What People Are Commenting
Catholics React in St. Louis
Dear TIA,
There has been a magnificent counter-revolutionary reaction in St. Louis against the BLM/Antifa elements. Yesterday we made a huge attack against them – more than 500 Catholics appeared at Art Hill to manifest their indignation.
Someone – we don't know who – brought a TFP banner, so I decided to help hold it. Better me than another sloven in shorts, t-shirt and flip-flops. I was very particular about the signs and the flags, too. I started directing my colleagues to oblige them to keep the sign straight and the flags in order.
At the end, I directed the procession.
The white heresy elements in the group saw, for the first time, a manifestation of militancy. Maybe it even converted some of them to a better position.
Even though it may be hard to see, what with all the bad styles of dress and Divine Mercy pictures – aside from this – I really thought it was a foretaste of the Reign of Mary. To be on the ground in the midst of it was really sublime.
Video available here.
Mark Williams
There has been a magnificent counter-revolutionary reaction in St. Louis against the BLM/Antifa elements. Yesterday we made a huge attack against them – more than 500 Catholics appeared at Art Hill to manifest their indignation.
Someone – we don't know who – brought a TFP banner, so I decided to help hold it. Better me than another sloven in shorts, t-shirt and flip-flops. I was very particular about the signs and the flags, too. I started directing my colleagues to oblige them to keep the sign straight and the flags in order.
At the end, I directed the procession.
The white heresy elements in the group saw, for the first time, a manifestation of militancy. Maybe it even converted some of them to a better position.
Even though it may be hard to see, what with all the bad styles of dress and Divine Mercy pictures – aside from this – I really thought it was a foretaste of the Reign of Mary. To be on the ground in the midst of it was really sublime.
Video available here.
Mark Williams
Catholics Protect their Church in Michigan
Here's a photo I received from a friend where we see a group of Catholic men duly armed, surrounding a statue Of Our Lord Crucified.
Since BLM is vandalizing and burning churches and sacred statues, their message is quite clear: “Come here and you'll receive what you deserve.”
Unfortunately, my friend did not tell me the city and church.
In Jesus through Mary,
Here's a photo I received from a friend where we see a group of Catholic men duly armed, surrounding a statue Of Our Lord Crucified.
Since BLM is vandalizing and burning churches and sacred statues, their message is quite clear: “Come here and you'll receive what you deserve.”
Unfortunately, my friend did not tell me the city and church.
In Jesus through Mary,

Theologian Glad over ‘Eucharistic Fast’
Dear TIA,
Unbelievable! Here is a theologian telling us we Catholics benefited from the "Eucharistic fast" because we are learning 'the wafer' isn't so important. What is important is 'Christians in community'.
Obliviously, no belief in the real presence, and even ridicule for those who still do believe in it:
"The Eucharist is neither a wafer of the presence of Jesus, nor a sacred vitamin that creates spiritual emotion. If missing it is only about being weaned from my moment with Jesus, I don't believe this shows a proper relationship with the Eucharist."
If you want to bother reading more, it's here.
Unbelievable! Here is a theologian telling us we Catholics benefited from the "Eucharistic fast" because we are learning 'the wafer' isn't so important. What is important is 'Christians in community'.
Obliviously, no belief in the real presence, and even ridicule for those who still do believe in it:
"The Eucharist is neither a wafer of the presence of Jesus, nor a sacred vitamin that creates spiritual emotion. If missing it is only about being weaned from my moment with Jesus, I don't believe this shows a proper relationship with the Eucharist."
If you want to bother reading more, it's here.
Suggestions for the Pro-Life Movement
The pro-life organizations need to unite into one huge organization and have as its #1 goal to achieve this nearly impossible task:
To use all of our time, efforts and funds, not to lobby politicians, but to convince the 10 to 18-year old youth of our Nation that there is a God and that we will be held responsible for the decisions of our lives. That the baby in the Mother's womb is a human being with a body and an immortal soul and no one on Earth has the right to end its life... especially the Mother, who must protect her child with her own life if needs be.
We must stop trying to change the hearts of the politicians; they are set in stone. We need to convince our young American citizens to ignore the evil laws that allow them to eliminate their preborn babies... and to cherish the children of their future.
Let Planned Parenthood have sparkling clean clinics with white leather recliners and nurses with perfect teeth....and beautiful art work on their clean white walls... and then watch them sitting doing nothing while their waiting rooms lie... VACANT.
The pro-life organizations need to unite into one huge organization and have as its #1 goal to achieve this nearly impossible task:
To use all of our time, efforts and funds, not to lobby politicians, but to convince the 10 to 18-year old youth of our Nation that there is a God and that we will be held responsible for the decisions of our lives. That the baby in the Mother's womb is a human being with a body and an immortal soul and no one on Earth has the right to end its life... especially the Mother, who must protect her child with her own life if needs be.
We must stop trying to change the hearts of the politicians; they are set in stone. We need to convince our young American citizens to ignore the evil laws that allow them to eliminate their preborn babies... and to cherish the children of their future.
Let Planned Parenthood have sparkling clean clinics with white leather recliners and nurses with perfect teeth....and beautiful art work on their clean white walls... and then watch them sitting doing nothing while their waiting rooms lie... VACANT.
The Racist Agenda
Here is how racism continues - alive and well. And not because of today’s white people – they welcome African Americans – but because of BLM.
Here is how racism continues - alive and well. And not because of today’s white people – they welcome African Americans – but because of BLM.

