What People Are Commenting
I Admire Your Courage
Dear TIA,
I was very encouraged by Atila Guimareas recent article, "The Fraudulent 2nd Wave of the Pandemic," and admired his courage to publish it.
It seems human history is driven by the battle between Christ and the anti-Christ. Those who join the latter, do so by accepting lies in one form or another.
In an excerpt from Solzhenitsyn's 1974 essay, "Live not by Lies," he points out that refusing the lies is key to being on the winning side, with Our Lord, that is.
"And the simplest and most accessible key to our self-neglected liberation lies right here: Personal non-participation in lies. Though lies conceal everything, though lies embrace everything, but not with any help from me".
As the more severe consequences of the COVID lie manifests itself in our country, let us promise ourselves not to assist it in any way.
May Our Lady continue to enlighten, guide and protect TIA.
I was very encouraged by Atila Guimareas recent article, "The Fraudulent 2nd Wave of the Pandemic," and admired his courage to publish it.
It seems human history is driven by the battle between Christ and the anti-Christ. Those who join the latter, do so by accepting lies in one form or another.
In an excerpt from Solzhenitsyn's 1974 essay, "Live not by Lies," he points out that refusing the lies is key to being on the winning side, with Our Lord, that is.
"And the simplest and most accessible key to our self-neglected liberation lies right here: Personal non-participation in lies. Though lies conceal everything, though lies embrace everything, but not with any help from me".
As the more severe consequences of the COVID lie manifests itself in our country, let us promise ourselves not to assist it in any way.
May Our Lady continue to enlighten, guide and protect TIA.
Your Uncompromising Apostolate
Hello my Dears,
Some months ago I ordered a few books and a prayer booklet about/to Our Lady of Good Success and Mother Mariana, and you so kindly joined some images, a "slightly defective" novena booklet and... a relic having "clothed" the statue of Our Blessed Mother in Quito.
Since then I have been wanting to let you know how deeply moved I was by your kind gesture... How delighted & grateful. I will treasure these, especially the precious surprise-gift of this relic, as long as I live.
Along with this email, you will find a picture of one of my "oratories," which I call Our Lady's Garden. You may notice where I keep the relic in its pouch.
Such a blessing!
Thank you also - so much - for your loving, persevering and uncompromising Apostolate.
May the Lord continue blessing you and giving you the strength to uphold the Truth everywhere and always
Take care and... best regards to everybody, from Switzerland.
Some months ago I ordered a few books and a prayer booklet about/to Our Lady of Good Success and Mother Mariana, and you so kindly joined some images, a "slightly defective" novena booklet and... a relic having "clothed" the statue of Our Blessed Mother in Quito.
Since then I have been wanting to let you know how deeply moved I was by your kind gesture... How delighted & grateful. I will treasure these, especially the precious surprise-gift of this relic, as long as I live.
Along with this email, you will find a picture of one of my "oratories," which I call Our Lady's Garden. You may notice where I keep the relic in its pouch.
Such a blessing!
Thank you also - so much - for your loving, persevering and uncompromising Apostolate.
May the Lord continue blessing you and giving you the strength to uphold the Truth everywhere and always
Take care and... best regards to everybody, from Switzerland.

Zen: 'Vatican II Is the Voice of the Holy Spirit'
I saw this article the other day on Cardinal Zen defending emphatically Vatican II, and remembered your article on him being a false right in the China-Rome deal [here].
He is against Francis and the deal, but all for Benedict and John Paul II (who both opened the doors for the 'deal'). So here we have a great conservative 'champion' defending the indefensible, if you want to face straight on where the crisis originates.
Hope it helps to open some eyes to the false right.
I saw this article the other day on Cardinal Zen defending emphatically Vatican II, and remembered your article on him being a false right in the China-Rome deal [here].
He is against Francis and the deal, but all for Benedict and John Paul II (who both opened the doors for the 'deal'). So here we have a great conservative 'champion' defending the indefensible, if you want to face straight on where the crisis originates.
Hope it helps to open some eyes to the false right.
Arguments against Sede-Vacantism
Dear Mr. Guimarães,
I just read your booklet, “Resistance versus Sede-Vacantism,” which I purchased off of Amazon, in an attempt to inform myself about how to guide and persuade my wife away from the sede-vacantism, which she has fallen into (CMRI).
In the booklet, you present some very excellent arguments, but that was 20 years ago and much has happened since then. My questions are:
The Editor responds:
Dear Dr. A.P.,
Thank you for your compliments.
I have not changed my position regarding Sede-Vacantism. Perhaps some details of that booklet should be updated, but essentially my position remains the same.
You may read other answers we at TIA have given to objectors, which can be found in this section on Sede-Vacantism.
I do not have the pleasure to know your wife, so I cannot realize what line of argumentation is more convenient for her. Not knowing whether she is moved more by intellectual arguments or those of common sense, I offer you two types of approaches for these two mindsets.
If she is more intellectual, I have refuted some of the basics of Sede-Vacantism in this answer to a reader. I hope you have the patience to read it to see if it contains a way to dissuade her.
