What People Are Commenting
St. Valentine's Blessing for Homosexuals
in Vienna
I offer this article for your consideration.
Note by the Editor:
The following article, sent to us by a reader, was published initially on Kreuz.net, and was translated from German by the staff of Catholic Church Conservation.
We reproduced it with the permission of its editor, Mr. Chris Gillibrand. We thank him for his courtesy.
The Archbishop of Vienna is Cardinal Christoph von Schonborn, one of the principal players in the election that chose the present-day Pope.
A.S. Guimarães

The Vienna Homosexual-Supporting Cardinal
Permits a Blessing of Homosexuals in His Cathedral
Monday, February 12, 2007
In the Cathedral of St. Stephen in Vienna, homosexual couples are treated as "lovers" and are blessed as couples. And this with the blessings of the Cardinal.
On Valentine's Day, homo-couples will be blessed in St. Stephens by the responsible authorities who are anything but responsible.
The event is being officially promoted as a "Mass Blessing for Lovers." The Rector, Father Anton Faber has expressly invited homosexuals. It remains the Rector's secret what homo-couples have to do with lovers.
Fr. Faber or Toni, as he is known by those who wish to be over-familiar, stated last year that due to Church regulations, homosexuals could only be blessed individually, which he maintains again this year.
It appears, therefore, that homosexuals are being blessed instead of being asked to repent and go to the confessional.
Fr. Faber does not believe that God excludes homosexual couples or homosexually inclined people and, therefore, they are "not excluded."
It is evident the Rector is engaging in a two-faced game with respect to his blessing of individual homosexuals.
This method underlies a system
With this procedure, the Church has been managing for years to implement immoral and anti-Catholic practices.
A decision is made to go ahead with a morally dubious act, and then the authority reassures with the assistance of verbal ambiguities that one is not seeing what actually one is seeing.
This has been done with the full knowledge and silent agreement of the competent Bishops.
Such practices are in contradiction with Church documents, which become words for their own sake without any imperative. When nobody accuses, there is no judge.
Ambiguities are simply glossed over with the usual justifications.
The so-called shepherds look on, but do not act. Anti-Catholic actions becomes habitual, then they become quasi-rules, and then the fixed norm.
Rituals for homosexual blessings
The Rector publicly stated last year that he would like to have a special blessing rite for homosexual couples.
He implemented this for the first time in February 2006 at the St. Valentine's Day blessing in the Cathedral.
The ceremony at which the Rector officiated and the Cardinal looked on has become an actual homosexual demonstration.
A homosexual ideologist in Church circles who knows the Rector personally was publicly blessed together with his partner in St. Stephen's Cathedral. "The priest puts his hands on both our shoulders and asks for God's blessing for our relationship in good as well as in bad days," he said.
Fr. Faber beforehand solemnly promised not to do anything which the Holy Father would not agree with.
"We do not bless a relationship for life, we do not bless a homosexual marriage, but we bless each and every one in his longing for love," he said.
The tactics are to say one thing and do another.
The responsibility of the Cardinal
The Rector is not acting without authority. He explained to the media that this celebration naturally had the agreement of the Vienna Cardinal.
Was he lying?
It appears not. If he had, the Cardinal would have objected to the statement and issued a press statement to deny it.
It is also not known that the Cardinal has taken any measures to prevent homosexual couples from being blessed in his Cathedral, right under his nose.
On the contrary, the same spectacle repeats itself this year. This can only be interpreted that the Vienna Cardinal supports the blessings offered by his Rector.
Some Catholics, the ones who don't want to criticize or to condone, come up with the usual excuses:
- The Cardinal didn't know anything about it.
- He really didn't want it.
- He didn't actually participate.
- He has an enormous number of anti-Catholics in important positions to consider.
- What can he do by himself? He is alone.
Does this mean that the Cardinal is not master of his own Cathedral?
There can only be one conclusion. The Cardinal should become the Rector and the Rector should become the Cardinal.
In short, the Cardinal needs to decide whether he wants to exercise the office which he received from the Pope.
He has until Wednesday (Valentine's Day) to think about it. After Wednesday we will know.
Note to readers: The "blessing" took place as planned.
Posted April 13, 2007

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