What People Are Commenting
What Happened to the Flu?
The UK can’t figure out why the FLU suddenly disappeared after COVID arrived. Right. It’s because they coded all the FLU cases to COVID. We now have the data to prove it.
If my estimates are correct, roughly 24,000 have actually died FROM COVID in the United States in the past year – compared to an annual average of 30,000 who die from the FLU each year.
You don’t need to be a rocket scientist to realize we’ve been conned.
The UK can’t figure out why the FLU suddenly disappeared after COVID arrived. Right. It’s because they coded all the FLU cases to COVID. We now have the data to prove it.
If my estimates are correct, roughly 24,000 have actually died FROM COVID in the United States in the past year – compared to an annual average of 30,000 who die from the FLU each year.
You don’t need to be a rocket scientist to realize we’ve been conned.
One in Four Resist Vaccine
Despite all the efforts of the progressivist media, the representatives of the Catholic Church and of course Francis, 1 in 4 Americans say no to the Vaccine. Actually, I think the number is much higher.
Keep up your resistance fight, TIA.
Poll Shows Nearly 1 In 4 Americans Would Resist COVID-19 Vaccine
Feb. 3, 2021 - Public opinion poll released Wednesday by Monmouth University found that nearly a quarter of Americans would avoid taking the COVID-19 vaccine.
When asked whether they would take the vaccine immediately, hold-off until more people receive it, or resist entirely, 24% of respondents said it is likely they “will never get the vaccine.” Meanwhile, 50% responded they would get the vaccine as soon as it became available. And nearly 20% said they would “see how it goes.”
Respondents varied widely concerning when they believe the US will get the virus under control and return to normal. Roughly 3 in 10 think this could happen by the summer, while 39% believe it will not happen before the end of 2021. Further, 6 in 10 respondents said they are “very concerned” someone in their family could become seriously ill.
The poll also revealed a partisan divide, Patrick Murray, director of the independent Monmouth University Polling Institute said in the release. Nearly 42% of Republicans polled said they would avoid vaccination.
“Reluctance to get the vaccine is driven more by partisanship than any single demographic factor. It says a lot about the depth of our partisan divide that it could impact public health like this,” Murray said. …
The poll, which was conducted by phone from January 21 to 24, evaluated the responses of 809 US adults and had a margin of error of 3.5 percentage points.
Original here.
Despite all the efforts of the progressivist media, the representatives of the Catholic Church and of course Francis, 1 in 4 Americans say no to the Vaccine. Actually, I think the number is much higher.
Keep up your resistance fight, TIA.
Feb. 3, 2021 - Public opinion poll released Wednesday by Monmouth University found that nearly a quarter of Americans would avoid taking the COVID-19 vaccine.
When asked whether they would take the vaccine immediately, hold-off until more people receive it, or resist entirely, 24% of respondents said it is likely they “will never get the vaccine.” Meanwhile, 50% responded they would get the vaccine as soon as it became available. And nearly 20% said they would “see how it goes.”
Respondents varied widely concerning when they believe the US will get the virus under control and return to normal. Roughly 3 in 10 think this could happen by the summer, while 39% believe it will not happen before the end of 2021. Further, 6 in 10 respondents said they are “very concerned” someone in their family could become seriously ill.
The poll also revealed a partisan divide, Patrick Murray, director of the independent Monmouth University Polling Institute said in the release. Nearly 42% of Republicans polled said they would avoid vaccination.
“Reluctance to get the vaccine is driven more by partisanship than any single demographic factor. It says a lot about the depth of our partisan divide that it could impact public health like this,” Murray said. …
The poll, which was conducted by phone from January 21 to 24, evaluated the responses of 809 US adults and had a margin of error of 3.5 percentage points.
Original here.
Absolute Proof
Thanks to those who were monitoring cyber space last year, we have this compelling data.
You need to go to this site and watch “Absolute Proof” (here).
E.K., M.D.
Thanks to those who were monitoring cyber space last year, we have this compelling data.
You need to go to this site and watch “Absolute Proof” (here).
E.K., M.D.
Not a Legitimate President
Best download this to your hard drive. Contact every elected representative, giving him this link, and ask them what they are personally doing about this?
Biden is clearly not a legitimate President of The United States. We DEMAND correction or we lose all of our liberties, along with our Country.
All it takes for evil to prevail is for good people to do nothing. If they get away with this – why ever bother to vote again.
Pass on far and wide....
Best download this to your hard drive. Contact every elected representative, giving him this link, and ask them what they are personally doing about this?
Biden is clearly not a legitimate President of The United States. We DEMAND correction or we lose all of our liberties, along with our Country.
All it takes for evil to prevail is for good people to do nothing. If they get away with this – why ever bother to vote again.
Pass on far and wide....
What Is Your Opinion?
I recently came across a website, www.ourladyisgod.com, which eventually brought me to your site.
After reading through the TIA site, I wanted to see what your opinion of the Our Lady is God site was.
Do you agree with serious statements like theirs such as saying Holy Ghost vs Holy Spirit which they refer to as Satan?
Do you have any other thoughts concerning their site or any other resources you would recommend to cross-reference them?
Thank you for your time,
TIA responds:
We affirm what Holy Mother Church has affirmed on Our Lady, that is, she is the Most Beloved Daughter of God the Father, the Most Admirable Mother of God the Son and the Most Faithful Spouse of the Holy Ghost.