Women Cardinals
Yes, those who affirmed that Querida Amazonia finished with the possibility of women deacons revealed themselves to be completely wrong. The plan is going full steam even if Pope Francis was somewhat ambiguous in that document.
The proof is that an important Prelate such as the Archbishop of Rheims is advocating that women be cardinals.
Read the news report below to have an idea how bold things are becoming.
Keep up the good work.
The Archbishop of Rheims also believes
women should get a vote in the Synod of Bishops
Claire Lesegretain
Archbishop Eric de Moulins-Beaufort, president of the French Bishops' Conference (CEF), says he can imagine a day when there will be women in the College of Cardinals.
And in very long and wide-ranging video-taped interview with Noosphère, the magazine of French Association of the Friends of Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, he admitted to being "completely flabbergasted" that non-ordained religious brothers can vote at the Synod of Bishops' meetings, but women cannot.
The interview, which was organized on May 18, has just been made public. …
On the subject of the place of women in the Church, he considers that "nothing prevents them from holding many more important functions in the workings of the institution, with everything being a matter of competence".
Furthermore, he is not opposed to the re-establishment of the women's diaconate, on the condition that it leads to "more decentralized and more fraternal" organization of the Church.
Synodality and fraternity
"The challenge for the reform of the Church is that we live synodality at all levels, and it must be rooted in fraternity," he insisted.
"Our governing bodies should always be shaped by a concrete fraternity in which there are men and women, priests and laity," the archbishop added.
"Until there is progress on fraternity, I fear that dealing with the issue of ordained ministries will only make the structure more cumbersome and impede progress," he argued.
But de Moulins-Beaufort said he personally could envision "that the Holy See will one day be led by the pope surrounded by a college of cardinals in which there will be women".
"But if we have not first dealt with the way in which men and women should work together in Church structures constituted in fraternities, it will be useless," he warned.
"In a complete synodal form, the voice of women should especially be heard more, given that the apostolic succession is reserved to men," the CEF president continued.
He admitted that he found it incomprehensible that women were invited to participate in recent synodal assemblies in Rome, but were not allowed to vote.
"To say that only bishops vote would seem logical. But from the moment that priests and non-ordained religious brothers are allowed to vote, I don't understand why women religious are not allowed to vote," he said.
"It leaves me completely flabbergasted," the archbishop exclaimed.
De Moulins-Beaufort also had bold words on Islam, noting -- first of all -- that the spread of the religion "relies heavily on population growth".
"They have a lot of children, good for them," he said.
Original here.
Yes, those who affirmed that Querida Amazonia finished with the possibility of women deacons revealed themselves to be completely wrong. The plan is going full steam even if Pope Francis was somewhat ambiguous in that document.
The proof is that an important Prelate such as the Archbishop of Rheims is advocating that women be cardinals.
Read the news report below to have an idea how bold things are becoming.
Keep up the good work.
women should get a vote in the Synod of Bishops
Claire Lesegretain
Archbishop Eric de Moulins-Beaufort, president of the French Bishops' Conference (CEF), says he can imagine a day when there will be women in the College of Cardinals.
And in very long and wide-ranging video-taped interview with Noosphère, the magazine of French Association of the Friends of Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, he admitted to being "completely flabbergasted" that non-ordained religious brothers can vote at the Synod of Bishops' meetings, but women cannot.
The interview, which was organized on May 18, has just been made public. …
On the subject of the place of women in the Church, he considers that "nothing prevents them from holding many more important functions in the workings of the institution, with everything being a matter of competence".
Furthermore, he is not opposed to the re-establishment of the women's diaconate, on the condition that it leads to "more decentralized and more fraternal" organization of the Church.
Synodality and fraternity
"The challenge for the reform of the Church is that we live synodality at all levels, and it must be rooted in fraternity," he insisted.
"Our governing bodies should always be shaped by a concrete fraternity in which there are men and women, priests and laity," the archbishop added.
"Until there is progress on fraternity, I fear that dealing with the issue of ordained ministries will only make the structure more cumbersome and impede progress," he argued.
But de Moulins-Beaufort said he personally could envision "that the Holy See will one day be led by the pope surrounded by a college of cardinals in which there will be women".
"But if we have not first dealt with the way in which men and women should work together in Church structures constituted in fraternities, it will be useless," he warned.
"In a complete synodal form, the voice of women should especially be heard more, given that the apostolic succession is reserved to men," the CEF president continued.
He admitted that he found it incomprehensible that women were invited to participate in recent synodal assemblies in Rome, but were not allowed to vote.
"To say that only bishops vote would seem logical. But from the moment that priests and non-ordained religious brothers are allowed to vote, I don't understand why women religious are not allowed to vote," he said.
"It leaves me completely flabbergasted," the archbishop exclaimed.
De Moulins-Beaufort also had bold words on Islam, noting -- first of all -- that the spread of the religion "relies heavily on population growth".
"They have a lot of children, good for them," he said.
Original here.

Posted July 14, 2020
This video [embedded below] is the 'silver bullet' that will destroy the Democrat's fear-mongering over the C-19 virus. Did you know that Taiwan with a population of 24 million suffered only 7 deaths in this pandemic. And if they had attempted to practice social distancing, some would be standing in the ocean. Japan with a population of 121 million had 100 deaths. What did they do that we couldn't have done? Nothing.
I'll tell you what they did not do: Taiwan couldn't and Japan didn't follow The World Health Organization instructions: Lock down, social distancing, wear masks and wait for a vaccine.
They used what they already had in their 'drug stores' and did what doctors have always done when flu viruses attack the lungs.
Watch this video and help it go viral as it could be a game changer in November.
The pushback from the Fake Media has already begun.
R.H., Ph.D