What People are Commenting
Brussels Court & Blessing of ‘Gays’
‘I Will Never Take the Vaccine’
Dear TIA,
Re: Vaccine’s Potential Harmful Side-Effects
Thank you for the article about the vaccine (covid) and how it can really just hurt your body more. Is there a difference in the various vaccines out there? I heard that the "main two" are also preserved in anti-freeze - so you are also injecting your body with antifreeze. The Johnson and Johnson one is not preserved that way - but I will never put any aborted fetal cells, monkey parts, etc. in my body to begin with.
However, even natural doctors seem to think it is ok to get this vaccine. I think everyone has gone crazy. I even wrote a poem to such nonsense - I"ll have to find it again.
Anyway, thank you for keeping us informed on the real news!
God Bless your work.
Re: Vaccine’s Potential Harmful Side-Effects
Thank you for the article about the vaccine (covid) and how it can really just hurt your body more. Is there a difference in the various vaccines out there? I heard that the "main two" are also preserved in anti-freeze - so you are also injecting your body with antifreeze. The Johnson and Johnson one is not preserved that way - but I will never put any aborted fetal cells, monkey parts, etc. in my body to begin with.
However, even natural doctors seem to think it is ok to get this vaccine. I think everyone has gone crazy. I even wrote a poem to such nonsense - I"ll have to find it again.
Anyway, thank you for keeping us informed on the real news!
God Bless your work.
London Protest against Lockdowns
Watch this short clip on a London protest against the lockdowns, which took place this weekend (April 24-25, 2021).
Watch this short clip on a London protest against the lockdowns, which took place this weekend (April 24-25, 2021).
Plea to St. George to Protect England
Dear TIA,
I read this beautiful plea of Dom Guéranger asking St. George (Feast day April 23) to assist England:
There was a time when the whole Christian world loved and honored thy memory with enthusiastic joy: but now, alas! this devotion has grown cold, and thy feast passes unnoticed by thousands. O holy martyr! avenge this ingratitude by imitating thy divine King, who maketh his sun to rise upon both good and bad; take pity on this world, perverted as it is by false doctrines, and tormented at this very time by the most terrible scourges.
Have compassion on thy dear England, which has been seduced by the dragon of hell, and by him made the instrument for effecting his plots against the Lord and his Christ. Take up thy spear as of old; give the monster battle, and emancipate the isle of Saints from his slavish yoke. Heaven and earth join in this great prayer! In the name of our Risen Jesus, aid thine own and once devoted people to a glorious resurrection!
I read this beautiful plea of Dom Guéranger asking St. George (Feast day April 23) to assist England:
There was a time when the whole Christian world loved and honored thy memory with enthusiastic joy: but now, alas! this devotion has grown cold, and thy feast passes unnoticed by thousands. O holy martyr! avenge this ingratitude by imitating thy divine King, who maketh his sun to rise upon both good and bad; take pity on this world, perverted as it is by false doctrines, and tormented at this very time by the most terrible scourges.
Have compassion on thy dear England, which has been seduced by the dragon of hell, and by him made the instrument for effecting his plots against the Lord and his Christ. Take up thy spear as of old; give the monster battle, and emancipate the isle of Saints from his slavish yoke. Heaven and earth join in this great prayer! In the name of our Risen Jesus, aid thine own and once devoted people to a glorious resurrection!
Homo Blessings in Germany
The Bishops in Germany oppose the recent decision by the Congregation of the Doctrine of the Faith forbidding Catholic priests to bless homosexual unions.
We know that Pope Francis is also displeased with that decision…
So, we have the left wing of German Bishops supporting a leftist Pope against a Cardinal who had the courage to state the Catholic doctrine that was always taught by the Church.
Isn't this a close-up of chaos in the Church?
When will God stop this apostasy?
Read the report below, please.
German Catholics plan huge blessing of gay unions on May 10
Inés San Martín
ROME – Continuing to openly challenge the Vatican, several Catholic leaders in Germany are openly supporting the blessing of same-sex couples, with a massive blessing service scheduled for May 10, in direct opposition to Rome’s chief doctrinal office.
Bishop Franz-Josef Overbeck of Essen said that the priests in his diocese will face no canonical consequence if they decide to bless gay and lesbian couples next month as part of the event called “Love wins, blessing service for lovers.”
However, the website organizing the campaign has no public blessings registered in his diocese to take place on May 10 or “around that date,” as the website reads.
His comments came in an interview with WDR earlier this week, and follow his comments on Easter, when he argued that there are “many blessings for gay couples” in Germany. He also said that the Catholic Church is not supposed to reject gay people but “find ways for homosexuals to be able to live together.”
Overbeck’s stance is in direct opposition to a statement released by the Vatican’s Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (CDF) March 15 with papal approval. The document, technically an answer to a question posed to the CDF, argues that the Church cannot do so because “God does not bless sin.”
