What People are Commenting
Holzhauser, UFOs & Smoking
UFOs & Transhumanism
Dear TIA,
Ran across this headline today on the Daily Wire: ‘Never Seen Anything Like This’: UFOs Reported by Pilots Over Pacific Ocean In August, September.
Various veteran pilots flying over the Pacific Ocean in August and September have claimed that they saw UFOs flying in circles above them in the night sky.
With the Transhumanist Revolution moving forward, what will be next?
Aliens landing with answers to the world problems? The apparent triumph of the Devil?
But we know that is not the way History will end: Our Lady will intervene in an unexpected and unimaginable way, as noted in Mrs. Galitzin’s last article on Ven. Holzhauser.
Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us and the world.
Ran across this headline today on the Daily Wire: ‘Never Seen Anything Like This’: UFOs Reported by Pilots Over Pacific Ocean In August, September.
Various veteran pilots flying over the Pacific Ocean in August and September have claimed that they saw UFOs flying in circles above them in the night sky.
With the Transhumanist Revolution moving forward, what will be next?
Aliens landing with answers to the world problems? The apparent triumph of the Devil?
But we know that is not the way History will end: Our Lady will intervene in an unexpected and unimaginable way, as noted in Mrs. Galitzin’s last article on Ven. Holzhauser.
Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us and the world.
The Mandate Terror Continues
Dear TIA,
Nothing could me more irrational!
The CDC now mandates the vax for children as part of their school schedule. When we thought the mandate terror was over, it returns with more demands.
And what is more irritating: the mandates go against innocent victims who are not even affected by the Covid virus.
Read below, please.
Covid Added to the Childhood Vaccine Schedule:
No Science, No Rationality, No Morality
Michael Senger
In a ghastly new crime against America’s children, particularly those in Democratic states and cities, the CDC today voted to add Covid mRNA vaccines to the childhood immunization schedule, paving the way for mandates by left-wing school districts.
The CDC and media fact-checkers were quick to point out that the CDC cannot impose a national child vaccine mandate—but this is a galling straw-man argument, likely betraying the CDC’s insecurity about what they’ve just done. As the CDC knows, judges have routinely cited deference to the childhood immunization schedule as an adequate basis to uphold vaccine mandates by school districts.
The addition of Covid vaccines to the childhood immunization schedule therefore legalizes mandates imposed by left-wing school districts at the local level, while shielding companies like Pfizer from liability, ensuring that no amount of harm caused by the vaccines will cut into their profits.
According to a recent study in JAMA, Pfizer’s Covid mRNA vaccine resulted in hospitalization in one out of every 500 children under the age of five. While this is in line with the rate of hospitalization from other vaccines, the difference is that those vaccines confer benefits against diseases that are actually harmful to children.
By contrast, it has long been known that Covid presents virtually no risk to healthy children. According to CDC data, Covid’s total mortality rate for all children 0-17 years is approximately 0.002%, and just 0.0001% for those children 0-17 years without comorbities.
This means the CDC just gave its imprimatur for mandates of a vaccine that results in a one-in-500 rate of hospitalization, ostensibly to protect against a virus for which the rate of mortality in healthy children is one-in-1,000,000.
Continue reading here.
Nothing could me more irrational!
The CDC now mandates the vax for children as part of their school schedule. When we thought the mandate terror was over, it returns with more demands.
And what is more irritating: the mandates go against innocent victims who are not even affected by the Covid virus.
Read below, please.
No Science, No Rationality, No Morality
Michael Senger
In a ghastly new crime against America’s children, particularly those in Democratic states and cities, the CDC today voted to add Covid mRNA vaccines to the childhood immunization schedule, paving the way for mandates by left-wing school districts.
The CDC and media fact-checkers were quick to point out that the CDC cannot impose a national child vaccine mandate—but this is a galling straw-man argument, likely betraying the CDC’s insecurity about what they’ve just done. As the CDC knows, judges have routinely cited deference to the childhood immunization schedule as an adequate basis to uphold vaccine mandates by school districts.
The addition of Covid vaccines to the childhood immunization schedule therefore legalizes mandates imposed by left-wing school districts at the local level, while shielding companies like Pfizer from liability, ensuring that no amount of harm caused by the vaccines will cut into their profits.
According to a recent study in JAMA, Pfizer’s Covid mRNA vaccine resulted in hospitalization in one out of every 500 children under the age of five. While this is in line with the rate of hospitalization from other vaccines, the difference is that those vaccines confer benefits against diseases that are actually harmful to children.
By contrast, it has long been known that Covid presents virtually no risk to healthy children. According to CDC data, Covid’s total mortality rate for all children 0-17 years is approximately 0.002%, and just 0.0001% for those children 0-17 years without comorbities.
This means the CDC just gave its imprimatur for mandates of a vaccine that results in a one-in-500 rate of hospitalization, ostensibly to protect against a virus for which the rate of mortality in healthy children is one-in-1,000,000.
Continue reading here.
Can I Smoke While Fasting?
