Progressivism in the Church
Church Revolution in Pictures
Photo of the Week
New Guinea tribes offer models for Church Tribalism
This page shows some tribes of Papua New Guinea that participated in the Highlands Catholic Youth Rally in Kewabi Catholic Church in the Diocese of Mendi, which took place July 9-13, 2019. Present were Bishop Dariuz Kaluza and Fr. Robert Ablewicz - posing with a rock band in the second to the last row below.The most original "costume" was worn by the pagan Indian tribe Asaro, whose members appeared in breechcloths and large clay masks with pig's teeth and shells. If someone were to say that they look like devils, we do not believe it would be an exaggeration. The Indians of this tribe led the opening procession.
Other scantily-clad local tribes also participated of the event.
A Mass was said in which Bishop Kaluza gave Communion to some of these mudmen, seventh row.
We should not be surprised if the new "Amazonian face of the Church" promised by Pope Francis will present different inculturated variations, inspired by the primitive customs of the natives of each continent.
Photos from
video by Fr. Ablewicz taken from his Facebook

Posted September 1, 2019

Our Lady of La Salette,
restore the Holy Church.