What People Are Commenting
China Rewards Reporting Catholics
Dear TIA,
The latest news in China: the consequences of the Vatican-Beijing deal, which completely betrayed the faithful and heroic Catholics of the Underground Church, are that the Mindzenty Foundation championed for years, seems to have stopped fighting.
That Foundation says nothing anymore and the fundraising for the Underground Church seems to have stopped.
Thanks to Benedict's Letter and Francis' deal, the Underground Church is stranded. Now China is even bold enough to offer reward money for reporting underground churches!
In addition to monetary rewards, Chinese officials are also posting anti-religion propaganda throughout the country. Posters reading - “Don’t believe in any religion other than the Communist Party. It’s enough to believe in the Party and the People’s Government of China" - were hung in parks in Yucheng county, which is located in the province of Heinan.
For more, see here.
Thank you for your bold and courageous reporting on this issue. Please keep it coming.
In the Immaculate Heart of Mary,
The latest news in China: the consequences of the Vatican-Beijing deal, which completely betrayed the faithful and heroic Catholics of the Underground Church, are that the Mindzenty Foundation championed for years, seems to have stopped fighting.
That Foundation says nothing anymore and the fundraising for the Underground Church seems to have stopped.
Thanks to Benedict's Letter and Francis' deal, the Underground Church is stranded. Now China is even bold enough to offer reward money for reporting underground churches!
In addition to monetary rewards, Chinese officials are also posting anti-religion propaganda throughout the country. Posters reading - “Don’t believe in any religion other than the Communist Party. It’s enough to believe in the Party and the People’s Government of China" - were hung in parks in Yucheng county, which is located in the province of Heinan.
For more, see here.
Thank you for your bold and courageous reporting on this issue. Please keep it coming.
In the Immaculate Heart of Mary,
Double Count
Dear TIA,
We have a customer whose wife went to the hospital to have a baby. They both had to test for Covid. The husband tested positive. He told them that he did not have it. He was tested again and it came back positive again. He was told that he would be counted as two positive tests even when it was for the same person.
So how many people are tested more than once?
We have a customer whose wife went to the hospital to have a baby. They both had to test for Covid. The husband tested positive. He told them that he did not have it. He was tested again and it came back positive again. He was told that he would be counted as two positive tests even when it was for the same person.
So how many people are tested more than once?
Fake Test Results
My daughter told me the following, which reportedly happened in Washington State recently.
A man decided to see what it was like to get tested for the coronavirus. He signed up online, thinking it would help him avoid the long lines for testing. He arrived at the testing site, only to find the line was so long he couldn’t stomach staying there. So he decided to go home.
He was never tested for the virus. Five days later, a letter arrived in his mailbox with the “results” of his coronavirus test. He tested positive.
Phony test results to be sure!
E.S., Ph.D.
My daughter told me the following, which reportedly happened in Washington State recently.
A man decided to see what it was like to get tested for the coronavirus. He signed up online, thinking it would help him avoid the long lines for testing. He arrived at the testing site, only to find the line was so long he couldn’t stomach staying there. So he decided to go home.
He was never tested for the virus. Five days later, a letter arrived in his mailbox with the “results” of his coronavirus test. He tested positive.
Phony test results to be sure!
E.S., Ph.D.
How Many New Cases of Covid?
Hello TIA,
No matter what random number you type, the Google search will always report that Covid has such a number of new cases.
It is a made-up system to keep people in fear/panic and continue with the lockdown.
This young lady makes her point. Watch it here; it is just three minutes.
No matter what random number you type, the Google search will always report that Covid has such a number of new cases.
It is a made-up system to keep people in fear/panic and continue with the lockdown.
This young lady makes her point. Watch it here; it is just three minutes.
Brother Reporting Brother…
My wife sent me this. Talk about communism!
People are actually being encouraged to report on one another for violating government edicts, much as people in Nazi Germany and Soviet Russia spied on each other on behalf of the government.
It got so bad that no one would talk to anyone, which was exactly what the government wanted. People hid in bathrooms just to say what was on their minds.
The county knows there is no way they can enforce this themselves. They know they don't have the resources. So, they are trying to get citizens to enforce it on one another.
This kind of action is designed to nudge people, one baby step at a time, into mindless compliance with total government control over every aspect of their lives AND separate people, even from family and friends.
At this rate, there well may be another "brother-brother" war (what the Indians called the Civil War).
