Progressivism in the Church
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Blessed by Dolan homos march in St. Patrick's Day
We informed our readers last year about how Card. Timothy Dolan played a decisive role in the permission given for homosexuals to march in the St. Patrick's Days Parade in New York City, a 251-year-old tradition.Trying to justify his role in that decision, which raised many adverse reactions of Catholics, Dolan wrote these words:
“The most important question I had to ask myself was this: Does the new policy violate Catholic faith or morals? If it does, then the Committee has compromised the integrity of the Parade, and I must object and refuse to participate or support it. From my review, it does not. Catholic teaching is clear: “Being Gay” is not a sin, nor contrary to God’s revealed morals" (original here).
Card. Dolan based his justification on the Catechism of the Catholic Church, which is, in turn, based on Vatican II. This Catechism assumed the anti-Catholic Freudian presupposition that homosexuality is not a vice born from the practice of the sin against nature, but an indifferent sexual orientation, like that of having a sexual attraction toward a person of the opposite sex.
This is not true. It is a progressivist sophism duly refuted in the book Vatican II, Homosexuality & Pedophilia (Los Angeles: TIA, 2004, pp. 38-55).
Notwithstanding, even it were true, no one who has a vice that is against nature should be allowed to publicly flaunt his vice before others. Were this to be allowed, it would be an encouragement to the practice of sin. This is what the Cardinal of New York did.
Above, the "gay" group marching in the St. Patrick's Day March this year. Below first and second rows, Dolan parading as Grand Marshall in this week's Parade; two last rows, the Parade passing in front of St. Patrick's Cathedral in New York.
Watch two videos of the March here and here.
Photos from two videos, first seen in Call Me Jorge

Posted March 21, 2015