What People are Commenting
D-Day, Booing Fauci & Flameless Cremation
Aleister Crowley & UFOs
Dr. Horvat recently replied to a reader's (E.D.M.'s) questions regarding Roncalli's "UFO experience" and whether or not UFO's are "devils."
While I have no answer to either question, the discussion did remind me of Aleister Crowley's single known drawing of a demon which can be seen here.
If anyone would have contact with demons, it would be a reprehensible satanist.
My only question now: "Is seeing still believing?"
Dr. Horvat recently replied to a reader's (E.D.M.'s) questions regarding Roncalli's "UFO experience" and whether or not UFO's are "devils."
While I have no answer to either question, the discussion did remind me of Aleister Crowley's single known drawing of a demon which can be seen here.
If anyone would have contact with demons, it would be a reprehensible satanist.
My only question now: "Is seeing still believing?"
Fauci Booed at Harlem
Here is a video in which we see Jill Biden & Fauci booed upon arrival at Harlem Vac Center.
Protesters yelled "Fire Fauci! Fire Fauci!"
This reminded me of the cartoon below that I have seen not long ago.
In Jesu et Maria,
Here is a video in which we see Jill Biden & Fauci booed upon arrival at Harlem Vac Center.
Protesters yelled "Fire Fauci! Fire Fauci!"
This reminded me of the cartoon below that I have seen not long ago.
In Jesu et Maria,

Austrian Priest Raises Indignation
Re: Jerusalema Dance in Austrian Church
- That type of music in the church. The saints whose relics are in this beautiful church are going to wage a Holy War from heaven. You just watch.
J.L. (Twitter) - That church building is beautiful and commands reverence, how do these modernists think it's proper to act goofy in such a dignified place? No respect for the sacred...
I.M. (Twitter) - The Cult of Self Worship. I would be surprised if the rate of post high school teen church dropout in Austria is any less than it is in America (I believe I read that 80% of confirmands leave the practice of the Faith shortly after high school).
C.W. (Instagram) - What a horror. They really should start spending more time in prayer and reading The Holy Rule of St. Benedict. It clearly states how an Abbot should behave. I think it applies to Priests and Lay people (fathers and husband's also). Shame on this Priest.
P.O. (Instagram)
Sad Day
Re: Priests Bless Homo Unions
Truly sad day for my God. 60+ yrs Catholic. Human beings were given 10 commandments from God. It’s not difficult for me to understand, God would not Bless such union. I am not God. I won’t judge or condemn, but neither will I force my God to change his rules because it hurts someone’s feelings.
S.B.T. (Clouthub)
Re: Priests Bless Homo Unions
Truly sad day for my God. 60+ yrs Catholic. Human beings were given 10 commandments from God. It’s not difficult for me to understand, God would not Bless such union. I am not God. I won’t judge or condemn, but neither will I force my God to change his rules because it hurts someone’s feelings.
S.B.T. (Clouthub)
Flameless Cremation
We know about cremation. Now, what about this new flameless version of it?
Wisconsin Senate approves bill to dissolve dead bodies, dump them in water
Raymond Wolfe
May 13, 2021 – Wisconsin senators approved a bill earlier this week allowing dead bodies to be dissolved in a chemical bath and disposed like sewage.
The bill, Senate Bill 228, authorizes a practice called alkaline hydrolysis, or “water cremation,” which liquifies the human body using a mixture of water, heat, and chemical agents, leaving only bones behind. The liquid is then dumped into the sewage system or boiled off, and bones can be crushed and deposited in an urn.
The Republican-led Senate passed the legislation without debate on Tuesday over the objection of the Catholic bishops of Wisconsin.
“Catholic teaching is centered on the life and dignity of the human person because each person is created in the image and likeness of God,” Kim Vercauteren, executive director of the Wisconsin Catholic Conference, wrote to the senate health committee. “The heart, mind, flesh, and bones of a human person are all elements of a unique creation, down to the DNA, which must be honored even after death.”
“Our concern is that with alkaline hydrolysis, remains are washed into a wastewater system as though the body created by God never existed,” Vercauteren added. “Wastewater does not honor the sacredness of the body, nor does it allow the grieving to honor the dead after disposition.”
Sen. Patrick Testin, R-Stevens Point, who sponsored SB 228, argued for the measure as a means to promote “consumer choice.” At a hearing for the bill, he said that “Wisconsin funeral directors are receiving more and more requests for flameless or water cremation.” “I believe in allowing consumers choices. And if a consumer chooses flameless cremation, I would like to empower Wisconsin funeral directors the means to fulfill that choice,” Testin said.
Catholic leaders have sternly rejected that reasoning. “Respect and reverence for human bodies must not be sacrificed for a cheaper, quicker disposition,” the Texas Catholic Conference of Bishops said two years ago, after attempts to authorize alkaline hydrolysis were introduced in the Lone Star State.
“We must treat the remains of all human beings, no matter how long they lived or how they died, with dignity, charity, and respect. Chemical digestion of the human body fails to follow this simple principle,” the bishops said, likening the practice to dumping aborted babies down drains.
Clergymen across the United States have similarly spoken out against “water cremation” and other “alternative” disposition methods, including in Missouri, Ohio, and Washington. Around 20 states nevertheless have approved alkaline hydrolysis in recent years.
