What People are Commenting
Biological Weapon & Becoming Catholic
Malaysia’s Report
The bullying that took place in Kuala Lumpur is no different from what is going on elsewhere:
The end with S.S.P.X. relations
April 2021 - Sadly after 29 years of being loyal to SSPX, the relationship with them has ended due to their mistreatment and abuse of the authority of the current District Superior of Asia and priests.
The Chapel of the Sacred Heart of Jesus is owned and managed by our local association and the District Superior wanted absolute authority over the chapel and the community here, in managing our association, when according to the Malaysian Registrar of Society ( R.O.S.) rules, foreign priests cannot be members but can only be visitors/guests. The visiting priests and the previous District Superiors, in the past had no issue with this regulation and had accepted it.
The close co-operation and problem free relationship with them is testament to this; but not now. We have always respected the priests’ authority in all religious, spiritual matters and had never opposed it. Our association committee members are accountable to R.O.S. and can be legally prosecuted for not abiding to the regulations but not the priests.
Is this behavior according to the missionary philosophy of their founder Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre? His main aim was to give the Traditional Latin Mass and the Sacraments to faithful who want them; not to own and run the Mass centers. The 29 years of loyalty did not account for anything to them, there was no consideration of any compromise but their insistence for absolute control; therefore we parted ways.
Having cut-off ties with us, they have set-up another Mass centre in another township and used our chapel’s name and prohibited the committee and some members from attending Mass there. What does such actions say about them? They tarnish the traditional priesthood and their founder’s name. Well by their fruits you shall know them. May God enlighten them in their errors and have mercy on them.
Reasons that led to the departure from S.S.P.X.
A.K., Malaysia
The bullying that took place in Kuala Lumpur is no different from what is going on elsewhere:
The end with S.S.P.X. relations
April 2021 - Sadly after 29 years of being loyal to SSPX, the relationship with them has ended due to their mistreatment and abuse of the authority of the current District Superior of Asia and priests.
The Chapel of the Sacred Heart of Jesus is owned and managed by our local association and the District Superior wanted absolute authority over the chapel and the community here, in managing our association, when according to the Malaysian Registrar of Society ( R.O.S.) rules, foreign priests cannot be members but can only be visitors/guests. The visiting priests and the previous District Superiors, in the past had no issue with this regulation and had accepted it.
The close co-operation and problem free relationship with them is testament to this; but not now. We have always respected the priests’ authority in all religious, spiritual matters and had never opposed it. Our association committee members are accountable to R.O.S. and can be legally prosecuted for not abiding to the regulations but not the priests.
Is this behavior according to the missionary philosophy of their founder Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre? His main aim was to give the Traditional Latin Mass and the Sacraments to faithful who want them; not to own and run the Mass centers. The 29 years of loyalty did not account for anything to them, there was no consideration of any compromise but their insistence for absolute control; therefore we parted ways.
Having cut-off ties with us, they have set-up another Mass centre in another township and used our chapel’s name and prohibited the committee and some members from attending Mass there. What does such actions say about them? They tarnish the traditional priesthood and their founder’s name. Well by their fruits you shall know them. May God enlighten them in their errors and have mercy on them.
Reasons that led to the departure from S.S.P.X.
A.K., Malaysia
Help Me to Become Catholic
Good Morning,
I am from the North East of England (UK) and I am interested in becoming Catholic. The problem I have is that despite contacting various priests I am unable to find a parish that offers the Traditional Latin Mass.
What should I do? Is the N.O my only option now? What about baptism? Would a N.O church be OK for this?
I am confused and a little annoyed over how best to proceed.
Kind regards,
TIA responds:
Good evening J.P.,
We compliment you for your decision to become Catholic.
We pass to answer your questions, first regarding Baptism, then regarding the Mass and Confession:
1. Baptism
Since Baptism is necessary for salvation, it is imperative that you find a priest to administer the Baptism to you as soon as you are prepared for it.
You may try to find a traditional priest in England using the internet (here and here), enter in contact with him and tell him you want to become a Catholic. Ask him how you should prepare yourself to receive this Sacrament.
He should give you some catechism to study and establish a time to test your understanding of the Catholic Faith.
We recommend studying traditional catechisms such as the Catechism of the Council of Trent, the Baltimore Catechism or Doctrina Christiana: The Catechism of St. Robert Bellarmine.
You should be aware that the progressivist catechisms issued post-Vatican II are not good. Prof. Remi Amelunxen gave an excellent critique of the Conciliar Catechism here
You may also read this series on Baptism by Fr. Alvarez, which is quite sound.
2. Attending Mass
Besides the two directories of Traditional Masses we indicated above, you also may look for Traditional Masses at the FSSP and SSPX. There should be also valid independent priests that say the Traditional Mass before 1955, but they are more difficult to track for us, here in the United States.
You may also try to find in your area Catholic Eastern Rites which still maintain their traditional liturgies and did not suffer the changes imposed by Vatican II. Since each one of these 24 Rites has a different policy of adaptation relying on their different Hierarchies, it is up to you to find which one you should attend.
We do not recommend you to attend the New Mass. It has a flavor of heresy and, even when we consider it is valid, it will give you an adulterated idea of the Catholic Faith.
If after being baptized you cannot find a Traditional Mass that you can attend, it is better to make the Sunday holy by saying extra prayers such as the Rosary, a meditation, the Stations of the Cross, prayers from the Missal, making a spiritual communion or other that speaks more to your soul.
