Progressivism in the Church
Church Revolution in Pictures
Photo of the Week
A foretaste of ‘a Church with an Amazonian face’
Above you see Pope Francis bowing before a wooden statue of the goddess Pachamama, the Indian goddess of fertility. This nude pregnant figure was worshipped in a ceremony on October 4, 2019, in the Vatican Gardens in the presence of the Pope and several Cardinals. The deity has been identified with Mother Earth or Gaia in the ecological movement.The ceremony included a group of some 25 participants, most of them indigenous people. It took place under the direction of a woman witch-doctor; a Franciscan friar also participated in it.
After the Pope and Cardinal were seated, the group approached dancing and singing, spread a round multi-colored cloth on the grass and placed several indigenous symbols over it, including two large wooden statues of pregnant deities and several smaller wood figurines of other deities.
The witch-doctor approached the Pope and gave him a coconut cup with a liquid to touch while another Indian presented the Pachamama statue to him, above. Then, another participant placed an indigenous necklace around his neck, second to the last row below.
Next, the group engaged in a ritual dance around the idols placed on the round cloth, knelt before them and made a clear act of adoration of those deities, as shown in the sixth row below. It was unquestionably an act of idolatry made at the Vatican with the participation of the Pope.
The symbolic ceremony ended by Pope Francis planting a memorial tree in a hole filled with Amazonian dirt.
This took place the feast day of St. Francis of Assisi, whom Pope Francis named as Patron Saint of the Amazon Synod that started today.
Full footage of the event by Vatican News here.

Posted October 6, 2019

Our Lady of La Salette,
restore the Holy Church.