According to the Cremation Association of North America (CANA), the practice involves a pressurized vat that typically can hold around 100 gallons of liquid. Deceased people placed in the chamber can be heated at up to 302 degrees and bathed in lye, an industrial chemical agent used as a drain cleaner, to induce rapid decomposition.
The full process of alkaline hydrolysis takes between three to 16 hours, ultimately producing a “sterile” liquid devoid of tissue and DNA. “In some cases, the water is diverted and used for fertilizer because of the potassium and sodium content,” CANA said.
Proponents of alkaline hydrolysis claim that it is “greener” than traditional cremation, with fewer carbon emissions, arguments that the Wisconsin Catholic Conference has dismissed as well. “The practice can use anywhere from 100 to 300 gallons of water and can influence pH levels in the water supply,” Vercauteren said. “We question whether a process that alters the chemical composition of large amounts of clean water … is good stewardship.”
The Catholic Church emphasizes burial of bodies but has softened its stance on traditional cremation since the 1960s, permitting cremation “unless this is chosen for reasons which are contrary to Christian teaching.” Human remains must be buried in cemeteries, entombed in a mausoleum, or inurned, and may not be scattered, the Church holds.
We know about cremation. Now, what about this new flameless version of it?
Raymond Wolfe
May 13, 2021 – Wisconsin senators approved a bill earlier this week allowing dead bodies to be dissolved in a chemical bath and disposed like sewage.
The bill, Senate Bill 228, authorizes a practice called alkaline hydrolysis, or “water cremation,” which liquifies the human body using a mixture of water, heat, and chemical agents, leaving only bones behind. The liquid is then dumped into the sewage system or boiled off, and bones can be crushed and deposited in an urn.
The Republican-led Senate passed the legislation without debate on Tuesday over the objection of the Catholic bishops of Wisconsin.
“Catholic teaching is centered on the life and dignity of the human person because each person is created in the image and likeness of God,” Kim Vercauteren, executive director of the Wisconsin Catholic Conference, wrote to the senate health committee. “The heart, mind, flesh, and bones of a human person are all elements of a unique creation, down to the DNA, which must be honored even after death.”
“Our concern is that with alkaline hydrolysis, remains are washed into a wastewater system as though the body created by God never existed,” Vercauteren added. “Wastewater does not honor the sacredness of the body, nor does it allow the grieving to honor the dead after disposition.”
Sen. Patrick Testin, R-Stevens Point, who sponsored SB 228, argued for the measure as a means to promote “consumer choice.” At a hearing for the bill, he said that “Wisconsin funeral directors are receiving more and more requests for flameless or water cremation.” “I believe in allowing consumers choices. And if a consumer chooses flameless cremation, I would like to empower Wisconsin funeral directors the means to fulfill that choice,” Testin said.
Catholic leaders have sternly rejected that reasoning. “Respect and reverence for human bodies must not be sacrificed for a cheaper, quicker disposition,” the Texas Catholic Conference of Bishops said two years ago, after attempts to authorize alkaline hydrolysis were introduced in the Lone Star State.
“We must treat the remains of all human beings, no matter how long they lived or how they died, with dignity, charity, and respect. Chemical digestion of the human body fails to follow this simple principle,” the bishops said, likening the practice to dumping aborted babies down drains.
Clergymen across the United States have similarly spoken out against “water cremation” and other “alternative” disposition methods, including in Missouri, Ohio, and Washington. Around 20 states nevertheless have approved alkaline hydrolysis in recent years.
According to the Cremation Association of North America (CANA), the practice involves a pressurized vat that typically can hold around 100 gallons of liquid. Deceased people placed in the chamber can be heated at up to 302 degrees and bathed in lye, an industrial chemical agent used as a drain cleaner, to induce rapid decomposition.
The full process of alkaline hydrolysis takes between three to 16 hours, ultimately producing a “sterile” liquid devoid of tissue and DNA. “In some cases, the water is diverted and used for fertilizer because of the potassium and sodium content,” CANA said.
Proponents of alkaline hydrolysis claim that it is “greener” than traditional cremation, with fewer carbon emissions, arguments that the Wisconsin Catholic Conference has dismissed as well. “The practice can use anywhere from 100 to 300 gallons of water and can influence pH levels in the water supply,” Vercauteren said. “We question whether a process that alters the chemical composition of large amounts of clean water … is good stewardship.”
The Catholic Church emphasizes burial of bodies but has softened its stance on traditional cremation since the 1960s, permitting cremation “unless this is chosen for reasons which are contrary to Christian teaching.” Human remains must be buried in cemeteries, entombed in a mausoleum, or inurned, and may not be scattered, the Church holds.

Posted June 10, 2021
The opinions expressed in this section - What People Are Commenting - do not necessarily express those of TIA
Every single man who was on that beach was somebody's son. Never forget that. RIP.
And the last of these great soldiers are leaving us soon...
The people who disliked this video have no respect for what these men went through.
So many brave soldiers couldn't even get out of the boats in D-Day R.I.P to those brave men who gave their lives for us to have a better tomorrow.
Those men will be remembered forever.
Watch this video.