What People Are Commenting
Just Coincidences
Regarding the silver-bullet solution for COVID, which seems to be the right solution, the talk goes that there is another "cure" for COVID: it is Remdesivir. Coincidentally, Remdesivir is made by Gilead.
Here is where it gets interesting: China holds the patent on the drug through an agreement with Gilead’s drug patent sharing subsidiary branch called UNITAID, who has an office near Wuhan. And you’ll never guess who are the main financial investors in UNITAID... none other than George Soros, Bill & Melinda Gates, and WHO.
I know what you’re thinking! It’s just all a coincidence, isn’t it!
Oh, don’t let me forget the other coincidence, that Gilead and UNITAID were financial supporters of Hillary Clinton.
Oh, silly me, I forgot one more coincidence, Fauci was the one authorizing millions to be sent to The Wuhan Institute of Virology specifically for the “study” of Corona viruses.
Thankfully it’s all just coincidences. Nothing to see here, just keep moving along...
Any wonder Fauci slapped down hydroxychloroquine, which has a historical 92% efficacy care rate. Just doing what every good employee does - as he was told.
Fauci's wife also works for Gilead.
Read more here.
Regarding the silver-bullet solution for COVID, which seems to be the right solution, the talk goes that there is another "cure" for COVID: it is Remdesivir. Coincidentally, Remdesivir is made by Gilead.
Here is where it gets interesting: China holds the patent on the drug through an agreement with Gilead’s drug patent sharing subsidiary branch called UNITAID, who has an office near Wuhan. And you’ll never guess who are the main financial investors in UNITAID... none other than George Soros, Bill & Melinda Gates, and WHO.
I know what you’re thinking! It’s just all a coincidence, isn’t it!
Oh, don’t let me forget the other coincidence, that Gilead and UNITAID were financial supporters of Hillary Clinton.
Oh, silly me, I forgot one more coincidence, Fauci was the one authorizing millions to be sent to The Wuhan Institute of Virology specifically for the “study” of Corona viruses.
Thankfully it’s all just coincidences. Nothing to see here, just keep moving along...
Any wonder Fauci slapped down hydroxychloroquine, which has a historical 92% efficacy care rate. Just doing what every good employee does - as he was told.
Fauci's wife also works for Gilead.
Read more here.
Using Black Citizens
I invite you and your readers to watch this video in which black former civil rights activist and head of the Legal Department of Criminal Justice Robert Woodson speaks the truth on how Anarchists are using the black American people to serve their agenda.
Gary Morella
I invite you and your readers to watch this video in which black former civil rights activist and head of the Legal Department of Criminal Justice Robert Woodson speaks the truth on how Anarchists are using the black American people to serve their agenda.
Gary Morella
Contradictory News on Guillotines
Hello TIA,
I am one of your daily readers and I did not see you posting the news that a considerable amount of guillotines were received in the US. The news is from late June.
Actually I am not sure whether this news report is accurate or not. It does not quote any reliable source.
Then, it affirms that the guillotines are being stored in military bases. Why? Does BLM now owe our military? It does not make sense…
Please, read it here.
Keep up the good work.
I am one of your daily readers and I did not see you posting the news that a considerable amount of guillotines were received in the US. The news is from late June.
Actually I am not sure whether this news report is accurate or not. It does not quote any reliable source.
Then, it affirms that the guillotines are being stored in military bases. Why? Does BLM now owe our military? It does not make sense…
Please, read it here.
Keep up the good work.
Parallel Church of Vatican II
Why I love Viganò's concept of a parallel church.
In his controversial essay of June 9, 2020, Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò wrote:
“... it is undeniable that from Vatican II onwards a parallel church was built, superimposed over and diametrically opposed to the true Church of Christ. This parallel church progressively obscured the divine institution founded by Our Lord in order to replace it with a spurious entity, corresponding to the desired universal religion that was first theorized by Masonry.”
Read more here.
Frank M. Rega
Why I love Viganò's concept of a parallel church.
In his controversial essay of June 9, 2020, Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò wrote:
“... it is undeniable that from Vatican II onwards a parallel church was built, superimposed over and diametrically opposed to the true Church of Christ. This parallel church progressively obscured the divine institution founded by Our Lord in order to replace it with a spurious entity, corresponding to the desired universal religion that was first theorized by Masonry.”