Dear TIA,
If I am doing a fast with prayer and almsgiving, am I permitted to smoke or is that considered food?
Thank you for your assistance.
TIA responds:
Dear P.F.,
We are not aware of a specific prohibition against smoking when fasting. However, it would seem to be against the spirit of fasting to partake something that is enjoyable for you, which may serve as a sort of replacement for food.
If you read some quotes from a recommended Catechism and a Saint that we present below, you may judge for yourself if smoking would be appropriate during your fast.
On the spirit of fasting, The Catechism Explained states:
"Fasting is not merely abstaining from food, or some sort of fort, but the repression of sensual desires in general, e.g., restraining curiosity, the avoidance of idle conversation, denying one's self some pleasure.
“Prayer, fasting and almsgiving are the principal means of attaining perfection, because they combat the three evil appetites, the concupiscence of the flesh, the concupiscence of the eyes, and the pride of life; and thus the soul is enabled to rise more freely to God." (Francis Spirago and Richard F. Clark, The Catechism Explained: An Exhaustive Exposition of the Christian Religion, 1899. Rockford: TAN Books, 1993, pp 435-436)
St. Robert Bellarmine also gives some guidelines on the spirit of fasting. He explains:
“The chief end of fasting is the mortification of the flesh, so that the spirit may be strengthened more. For this purpose, we must use only spare and unsavory diet. And this our mother the Church points out since she commands us to take only one ‘full’ meal in the day, and then not to eat meat, but only herbs or fruit.”
Then, he continues by giving an example that, although is not directly related to your question, may be useful for other readers:
“Now this is certainly not observed by those who, on their fasting days, eat as much in one meal, as they do on other days at their dinner and supper together; and who, at that one meal, prepare so many dishes of different fishes and other things to please their palate, that it seems to be a dinner intended, not for weepers and fasters, but for a nuptial banquet that is to continue throughout most of the night! Those who fast thus certainly do not derive the least fruit from their fasting." (Robert Bellarmine, Live Well, Die Holy: The Art of Being a Saint, 1620. Manchester: Sophia Institute Press, 1998, pp 63-64)
According to this advice, if you take pleasure in smoking, your fast may be more spiritually beneficial by giving up what most satisfies your senses.
Keep in mind the spirit of fasting, and determine whether or not smoking is something that you should give up.
TIA correspondence desk
If I am doing a fast with prayer and almsgiving, am I permitted to smoke or is that considered food?
Thank you for your assistance.
TIA responds:
Dear P.F.,
We are not aware of a specific prohibition against smoking when fasting. However, it would seem to be against the spirit of fasting to partake something that is enjoyable for you, which may serve as a sort of replacement for food.
If you read some quotes from a recommended Catechism and a Saint that we present below, you may judge for yourself if smoking would be appropriate during your fast.
On the spirit of fasting, The Catechism Explained states:
"Fasting is not merely abstaining from food, or some sort of fort, but the repression of sensual desires in general, e.g., restraining curiosity, the avoidance of idle conversation, denying one's self some pleasure.
“Prayer, fasting and almsgiving are the principal means of attaining perfection, because they combat the three evil appetites, the concupiscence of the flesh, the concupiscence of the eyes, and the pride of life; and thus the soul is enabled to rise more freely to God." (Francis Spirago and Richard F. Clark, The Catechism Explained: An Exhaustive Exposition of the Christian Religion, 1899. Rockford: TAN Books, 1993, pp 435-436)
St. Robert Bellarmine also gives some guidelines on the spirit of fasting. He explains:
“The chief end of fasting is the mortification of the flesh, so that the spirit may be strengthened more. For this purpose, we must use only spare and unsavory diet. And this our mother the Church points out since she commands us to take only one ‘full’ meal in the day, and then not to eat meat, but only herbs or fruit.”
Then, he continues by giving an example that, although is not directly related to your question, may be useful for other readers:
“Now this is certainly not observed by those who, on their fasting days, eat as much in one meal, as they do on other days at their dinner and supper together; and who, at that one meal, prepare so many dishes of different fishes and other things to please their palate, that it seems to be a dinner intended, not for weepers and fasters, but for a nuptial banquet that is to continue throughout most of the night! Those who fast thus certainly do not derive the least fruit from their fasting." (Robert Bellarmine, Live Well, Die Holy: The Art of Being a Saint, 1620. Manchester: Sophia Institute Press, 1998, pp 63-64)
According to this advice, if you take pleasure in smoking, your fast may be more spiritually beneficial by giving up what most satisfies your senses.
Keep in mind the spirit of fasting, and determine whether or not smoking is something that you should give up.
TIA correspondence desk

Posted October 25, 2022
The opinions expressed in this section - What People Are Commenting - do not necessarily express those of TIA
I want to thank Margaret Galitzin for an excellent article on Ven. Holzhauser's sixth age of the Church. It was very consoling considering all that we have had to endure in this fifth age.
I very much look forward to her article on Ven. Holzhauser's predictions on the destiny of England.
God Bless,