Progressivism in the Church
Church Revolution in Pictures
Photo of the Week
A Capuchin quarantine in Texas
With the quarantine still in force in San Antonio, Texas, these two Capuchins resolved to send this new-evangelization message to the parishioners of their church.This dancing serves one good purpose, which is to show how unfitting is for monks to "modernize" their apostolate. Indeed, nothing could be more inappropriate and malapropos than to dance to the rock beat of modern music dressed in the solemn albeit poor Capuchin habit. More than inappropriate, it is positively ridiculous.
We do not understand how priests and monks imagine they are attracting young persons to a religious vocation by adopting the customs of the modern world. If a young man or young woman desired the religious life, it would be precisely because he or she wants to abandon the world. If someone were to enter the religious life to adapt himself to the world, he could say: "Well, why should I enter religious life if it is to adapt myself to the world? I am already here in the world. I don't need to change my life for what they're offering."
New evangelization with its adaptation to the modern world is a contradiction in terms. And it also explains why so few want to enter the religious life.
Photos from Gloria TV first seen in
Call Me Jorge

Posted May 3, 2020