Progressivism in the Church
Church Revolution in Pictures
Photo of the Week
Has a chastisement fallen on the Vatican?
Independent of whether or not the reasons for the authorities to order persons to "voluntarily" stay in their homes are valid, one fact no one can dispute: The habitually crowded Vatican square has become empty.If the photos displayed on this page were shown to someone 100 years from now, this person – if he had Catholic sense – would probably say: "To be so deserted, a chastisement must have fallen on the Vatican."
If this person were then to learn that, some months before the square emptied, there were pagan ceremonies to adore idols at the Vatican and the Pope was present at them, he would probably say: "This was clearly a chastisement for that crime."
This is at least what we believe will be the judgment of History.
Photos from the Internet

Posted March 22, 2020