The affirmation that Our Lady is God is a lunacy even before being a heresy. No one that has any drop of Catholic sense can agree with it.
We do not have any contact with this website and cannot offer you any resources to reference them.
TIA correspondence desk
I recently came across a website, www.ourladyisgod.com, which eventually brought me to your site.
After reading through the TIA site, I wanted to see what your opinion of the Our Lady is God site was.
Do you agree with serious statements like theirs such as saying Holy Ghost vs Holy Spirit which they refer to as Satan?
Do you have any other thoughts concerning their site or any other resources you would recommend to cross-reference them?
Thank you for your time,
TIA responds:
We affirm what Holy Mother Church has affirmed on Our Lady, that is, she is the Most Beloved Daughter of God the Father, the Most Admirable Mother of God the Son and the Most Faithful Spouse of the Holy Ghost.
The affirmation that Our Lady is God is a lunacy even before being a heresy. No one that has any drop of Catholic sense can agree with it.
We do not have any contact with this website and cannot offer you any resources to reference them.
TIA correspondence desk
Pope Puts Woman in the Bishop’s Synod
Dear TIA,
As you have warned many times, Pope Francis will not rest until he makes woman priests and bishops. Last month he said women could receive the orders of lector and acolyte, now he names a woman to the Synod of Bishops with the right to vote.
It is hard to imagine that after Francis the Catholic Church will still be recognizable…
In Jesus and Mary,
French nun is first woman to get vote at the Synod of Bishops
Xaverian Sister Nathalie Becquart is named co-undersecretary of Synod secretariat in Rome along with Spanish Augustinian priest who is to become bishop
Pope Francis has named Xaverian Sister Nathalie Bequart, a 52-year-old French religious who has specialized in the youth ministry, as an undersecretary at the Rome-based general secretariat of the Synod of Bishops.
But it’s the appointment of Sister Bequart that’s been hailed as a further step the pope has taken in his drive to put more women in positions of greater authority within the Church.
The new co-undersecretaries will share the No. 2 post in the Synod secretariat, which is headed by Maltese Cardinal Mario Grech, the 63-year-old secretary general.
In her new post, Sister Bequart Historical will be the first woman ever to have the right to vote in the Synod of Bishops’ assemblies.
This makes the first “Synod Mother” of the Catholic Church.
Paul VI instituted the current Synod of Bishops in 1965 as a consultative body headed by the Bishop of Rome. Pope Francis has moved to enhance its authority, importance and functionality.
Original here.
As you have warned many times, Pope Francis will not rest until he makes woman priests and bishops. Last month he said women could receive the orders of lector and acolyte, now he names a woman to the Synod of Bishops with the right to vote.
It is hard to imagine that after Francis the Catholic Church will still be recognizable…
In Jesus and Mary,
Xaverian Sister Nathalie Becquart is named co-undersecretary of Synod secretariat in Rome along with Spanish Augustinian priest who is to become bishop
Pope Francis has named Xaverian Sister Nathalie Bequart, a 52-year-old French religious who has specialized in the youth ministry, as an undersecretary at the Rome-based general secretariat of the Synod of Bishops.
But it’s the appointment of Sister Bequart that’s been hailed as a further step the pope has taken in his drive to put more women in positions of greater authority within the Church.
The new co-undersecretaries will share the No. 2 post in the Synod secretariat, which is headed by Maltese Cardinal Mario Grech, the 63-year-old secretary general.
In her new post, Sister Bequart Historical will be the first woman ever to have the right to vote in the Synod of Bishops’ assemblies.
This makes the first “Synod Mother” of the Catholic Church.
Paul VI instituted the current Synod of Bishops in 1965 as a consultative body headed by the Bishop of Rome. Pope Francis has moved to enhance its authority, importance and functionality.
Original here.
Funding Sins that Cry to Heaven for Vengeance
My dear friends,
It has been reported, I believe credibly (see below), that the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB), by means of the Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCDH) has funded groups which openly support sins that cry to Heaven for vengeance.
Because the USCCB receives its funding from the dioceses of the United States, which in turn receive their funding from the Catholic faithful of the United States, I believe this is, to some extent, our responsibility. At the very least, I believe we have the right and the duty to ensure that none of the money that we give as part of our duty to provide for the needs of the Church can be used to fund gravely sinful causes. …
I will not ignore or diminish the potential, negative consequences. I will only insist that the moral obligation is not lifted on account of such consequences. …
I have no intention of being secretive; feel free to share this missive at your discretion.
You may see evidence of the mentioned support here, here, here and here.
Pax vobiscum,
It has been reported, I believe credibly (see below), that the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB), by means of the Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCDH) has funded groups which openly support sins that cry to Heaven for vengeance.
Because the USCCB receives its funding from the dioceses of the United States, which in turn receive their funding from the Catholic faithful of the United States, I believe this is, to some extent, our responsibility. At the very least, I believe we have the right and the duty to ensure that none of the money that we give as part of our duty to provide for the needs of the Church can be used to fund gravely sinful causes. …
I will not ignore or diminish the potential, negative consequences. I will only insist that the moral obligation is not lifted on account of such consequences. …
I have no intention of being secretive; feel free to share this missive at your discretion.
You may see evidence of the mentioned support here, here, here and here.
Pax vobiscum,

Posted February 11, 2021
Watch this... it looks very important to me.
Israel News Live interviews Dr. Carrie Madej on the effects of the vaccine.