St. Catherine: 'The Cowardly & Complicit Silence of Bishops' - Part 2 Bad shepherds
will answer for the people's evils
 | 'Eradicate the Wolves inside the Church' - Part 1 St. Catherine of Siena speaks against the corrupt & heretical pastors
The Great Lesson of Easter: Christus Resurrexit! His victory extends to His immortal Church
Preparation for Death & the Last Sacraments Spiritual & practical ways to prepare for our final moments
A Brief Critique of the Catechism of the Catholic Church Serious errors & ambiguities that cannot be overlooked or accepted
The Holy Mass & R-CR Panoramas - Part 1 Christ chose to suffer unspeakable suffering to redeem mankind
The Holy Mass & R-CR Panoramas - Part 2 The need for Masses to obtain perseverance
in our vocation
 | The Layman's Legitimate Role in the Church
Part 1 - Should Laymen Defend the Church & Criticize Bishops? Historical precedents of holy laymen who criticized the clergy
Part 2 - Natural Law Requires the Faithful to Defend the Church Laymen who came to the aid of the Church with sword & pen
Part 3 - Doctrine & Canon Law: Laymen Can Question Their Superiors Conclusion: Laymen can correct clergy to defend the Church
 | What Has Been Forgotten in Haiti? Is this the beginning of the chastisement announced at Fatima?
 | The Grandeur of Pius IX in the Fight for the Papal States The prestige of the Papacy grows worldwide at the end of his pontificate
We Cannot Have Christ Crucified without Our Lady A 6th century
sequence confirms the role of Our Lady as Coredemptrix
The Fundamental Error of Ecumenism It is to deny the militant character of the Church
How to Preserve Our Faith in the Present Crisis in the Church? By discernment of spirits & comparing past & present doctrine
None Can Go against the Traditional Teaching of the Church Response to a question about Vatican Council II
 | The Authority of the Vatican II Documents
Part 1 - Status Quaestionis – Defining the types of Magisterium Papal & Universal Magisterium; Ordinary & Extraordinary
Part 2 - What Is an Ex Cathedra Papal Pronouncement? The four conditions that must be present
Part 3 - Infallibility & the Continuity of the Magisterium When are Council teachings infallible?
Part 4 - Other Titles of Infallibility of the Ordinary Magisterium A first look at canonizations, Church laws & the liturgy
Part 5 - Are the Documents of Vatican II Infallible? In his Closing Speech Paul VI says it did not pronounce any dogma
 | On the Holy Mass
Part 1 - The Early History of the Mass From the Last Supper to the Gregorian Sacramentary
Part 2 - From the Gregorian Sacramentary to the Novus Ordo Missae The Council of Trent responds to the Protestant revolt
Part 3 - Teilhard de Chardin: Precursor of the Council and its Liturgy His errors accepted by the post-Conciliar Popes & Church
Part 4 - Slow & Gradual Changes Pave the Way to the New Mass The beginning of the destruction of the Tridentine Mass
Part 5 - How the Novus Ordo Missae Destroyed the Tridentine Mass The New Mass introduced and a failed Intervention
Part 6 - Progressivism & Protestantism: Disturbing Similarities Comparing the Anglican 'service' and the Novus Ordo Missae
Part 7 - Mass of the Catechumens From the Introibo to the
Part 8 - Mass of the Catechumens From the Collect to the
Part 9 - Mass of the Faithful From the Offertory to the Lavabo
Part 10 - Mass of the Faithful From the Oblation to the Hosanna
Part 11 - Mass of the Faithful From the Roman Canon to the Consecration
Part 12 - Mass of the Faithful The Consecration, the Sublime Mystery of the Transubstantiation
Part 13 - Mass of the Faithful From the Oblation to the end of the Canon
Part 14 - Mass of the Faithful From the Lord's Prayer to the Agnus Dei
Part 15 - Mass of the Faithful The Communion: proper preparation and appropriate attire
Part 16 - Mass of the Faithful From the Ablutions to the Last Gospel
Part 17 - The Final Prayers The Leonine Prayers - Abandoned in the New Mass
Saving Benedict XVI - Schizophrenia or Hypocrisy? Delusional trads ignore the continuity in teaching & Benedict's own words
Roof Collapses on St. Joseph of the Carpenters in Rome A coincidence? I don't think so...