If she has a more positive mind that treasures common sense, perhaps this approach will be more convenient for her.
I hope you will be able to persuade her to adopt the right position, which is not to believe we as Catholic faithful have the authority to decide who is Pope, but rather to trust in Divine Providence, Who is sending us the trial of having bad Popes to test our fidelity, humility and patience.
Atila S. Guimarães
I just read your booklet, “Resistance versus Sede-Vacantism,” which I purchased off of Amazon, in an attempt to inform myself about how to guide and persuade my wife away from the sede-vacantism, which she has fallen into (CMRI).
In the booklet, you present some very excellent arguments, but that was 20 years ago and much has happened since then. My questions are:
- Do you still hold the positions as expressed in the booklet or have you refined your positions in any significant way? If so, can you point me to a booklet or essay where I could catch up on your latest thoughts?
- Is there any “perfect” resource I could ask my wife to read that could dissuade her from sede-vacantism?
The Editor responds:
Dear Dr. A.P.,
Thank you for your compliments.
I have not changed my position regarding Sede-Vacantism. Perhaps some details of that booklet should be updated, but essentially my position remains the same.
You may read other answers we at TIA have given to objectors, which can be found in this section on Sede-Vacantism.
I do not have the pleasure to know your wife, so I cannot realize what line of argumentation is more convenient for her. Not knowing whether she is moved more by intellectual arguments or those of common sense, I offer you two types of approaches for these two mindsets.
If she is more intellectual, I have refuted some of the basics of Sede-Vacantism in this answer to a reader. I hope you have the patience to read it to see if it contains a way to dissuade her.
If she has a more positive mind that treasures common sense, perhaps this approach will be more convenient for her.
I hope you will be able to persuade her to adopt the right position, which is not to believe we as Catholic faithful have the authority to decide who is Pope, but rather to trust in Divine Providence, Who is sending us the trial of having bad Popes to test our fidelity, humility and patience.
Atila S. Guimarães
Is the Condemnation of Ratzinger True or False?
Re: Ratzinger under Suspicion of Heresy
This page shows an edition of the French magazine Informations Catholiques Internationales (n. 336 - May 15, 1969, p. 9) that reports a list of 30 theologians chosen by Pope Paul VI for an international theological commission. Among them is Joseph RATZINGER with 45 years old, but on the date of release of this edition he should have been 42.
Is it true that this source is true? How to explain it?
TIA responds:
There are actually two questions in your message: One is the mistake about Ratzinger's age; another is an innuendo that the condemnation is not objective.
Indeed, if we understood your innuendo well, you are implying that a source such the magazine Informations Catholiques Internationales (ICI) that commits one error regarding the age of a person can also commit another error regarding the information of his condemnation.
Here is our answer to your question(s):
TIA correspondence desk
Re: Ratzinger under Suspicion of Heresy
This page shows an edition of the French magazine Informations Catholiques Internationales (n. 336 - May 15, 1969, p. 9) that reports a list of 30 theologians chosen by Pope Paul VI for an international theological commission. Among them is Joseph RATZINGER with 45 years old, but on the date of release of this edition he should have been 42.
Is it true that this source is true? How to explain it?
TIA responds:
There are actually two questions in your message: One is the mistake about Ratzinger's age; another is an innuendo that the condemnation is not objective.
Indeed, if we understood your innuendo well, you are implying that a source such the magazine Informations Catholiques Internationales (ICI) that commits one error regarding the age of a person can also commit another error regarding the information of his condemnation.
Here is our answer to your question(s):
- We do not know how ICI made that mistake. We believe that it is just a typo.
The magazine Informations Catholiques Internationales (ICI), founded by the French Dominicans of Paris, was well known for being one of the most reliable progressivist sources of information from 1955-1983, when it changed its name to Actualité Religieuse dans le Monde.
In the series of name changes it underwent, it was bought by the French newspaper Le Monde in 2003 and is now called Le Monde des Religions. In June 2020 it ceased to be a printed publication and became an online publication, which can be found by visiting that section of the newspaper Le Monde.
So, if you are interested in resolving your problem about Ratzinger's age in that news report, you may choose one of two ways: either contact Le Monde or the Dominicans of Le Saulchoir Monastery, which was where ICI was born. The hyperlinks provided in these two last paragraphs will send you to these institutions. - If your point is to deny that Joseph Ratzinger was under suspicion of heresy as a member of the Nouvelle Théologie, you may also ask them what was the base for ICI to explicitly affirm that he was.
TIA correspondence desk

Posted August 4, 2020
I just wanted to say that the video on Our Lady of Good Success of the Purification and the info provided by you all really strengthened my faith.
You all are making Catholicism what it once was and always should be. I am only 20 years old, yet I have endured so much in my life because of the damage that the diluted Catholicism did to my family.
I am so grateful for people like you that are bold enough to point out the hypocrisy of people abusing the title of Catholicism.
God bless you all, and tell Dr. Horvat thank you for me!
Soli Deo gloria!
In Christ,