The Vatican never said who posed the original question.
The response caused division both among the faithful and the hierarchy, particularly in Germany, which is currently undergoing a synodal path to try to address the Church’s response to clerical sexual abuse, while at the same time reviewing Church teaching on human sexuality, priestly celibacy and the ban on ordaining women into the priesthood.
Among the German high-ranking prelates who support the CDF’s response are Cardinal Rainer Maria Woelki, Archbishop of Cologne; Bishop Stephan Burger of Freiburg; and Bishop Rudolf Voderholzer of Regensburg.
“Love wins. Love is a blessing,” says the website for May 10th blessing of same-sex couples. “People who love each other are blessed. On May 10th, 2021, we invite you to various places in Germany to blessing services. We don’t want to exclude anyone. We celebrate the diversity of people’s different life plans and love stories and ask for God’s blessings. Without any secrecy. On this page you will find the services that take place and you can register for a service and send us a blessing.”
Organizers also ask that on that day, Catholics in Germany use “creative symbols to make visible how many people in the Church perceive the colorful diversity of different life plans and love stories of people as an enrichment and a blessing.”
Original here
The Bishops in Germany oppose the recent decision by the Congregation of the Doctrine of the Faith forbidding Catholic priests to bless homosexual unions.
We know that Pope Francis is also displeased with that decision…
So, we have the left wing of German Bishops supporting a leftist Pope against a Cardinal who had the courage to state the Catholic doctrine that was always taught by the Church.
Isn't this a close-up of chaos in the Church?
When will God stop this apostasy?
Read the report below, please.
Inés San Martín
ROME – Continuing to openly challenge the Vatican, several Catholic leaders in Germany are openly supporting the blessing of same-sex couples, with a massive blessing service scheduled for May 10, in direct opposition to Rome’s chief doctrinal office.
Bishop Franz-Josef Overbeck of Essen said that the priests in his diocese will face no canonical consequence if they decide to bless gay and lesbian couples next month as part of the event called “Love wins, blessing service for lovers.”
However, the website organizing the campaign has no public blessings registered in his diocese to take place on May 10 or “around that date,” as the website reads.
His comments came in an interview with WDR earlier this week, and follow his comments on Easter, when he argued that there are “many blessings for gay couples” in Germany. He also said that the Catholic Church is not supposed to reject gay people but “find ways for homosexuals to be able to live together.”
Overbeck’s stance is in direct opposition to a statement released by the Vatican’s Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (CDF) March 15 with papal approval. The document, technically an answer to a question posed to the CDF, argues that the Church cannot do so because “God does not bless sin.”
The Vatican never said who posed the original question.
The response caused division both among the faithful and the hierarchy, particularly in Germany, which is currently undergoing a synodal path to try to address the Church’s response to clerical sexual abuse, while at the same time reviewing Church teaching on human sexuality, priestly celibacy and the ban on ordaining women into the priesthood.
Among the German high-ranking prelates who support the CDF’s response are Cardinal Rainer Maria Woelki, Archbishop of Cologne; Bishop Stephan Burger of Freiburg; and Bishop Rudolf Voderholzer of Regensburg.
“Love wins. Love is a blessing,” says the website for May 10th blessing of same-sex couples. “People who love each other are blessed. On May 10th, 2021, we invite you to various places in Germany to blessing services. We don’t want to exclude anyone. We celebrate the diversity of people’s different life plans and love stories and ask for God’s blessings. Without any secrecy. On this page you will find the services that take place and you can register for a service and send us a blessing.”
Organizers also ask that on that day, Catholics in Germany use “creative symbols to make visible how many people in the Church perceive the colorful diversity of different life plans and love stories of people as an enrichment and a blessing.”
Original here

Posted April 29, 2021
The opinions expressed in this section - What People Are Commenting - do not necessarily express those of TIA
I just read this news report that the mainstream media in the U.S. "forgot" to spread.
Please disseminate it among your readers, since it is a very good decision by that Belgian court.
In Jesus and Mary,
Belgium must lift ‘all COVID-19 measures’ within 30 days
March 31, 2021 - The Brussels Times reports Belgium today was ordered by a Brussels court to lift “all coronavirus measures” within 30 days, as their legal basis is insufficient.
Le Soir says the judge gave the Belgian State 30 days to provide a sound legal basis, or face a penalty of €5,000 for each day this period is exceeded, with a maximum limit of €200,000.
The League for Human Rights filed the lawsuit weeks ago, challenging Belgium’s use of Ministerial Decrees to implement the measures, circumventing the legislature.
The current coronavirus measures are based on the Civil Safety Act of 2007, which enable the State to react quickly in “exceptional circumstances,” but the judge has now ruled that these laws cannot serve as a basis for the Ministerial Decrees. An appeal to overturn the court ruling is still possible.
Source here.