If it wasn't so tragic, it would be funny. The Democrats and radicals actually think this will help defeat Trump and conservatives. What it is really doing is making people mad as Hell! You cannot go anywhere without fear of being "reported" for practicing freedom.
My wife stopped at Walmart yesterday for some milk. A woman at the door told her she could not enter without a mask. My wife just walked past her and bought the milk.
This is what happens when you put government in charge of ANYTHING! They mess it up EVERY TIME! And, the Dems want government-run healthcare?! What better argument AGAINST it do you need?
When you read this article, notice that the authorities are trying to figure out how to prosecute an obviously unconstitutional and illegal edict from "Der Fuhrer" Governor Kelly. This tells me that they KNOW they are wrong.
We need to adhere to Nancy Reagan's words, "JUST SAY NO!"
My wife sent me this. Talk about communism!
People are actually being encouraged to report on one another for violating government edicts, much as people in Nazi Germany and Soviet Russia spied on each other on behalf of the government.
It got so bad that no one would talk to anyone, which was exactly what the government wanted. People hid in bathrooms just to say what was on their minds.
The county knows there is no way they can enforce this themselves. They know they don't have the resources. So, they are trying to get citizens to enforce it on one another.
This kind of action is designed to nudge people, one baby step at a time, into mindless compliance with total government control over every aspect of their lives AND separate people, even from family and friends.
At this rate, there well may be another "brother-brother" war (what the Indians called the Civil War).
If it wasn't so tragic, it would be funny. The Democrats and radicals actually think this will help defeat Trump and conservatives. What it is really doing is making people mad as Hell! You cannot go anywhere without fear of being "reported" for practicing freedom.
My wife stopped at Walmart yesterday for some milk. A woman at the door told her she could not enter without a mask. My wife just walked past her and bought the milk.
This is what happens when you put government in charge of ANYTHING! They mess it up EVERY TIME! And, the Dems want government-run healthcare?! What better argument AGAINST it do you need?
When you read this article, notice that the authorities are trying to figure out how to prosecute an obviously unconstitutional and illegal edict from "Der Fuhrer" Governor Kelly. This tells me that they KNOW they are wrong.
We need to adhere to Nancy Reagan's words, "JUST SAY NO!"
No Freedom of Speech
Hello TIA,
Director and producer Robby Starbuck was suspended from Twitter on Wednesday after replying to someone with this: “I guess you think Dr. Harvey Risch, an epidemiology professor at Yale School of Public Health, isn’t a real doctor? He’s also touting that Hydroxychloroquine works.”
E.K., M.D.
Twitter Suspends PragerU, Prominent Conservatives,
and Doctors for Commenting on HCQ
Alana Mastrangelo
29 Jul 2020 - Twitter temporarily suspended the accounts of PragerU and a variety of prominent conservatives and even a doctor on Wednesday after they tweeted videos of doctors commenting on the effectiveness of the drug Hydroxychloroquine or otherwise commented on the drug.
Conservative non-profit group PragerU had its account restricted on Wednesday for allegedly violating the platform’s rules regarding posts about coronavirus after sharing a video of the “White Coat Summit” featuring medical doctors.
“American doctors are holding a ‘White Coat Summit’ in Washington, D.C. to address ‘a massive disinformation campaign’ by the media about coronavirus,” read PragerU’s tweet. “Watch as Dr. Stella Immanuel tackles the media’s narrative about hydroxychloroquine.”
Director and producer Robby Starbuck was suspended from Twitter on Wednesday after replying to someone, “I guess you think Dr. Harvey Risch, an epidemiology professor at Yale School of Public Health isn’t a real doctor? He’s also touting that Hydroxychloroquine works.”
Starbuck was later notified by Twitter that his tweet had violated the Twitter Rules regarding “the policy on spreading misleading and potentially harmful information related to COVID-19,” and that his account had been temporarily restricted from tweeting.
Dr. David Samadi was also suspended from Twitter after violating rules regarding information about the Chinese coronavirus.
“If people hate President Trump, that is entirely their prerogative,” tweeted Samadi. “When their hatred causes them to deliberately hide good news about a life-saving treatment for a global pandemic, that is when the line is crossed. Hydroxychloroquine works and it has worked.”
Samadi received a notification from Twitter informing him that his account had been restricted for violating the Twitter Rules regarding COVID-19.
