Progressivism in the Church
Church Revolution in Pictures
Photo of the Week
Irish Dominicans give from-a-box Communion
Above you see Fr. Matthew Farrell, OP, giving Communion to one of the lay faithful at Holy Cross Dominican Church in Tralee, Ireland.Fr. Farrell is obeying the directives of the New Sanitary Church, which is taking advantage of the public panic over Covid-19 to destroy whatever Progressivism has not managed to destroy since Vatican II.
So, there is no longer the appropriate adoration of the Holy Sacrament, which is being treated as a vehicle of contamination. This mistreatment, never before seen in History, has become accepted almost everywhere.
It is indisputably a symptom of the general apostasy that has ravaged the Catholic Church since she adopted the criteria of the modern world and abandoned her supernatural norms.
The box, shown above, was conceived and designed by Prior Joe O'Brien, below first and second row. He is following the general trend of adaptation imposed by Pope Francis from the top down to the parish priests all over the world.
Holy Cross Church in Tralee, third to fifth rows, was built in 1243.
Photos sent by a reader & from the Kerryman newspaper online

Posted July 26, 2020