God’s Anger Is upon Us Bombshells explode in a Church that ignores Our Lady's message
 | The Sacrament of Baptism
Part 1 - General Concepts & its Institution Baptism was instituted at Christ's Baptism in the Jordan River
Part 2 - Fundaments in Sacred Scripture & Magisterium More than 20 texts & arguments
Part 3 - Examining the Nature of the Sacrament Matter, form, minister & subject
Part 4 - Sponsors, Place & First Exorcism Detailed analysis of the rules & ceremonies
Part 5 - Preparation & Parts of the Baptism Exorcism, a solemn profession of faith & the pouring of water
Part 6 - The Three Forms of Baptism Constant Church teaching on Baptisms of Water, Blood & Desire
Understanding the Sacrament of Penance What is necessary for a valid confession
Papal Infallibility: Historic-Doctrinal Context Dom Guéranger defends its foundations & clarifies its limits
 | How the Church Awaits Christmas A season of sadness as well as joy & expectation
 | Our Warfare for the Kingdom A battle-ready army must restore a visible society on earth
 | The Kingdom and the Three Churches How man can live in harmony with the will of God
 | The Significance of the Papal Red & White What Pope Francis's refusal of the red cope means
 | The Constantinian vs. Miserablist Church Progressivism's aim to destroy pomp & richness in the Church
 | Resistance
 How a Catholic Should Act in face of Bad Popes The errors a Pope can make; how the faithful are protected against them
 The Duty to Resist When obedience serves the self-destruction of the Church
 Resistance - Historical Precedents Six cases when Popes fell into errors & were resisted by Saints
 Resistance - Lessons from the Past More examples of Saints resisting Popes who favored heresies
Poverty & Richness: Harmonic Extremes in the Church’s Firmament Two aspects of the Church that complete each other perfectly
 | Pontifical Infallibility
Part 1 - First Requisite to Accomplish Christ’s Mandate Without infallibility the unity of revelation would dissipate
Part 2 - What Is Papal Infallibility? When Is It Exercised? The Pope is infallible only in very precisely defined circumstances
Part 3 - Can a Pope Err in Doctrinal, Liturgical & Canonical Matters? Historical cases showing the limits of papal infallibility
 | What Has Been Forgotten in Haiti? Is this the beginning of the chastisement announced at Fatima?
 | The Grandeur of Pius IX in the Fight for the Papal States
The prestige of the Papacy grows worldwide at the end of his pontificate
 | The Chair of St. Peter Distinction between fidelity to the person of the Pope and to Papal Infallibility
 | The Significance of the Swiss Guards - Past and Present A remnant of the temporal power of the Popes, and a promise of its rebirth
 | St. Paul's Teaching on Facing False Teachers of Doctrine The criterium to know the truth is to check it with the traditional magisterium
 | Archbishop Philip Hannan Affirms Katrina Was a Chastisement of God The Archbishop of New Orleans states what everybody thinks but doesn't say
 | The Tears of Our Lady and the Punishment of Katrina Our Lady wept at New Orleans to warn us of the crisis and the chastisment
 | Tears, a Miraculous Warning Description and significance of the tears of Our Lady in New Orleans
 | Is the Catholic Church Becoming a Branch of the Synagogue? An extensive analysis of John Paul II's visit to the Synagogue of Rome
 | How Pope St. Leo II Condemned Pope Honorius as a Heretic After 40 years of discussion, a Pope closed the question
 | The Arrogance of the Clergy and the Example of St. Catherine of Siena The clergy is not above criticism; it can err like any ensemble of men
 | The Crisis of the Church and the Message of Fatima It is most probable that Our Lady's secret regards Vatican II
 | The Immaculate Character of the Catholic Church
The purity of the Church is conserved, despite
today's crisis
 | St. Peter & the Vatican Exhibit: Marvelous Continuity & Shocking Change A comparison between the traditional and post-conciliar symbols of the Papacy |