am not a goat!!!!
Re: Please Say Children, Not Kids
THANK YOU FOR the input! I did not have Kids. I had children!!!
I am glad to know I am not the only objector to refer to my children AS kids!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!….. I am not a goat!!!!
You Are Doing a Great Job
Just to counter the 'hate mail': You're doing a great job in proclaiming the Truth.
And if people object to that it may well be that they have an axe to grind with themselves and should examine first what they write.
God bless.
Just to counter the 'hate mail': You're doing a great job in proclaiming the Truth.
And if people object to that it may well be that they have an axe to grind with themselves and should examine first what they write.
God bless.
Fighting against Masks
Dear TIA,
In reply to this lady's anecdote about her husband, posted in your most recent Hate Mail:
"I showed your article [about masks] to my husband when I got home from work, and he - a fellow Republican - bowed his head and cried. In our 20 years of marriage, I have never before seen him cry. It absolutely broke my heart."
Of all the things for a grown man to cry about, this? Pathetic!
We counter-revolutionaries are often encouraged to make concessions or to moderate our stances. This very often takes the form of white heresy sob stories like the one sent in by the lady.
Needless to say, the letter did not produce its intended effect. All it did was make me laugh.
I think I can say with certainty: We will keep up the fight against revolutionary mask mandates no matter how many people whine, moan and groan (or even cry) about it.
In Domina,
Mark Williams
In reply to this lady's anecdote about her husband, posted in your most recent Hate Mail:
"I showed your article [about masks] to my husband when I got home from work, and he - a fellow Republican - bowed his head and cried. In our 20 years of marriage, I have never before seen him cry. It absolutely broke my heart."
Of all the things for a grown man to cry about, this? Pathetic!
We counter-revolutionaries are often encouraged to make concessions or to moderate our stances. This very often takes the form of white heresy sob stories like the one sent in by the lady.
Needless to say, the letter did not produce its intended effect. All it did was make me laugh.
I think I can say with certainty: We will keep up the fight against revolutionary mask mandates no matter how many people whine, moan and groan (or even cry) about it.
In Domina,
Mark Williams
'Evil Venomous Snakes'
I read the nasty reply from the 'Gay' fellow regarding TIA's connection between pedophiles and homosexuals.
I believe Pat Buchanan said it best when he said," All homosexuals are not pedophiles but all pedophiles are homosexuals." Perhaps the angry 'Gay' fellow will get some solace from Pat's words.
I read the nasty reply from the 'Gay' fellow regarding TIA's connection between pedophiles and homosexuals.
I believe Pat Buchanan said it best when he said," All homosexuals are not pedophiles but all pedophiles are homosexuals." Perhaps the angry 'Gay' fellow will get some solace from Pat's words.
Gloomy Advent in Germany
Hello TIA,
See below: Last year and this year in Römerberg Square in Frankfurt, Germany, where the Christkindlesmark, or Christmas market has been for a long time a gathering point for the inhabitants of the city at the end of their working day. It used to last from the beginning of the Advent until Epiphany.
Here is another Christmas tradition destroyed not by terrorism, but by the government measures to allegedly combat the pandemic. No more Christmas spirit or joy or Masses.
Who would have believed that a virus manmade in China and bolstered by a hysterical media could have closed the Christmas Market in Frankfurt?
The end of beauty, tradition, Catholic customs...
See below: Last year and this year in Römerberg Square in Frankfurt, Germany, where the Christkindlesmark, or Christmas market has been for a long time a gathering point for the inhabitants of the city at the end of their working day. It used to last from the beginning of the Advent until Epiphany.
Here is another Christmas tradition destroyed not by terrorism, but by the government measures to allegedly combat the pandemic. No more Christmas spirit or joy or Masses.
Who would have believed that a virus manmade in China and bolstered by a hysterical media could have closed the Christmas Market in Frankfurt?
The end of beauty, tradition, Catholic customs...

Communist Agenda = Covid Agenda
Dear TIA,
I received from a friend this striking comparison between the communist agenda as defined in the 1950s and today's Covid impositions. They could not be more similar. It is not difficult to come to the conclusion that we are being brainwashed into Communism under the pretext that the governments are safeguarding our health.
If you add to this the fact that this virus was made in Chinese laboratories, the picture becomes clear, doesn't it?
Best regards,
I received from a friend this striking comparison between the communist agenda as defined in the 1950s and today's Covid impositions. They could not be more similar. It is not difficult to come to the conclusion that we are being brainwashed into Communism under the pretext that the governments are safeguarding our health.
If you add to this the fact that this virus was made in Chinese laboratories, the picture becomes clear, doesn't it?
Best regards,

Posted December 3, 2020
Years ago (about 20) I came upon the Mamertine Prison in Rome almost by accident and returned on a number of occasions to collect some water from the miraculous well. I have not been there in many years, but two years ago a young lady, who was a child when she and her family first visited the prison, returned and asked the attendant at the shrine why there was no water in the well. She was told that there used to be water "a long time ago," but that was no longer the case.
A nun with whom I correspond suggested that, given that there was recently heavy construction at that area in recent memory, it may simply be that, in the process, the underground spring was somehow collapsed or rerouted.
I can not help but speculate that, if indeed the well has become permanently dry, it could bear a greater significance in light of its clearly miraculous, centuries old existence. When searching your site I found an article regarding the recent collapse of the roof of the church above the shrine with Dr. Horvat likewise pondering the deeper symbolism of the event.
I am hoping that someone associated with Tradition In Action may have a more definitive knowledge of the well's current state and recent history.
Whatever the case may be, readers may obtain a free copy of Rev. O'Reilly's great work The Victims of the Mamertine.
Thank you for any light you are able to shed on the subject and the great service you continue to provide to the faithful.
In Christ,
Fr. J.F.
TIA responds:
Rev. Fr. J.F.,
We do not have further information on the present condition of the miraculous well at the Marmetine Prison, where St. Peter and St. Paul were imprisoned.
We are passing your request on to our writers to look into it.
TIA correspondence desk