Read more here.
Frank M. Rega
Silence in the Church
In the past couple of months I saw an article regarding silence in church.
A priest went into an empty church to pray only to find it packed with a silent crowd – people from purgatory doing penance for having talked in church.
I think I might have seen it on your website but I can’t locate it now. I would like to share it with several friends.
TIA responds:
We did not post the particular story you mentioned, but you may find references to the rule that silence should be kept in the church in the following articles:
TIA correspondence desk
In the past couple of months I saw an article regarding silence in church.
A priest went into an empty church to pray only to find it packed with a silent crowd – people from purgatory doing penance for having talked in church.
I think I might have seen it on your website but I can’t locate it now. I would like to share it with several friends.
TIA responds:
We did not post the particular story you mentioned, but you may find references to the rule that silence should be kept in the church in the following articles:
- The Architect of the Liturgical Reform Explains Vatican II - After the subtitle: "See What the Enemy Has Done in the Sanctuary," fourth bullet;
- A Sacral Greeting: The Blessing- the subtitle "Greetings in the Church" praises silence in the church;
- In the comments by readers, the first one titled "Overdose of Vanity" in its fifth paragraph praises silence in the church;
- In this Picture of the Week titled Feminine presence in the liturgy increases, in its second paragraph there is the quote of St. Paul that women should be silent in the church.
TIA correspondence desk
Did George Washington Convert?
Dear Marian Horvat,
Re: Did George Washington Convert to Catholicism?
And yes, I am aware that George Washington was a Freemason. Freemasons have long held that Johann Adam Weishaupt 6 February 1748 – 18 November 1830) changed the Freemasons into an anti-Catholic entity and that the brand of Freemasonry that George Washington belonged to did not follow this belief, or the Order of the Illuminati, at least at first. By the late 1800's I would say all Freemasons were anti-Traditional Catholic.
I do know from experience that only a very small minority of all Freemasons know anything beyond that organization except the proclaimed humanitarian side of it. It is also true that the Catholic nobility that Washington knew were influenced by the Enlightenment.
However, they did not seem to be radicalized and held more of a Constitutional monarchy position than a pre-communist one. So it does appear that distinctly Catholic ideas were infused into our US Constitution.
Here is the article which does appear to be documented. ...
It seems to me that the oral traditions of slaves and of the Jesuits of the period would be more credible than vowed enemies of Catholicism. That George Washington consistently protected Catholics of the nobility should show at least an empathy for the religion.
National Catholic Register has this recent article on Catholicism in America. I have included my comments in the summary in italics.
The United States was first consecrated to the Blessed Virgin Mary in 1792 by Bishop John Carroll of Baltimore. He was the younger brother of Charles, signer of the Declaration of Independence, a devout Catholic, and a close friend of George Washington. Washington may have even participated in the Consecration.
During the Winter at Valley Forge, Washington had a vision between Dec. 18-23, 1777, a beautiful visitor, accompanied by a bright angel appeared to him. He was shown visions of three great perils, but the Republic would survive. The last words of the visitor were, 'Let every child of the Republic live for God, the land and the Union.' Library of Congress has preserved these words.
Marie-Joseph Paul Yves Roch Gilbert du Motier, Marquis de La Fayette met Washington in 1777. Lafayette was Catholic, though influenced by the Enlightenment, and was for a Constitutional Monarchy. The French were hoping to keep an influence in America by helping with the American War of Independence.
Prussian Von Stueben [who was educated by a Catholic Order, but converted to Protestant--still, that education had an influence & he remained in America] arrived to train the troops on Feb. 23, 1778. Polish engineer Thadeus Kosciuszkos Kościuszko [wrote a will in 1798, dedicating his U.S. assets to the education and freedom of the U.S. slaves; but it was not carried out as he intended] who designed West Point, was given a sword on which was engraved 'Mater Dei, ora pro nobis'. The anti-Catholic laws of England and America would have made it difficult for anyone in any leadership or military position to reside in America and keep those positions!
In the 1750's, Washington had to sign an oath against Transubstantiation in order to enter military ranks because of the anti-Catholic English laws. If one wished to make it in America and live there, it was necessary to be Protestant (Anglican is Protestant). It is interesting that George Washington had to import Catholic nobility to win the war against an Anglican despotic king, who believed in the anti-Catholic Divine Right of Kings!