Moreover, Australian-American author Nick Adams was also suspended from the platform, for tweeting, “Hydroxychloroquine SAVES lives! Rt!”
Adams was notified by Twitter on Wednesday that he had been banned from issuing tweets for the next 12 hours.
The suspensions arrive just days after Google and social media platforms censored a livestreamed video posted by Breitbart News of a press conference held in Washington, D.C. on Monday by the group America’s Frontline Doctors.
Following the censorship, Twitter restricted the president’s son, Donald Trump Jr.’s account for 12 hours after he shared the a viral video clip of Monday’s press conference with the doctors on Capitol Hill.
Republican strategist and Trump Jr. spokesman Andrew Surabian posted a screenshot sharing the update that Trump Jr. received on his Twitter account: Breitbart News has requested comment from Twitter, but did not receive a reply at the time of publication.
Original here
Director and producer Robby Starbuck was suspended from Twitter on Wednesday after replying to someone with this: “I guess you think Dr. Harvey Risch, an epidemiology professor at Yale School of Public Health, isn’t a real doctor? He’s also touting that Hydroxychloroquine works.”
E.K., M.D.
and Doctors for Commenting on HCQ
Alana Mastrangelo
29 Jul 2020 - Twitter temporarily suspended the accounts of PragerU and a variety of prominent conservatives and even a doctor on Wednesday after they tweeted videos of doctors commenting on the effectiveness of the drug Hydroxychloroquine or otherwise commented on the drug.
Conservative non-profit group PragerU had its account restricted on Wednesday for allegedly violating the platform’s rules regarding posts about coronavirus after sharing a video of the “White Coat Summit” featuring medical doctors.
“American doctors are holding a ‘White Coat Summit’ in Washington, D.C. to address ‘a massive disinformation campaign’ by the media about coronavirus,” read PragerU’s tweet. “Watch as Dr. Stella Immanuel tackles the media’s narrative about hydroxychloroquine.”
Director and producer Robby Starbuck was suspended from Twitter on Wednesday after replying to someone, “I guess you think Dr. Harvey Risch, an epidemiology professor at Yale School of Public Health isn’t a real doctor? He’s also touting that Hydroxychloroquine works.”
Starbuck was later notified by Twitter that his tweet had violated the Twitter Rules regarding “the policy on spreading misleading and potentially harmful information related to COVID-19,” and that his account had been temporarily restricted from tweeting.
Dr. David Samadi was also suspended from Twitter after violating rules regarding information about the Chinese coronavirus.
“If people hate President Trump, that is entirely their prerogative,” tweeted Samadi. “When their hatred causes them to deliberately hide good news about a life-saving treatment for a global pandemic, that is when the line is crossed. Hydroxychloroquine works and it has worked.”
Samadi received a notification from Twitter informing him that his account had been restricted for violating the Twitter Rules regarding COVID-19.
Moreover, Australian-American author Nick Adams was also suspended from the platform, for tweeting, “Hydroxychloroquine SAVES lives! Rt!”
Adams was notified by Twitter on Wednesday that he had been banned from issuing tweets for the next 12 hours.
The suspensions arrive just days after Google and social media platforms censored a livestreamed video posted by Breitbart News of a press conference held in Washington, D.C. on Monday by the group America’s Frontline Doctors.
Following the censorship, Twitter restricted the president’s son, Donald Trump Jr.’s account for 12 hours after he shared the a viral video clip of Monday’s press conference with the doctors on Capitol Hill.
Republican strategist and Trump Jr. spokesman Andrew Surabian posted a screenshot sharing the update that Trump Jr. received on his Twitter account: Breitbart News has requested comment from Twitter, but did not receive a reply at the time of publication.
Original here

Posted August 6, 2020
Re: Comments on a reader about The Plot against the Church
Just to inform you that of the 12 unknown authors of The Plot Against the Church, only one is known: He happens to be The Reverend Joaquin Saenz Y Arriaga, Ph.D., who is also the author of The New Montinian Church - translated from the Spanish by Edgar A Lucidi, M.D, 1st English Edition, Aug. 15, 1985 by R.R. Donnelley & Sons Company, California.
Rev. Arriaga was “excommunicated” for his part in the book; however, the other 11 authors are still unknown. This was revealed by OMNI Christian Books some years back.
God bless,
In Christ thru Mary,