3. Confession
Since you are not in the immediate proximity of a traditional Catholic priest, you may need to receive Confession more frequently than you can attend Mass. Confession is a necessary Sacrament that restores sanctifying grace and increases actual grace.
In imperative need of Confession you may go to a Novus Ordo priest. In this case, you must be sure that he gives you Absolution. If you do not hear the formula of the absolution, ask the priest to repeat it. The words that you should hear are: “I absolve thee from thy sins in the name of the Father, and of the Son, (+) and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.” (or in Latin "Deinde ego te absolvo a peccatis tuis in nomine Patris, (+) et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti. Amen"). While the priest says this, he should bless you with the sign of the cross at the point where the (+) appears.
For a more thorough understanding of the traditional view of Confession versus the progressivist view see here, here, here and here.
We hope that these observations will help you.
TIA correspondence desk
I am from the North East of England (UK) and I am interested in becoming Catholic. The problem I have is that despite contacting various priests I am unable to find a parish that offers the Traditional Latin Mass.
What should I do? Is the N.O my only option now? What about baptism? Would a N.O church be OK for this?
I am confused and a little annoyed over how best to proceed.
Kind regards,
TIA responds:
Good evening J.P.,
We compliment you for your decision to become Catholic.
We pass to answer your questions, first regarding Baptism, then regarding the Mass and Confession:
1. Baptism
Since Baptism is necessary for salvation, it is imperative that you find a priest to administer the Baptism to you as soon as you are prepared for it.
You may try to find a traditional priest in England using the internet (here and here), enter in contact with him and tell him you want to become a Catholic. Ask him how you should prepare yourself to receive this Sacrament.
He should give you some catechism to study and establish a time to test your understanding of the Catholic Faith.
We recommend studying traditional catechisms such as the Catechism of the Council of Trent, the Baltimore Catechism or Doctrina Christiana: The Catechism of St. Robert Bellarmine.
You should be aware that the progressivist catechisms issued post-Vatican II are not good. Prof. Remi Amelunxen gave an excellent critique of the Conciliar Catechism here
You may also read this series on Baptism by Fr. Alvarez, which is quite sound.
2. Attending Mass
Besides the two directories of Traditional Masses we indicated above, you also may look for Traditional Masses at the FSSP and SSPX. There should be also valid independent priests that say the Traditional Mass before 1955, but they are more difficult to track for us, here in the United States.
You may also try to find in your area Catholic Eastern Rites which still maintain their traditional liturgies and did not suffer the changes imposed by Vatican II. Since each one of these 24 Rites has a different policy of adaptation relying on their different Hierarchies, it is up to you to find which one you should attend.
We do not recommend you to attend the New Mass. It has a flavor of heresy and, even when we consider it is valid, it will give you an adulterated idea of the Catholic Faith.
If after being baptized you cannot find a Traditional Mass that you can attend, it is better to make the Sunday holy by saying extra prayers such as the Rosary, a meditation, the Stations of the Cross, prayers from the Missal, making a spiritual communion or other that speaks more to your soul.
3. Confession
Since you are not in the immediate proximity of a traditional Catholic priest, you may need to receive Confession more frequently than you can attend Mass. Confession is a necessary Sacrament that restores sanctifying grace and increases actual grace.
In imperative need of Confession you may go to a Novus Ordo priest. In this case, you must be sure that he gives you Absolution. If you do not hear the formula of the absolution, ask the priest to repeat it. The words that you should hear are: “I absolve thee from thy sins in the name of the Father, and of the Son, (+) and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.” (or in Latin "Deinde ego te absolvo a peccatis tuis in nomine Patris, (+) et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti. Amen"). While the priest says this, he should bless you with the sign of the cross at the point where the (+) appears.
For a more thorough understanding of the traditional view of Confession versus the progressivist view see here, here, here and here.
We hope that these observations will help you.
TIA correspondence desk
Posted June 13, 2024

The opinions expressed in this section - What People Are Commenting - do not necessarily express those of TIA
Sure enough the vax was a biological weapon. It is not I who say it; it is one of the most credible authorities in weapons and terrorism in the world, if not the most: Prof. Francis A. Boyle.
He gives his own credentials in an affidavit he wrote on the so-called covid vaccines. Who may read it below and check the context in this article on the same topic.
I praise TIA for having held a similar position since the beginning of the “pandemic.”
Pursuant to 28 USC 1746, I, Francis A. Boyle declare under penalty of perjury that the statements contained herein are true and correct to the best of my knowledge.
Prof. Francis A. Boyle
I have advised numerous international bodies in the areas of human rights, war crimes and genocide, nuclear policy, and bio-warfare. In 1985 | publicly called for and then drafted the U.S. domestic implementing legislation for the Biological Weapons Convention, known as the Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act of 1989, that was approved unanimously by both Houses of the U.S. Congress and signed into law by President George H.W. Bush with the approval of the United States Department of Justice. See my book Biowarfare and Terrorism (Clarity Press: 2005).
It is my expert opinion that, ‘COVID-19 nanoparticle injections’ or ‘mRNA nanoparticle injections’ or ‘COVID-19 injections’ meet the criteria of biological weapons and weapons of mass destruction according to Biological Weapons 18 USC § 175; Weapons and Firearms § 790.166 Fla.Stat. (2023).