I do not know the truth, and probably will not unless the diaries and letters of George Washington are found, if they still exist. There is an interesting article on the Catholic presence in Colonial America and Jesuits were present throughout the 1700's, but it is not specific about the black population.
It may be that the blacks and Indians were more sympathetic to the Catholics than were the Protestants, and thusly more willing to pass on what they truly observed as being the pastoral care of the Jesuits to George Washington.
Anyway, America certainly has a mixed history.
Re: Did George Washington Convert to Catholicism?
And yes, I am aware that George Washington was a Freemason. Freemasons have long held that Johann Adam Weishaupt 6 February 1748 – 18 November 1830) changed the Freemasons into an anti-Catholic entity and that the brand of Freemasonry that George Washington belonged to did not follow this belief, or the Order of the Illuminati, at least at first. By the late 1800's I would say all Freemasons were anti-Traditional Catholic.
I do know from experience that only a very small minority of all Freemasons know anything beyond that organization except the proclaimed humanitarian side of it. It is also true that the Catholic nobility that Washington knew were influenced by the Enlightenment.
However, they did not seem to be radicalized and held more of a Constitutional monarchy position than a pre-communist one. So it does appear that distinctly Catholic ideas were infused into our US Constitution.
Here is the article which does appear to be documented. ...
It seems to me that the oral traditions of slaves and of the Jesuits of the period would be more credible than vowed enemies of Catholicism. That George Washington consistently protected Catholics of the nobility should show at least an empathy for the religion.
National Catholic Register has this recent article on Catholicism in America. I have included my comments in the summary in italics.
The United States was first consecrated to the Blessed Virgin Mary in 1792 by Bishop John Carroll of Baltimore. He was the younger brother of Charles, signer of the Declaration of Independence, a devout Catholic, and a close friend of George Washington. Washington may have even participated in the Consecration.
During the Winter at Valley Forge, Washington had a vision between Dec. 18-23, 1777, a beautiful visitor, accompanied by a bright angel appeared to him. He was shown visions of three great perils, but the Republic would survive. The last words of the visitor were, 'Let every child of the Republic live for God, the land and the Union.' Library of Congress has preserved these words.
Marie-Joseph Paul Yves Roch Gilbert du Motier, Marquis de La Fayette met Washington in 1777. Lafayette was Catholic, though influenced by the Enlightenment, and was for a Constitutional Monarchy. The French were hoping to keep an influence in America by helping with the American War of Independence.
Prussian Von Stueben [who was educated by a Catholic Order, but converted to Protestant--still, that education had an influence & he remained in America] arrived to train the troops on Feb. 23, 1778. Polish engineer Thadeus Kosciuszkos Kościuszko [wrote a will in 1798, dedicating his U.S. assets to the education and freedom of the U.S. slaves; but it was not carried out as he intended] who designed West Point, was given a sword on which was engraved 'Mater Dei, ora pro nobis'. The anti-Catholic laws of England and America would have made it difficult for anyone in any leadership or military position to reside in America and keep those positions!
In the 1750's, Washington had to sign an oath against Transubstantiation in order to enter military ranks because of the anti-Catholic English laws. If one wished to make it in America and live there, it was necessary to be Protestant (Anglican is Protestant). It is interesting that George Washington had to import Catholic nobility to win the war against an Anglican despotic king, who believed in the anti-Catholic Divine Right of Kings!
I do not know the truth, and probably will not unless the diaries and letters of George Washington are found, if they still exist. There is an interesting article on the Catholic presence in Colonial America and Jesuits were present throughout the 1700's, but it is not specific about the black population.
It may be that the blacks and Indians were more sympathetic to the Catholics than were the Protestants, and thusly more willing to pass on what they truly observed as being the pastoral care of the Jesuits to George Washington.
Anyway, America certainly has a mixed history.

Posted July 23, 2020
Re: Burning Churches, Defacing Statues of Our Lady
I want to thank Margaret C. Galitzin for writing that excellent piece in reply to the Knoxville Bishop.
Just a little side note - I caught that discreet correction of the Director of Communications Jim Wogan's misuse of the word 'concerning'. So many writers nowadays are incorrectly using concerning for DISCONCERTING. You would think that the Director of Communications or the Bishop would know the difference. Sigh.