What People Are Commenting
Hippie Pope & Banned Talk
Protestant Mockery
Here is the video “The Hippie Pope,” allegedly a satire made by a Protestant about the increasing ignorance shown by Francis I about Catholic doctrine. Actually, I wonder whether Protestants really made this video or some conservative Catholics are hiding behind the Protestant entrepreneur Matthew Carver. Indeed, I doubt Protestants would know Catholic doctrine well enough - particularly the Council of Trent which was made to counter Protestantism - to quote it so authoritatively demonstrating Francis’ ignorance.
At any rate, whether this video was made by Protestant or Catholics, one thing is sure: Everyone is seeing that Francis is really a rambling, ridiculous, poorly educated Bishop of Rome. Maybe one day the Vatican itself will realize it. This would be the right time to send him back to the seminary...
Until that happens, let us continue to pray for the Pope, that is, for the Pope to not destroy the Papacy.
Here is the video “The Hippie Pope,” allegedly a satire made by a Protestant about the increasing ignorance shown by Francis I about Catholic doctrine. Actually, I wonder whether Protestants really made this video or some conservative Catholics are hiding behind the Protestant entrepreneur Matthew Carver. Indeed, I doubt Protestants would know Catholic doctrine well enough - particularly the Council of Trent which was made to counter Protestantism - to quote it so authoritatively demonstrating Francis’ ignorance.
At any rate, whether this video was made by Protestant or Catholics, one thing is sure: Everyone is seeing that Francis is really a rambling, ridiculous, poorly educated Bishop of Rome. Maybe one day the Vatican itself will realize it. This would be the right time to send him back to the seminary...
Until that happens, let us continue to pray for the Pope, that is, for the Pope to not destroy the Papacy.
Francis’ Crosses
Dear TIA,
God Bless you on your work!
I have submitted, below, these two pictures trying to find out more info on them. Do you know about either of them? Are they specific to "Frank" or have they been around for awhile?
Thank you in advance for any info you can come up with!
TIA responds:
Dear B.S.,
Thank you for your amiable words on our work.
The first cross Pope Francis used at a Mass he said when he travelled to Lampedusa, (June 8, 2013), which is an Italian island in the Mediterranean Sea close to the coast of Tunisia. He went there to support the African illegal immigrants from Nigeria, Tunisa and Libya who pile into overloaded boats and head toward Lampedusa. Many of them die in these attempts.
Wearing purple vestments behind an altar shaped like a boat - see photos below - Francis appeared carrying the blue & white cross you mentioned. Its horizontal arm is shaped to follow the movement of a wave and has fish painted on it. We have found no data showing that he used that cross on other occasions.
The second cross at right above, he received as a gift from the Bishops of Latin America when he met with them in Rio de Janeiro (July 28, 2013). Although he kissed it and expressed admiration for it, there is also no available data that he used it again.
We hope this answers your question.
TIA correspondence desk
God Bless you on your work!
I have submitted, below, these two pictures trying to find out more info on them. Do you know about either of them? Are they specific to "Frank" or have they been around for awhile?
Thank you in advance for any info you can come up with!

TIA responds:
Dear B.S.,
Thank you for your amiable words on our work.
The first cross Pope Francis used at a Mass he said when he travelled to Lampedusa, (June 8, 2013), which is an Italian island in the Mediterranean Sea close to the coast of Tunisia. He went there to support the African illegal immigrants from Nigeria, Tunisa and Libya who pile into overloaded boats and head toward Lampedusa. Many of them die in these attempts.
Wearing purple vestments behind an altar shaped like a boat - see photos below - Francis appeared carrying the blue & white cross you mentioned. Its horizontal arm is shaped to follow the movement of a wave and has fish painted on it. We have found no data showing that he used that cross on other occasions.
The second cross at right above, he received as a gift from the Bishops of Latin America when he met with them in Rio de Janeiro (July 28, 2013). Although he kissed it and expressed admiration for it, there is also no available data that he used it again.
We hope this answers your question.
TIA correspondence desk

Banned Talk
To the esteemed Authors of Tradition in Action,
I write this message to provide you with the audio recording of the Fatima Conference speech by Monsignor Patrick Perez. The original version, recorded at the Niagara Falls conference itself, “mysteriously” never made it onto the internet. So Msgr. Perez gave the talk a second time at Our Lady Help of Christians in Orange County, California, on October 20, 2013.
Monsignor has given me his express permission to record the speech and provide it to TIA so that it may reach wider audiences and be protected from those who would wish to see it removed.
For the sake of convenience I have edited the audio file by shortening a few of the areas where there were long applauses or pauses. As my device ran out of memory right about the time he ended the speech and took questions I have reduced the file to exclude the questions and answers fragment and contain only the speech proper. It lasts for almost 1 hour. I hope that it does much good for your readers and for the entire Traditionalist movement.
To listen to this speech click here.
May Our Lady strengthen you in the counter-revolutionary fight !
I write this message to provide you with the audio recording of the Fatima Conference speech by Monsignor Patrick Perez. The original version, recorded at the Niagara Falls conference itself, “mysteriously” never made it onto the internet. So Msgr. Perez gave the talk a second time at Our Lady Help of Christians in Orange County, California, on October 20, 2013.
Monsignor has given me his express permission to record the speech and provide it to TIA so that it may reach wider audiences and be protected from those who would wish to see it removed.
For the sake of convenience I have edited the audio file by shortening a few of the areas where there were long applauses or pauses. As my device ran out of memory right about the time he ended the speech and took questions I have reduced the file to exclude the questions and answers fragment and contain only the speech proper. It lasts for almost 1 hour. I hope that it does much good for your readers and for the entire Traditionalist movement.
To listen to this speech click here.
May Our Lady strengthen you in the counter-revolutionary fight !
Joseph Bellinger R.I.P.
My fine Catholic friend Joseph Bellinger died an agonizing and lingering death from throat cancer last Saturday at about 6 p.m. Please keep the repose of his soul and the needs of his surviving 18 year old son in your prayers.
Requiem aeternam dona ei, Domine. Et lux perpetua luceat ei. Requiescat in pace. Amen.
Anima ejus et animum omnium fidelium defunctorum per misericordiam Dei requiescant in pace. Amen.
Edgar Suter
My fine Catholic friend Joseph Bellinger died an agonizing and lingering death from throat cancer last Saturday at about 6 p.m. Please keep the repose of his soul and the needs of his surviving 18 year old son in your prayers.
Requiem aeternam dona ei, Domine. Et lux perpetua luceat ei. Requiescat in pace. Amen.
Anima ejus et animum omnium fidelium defunctorum per misericordiam Dei requiescant in pace. Amen.
Edgar Suter
Vatican II Is a Culture of Death
Regarding your article The Failure of the Medicine of Mercy
The application of Vatican II has been an escalating disaster for souls.
This new attitude toward sin has been an utter disaster for the eternal welfare of millions of souls since it has provided a “cover,” or a rationale, for the Church to no longer urge the faithful to fight against sins that truly endanger the eternal welfare of their souls.
As evidence, abortion and same-sex "marriage" have been legalized in many countries throughout the world, favoring their numbers to sky-rocket.
Regarding your article The Failure of the Medicine of Mercy
The application of Vatican II has been an escalating disaster for souls.
This new attitude toward sin has been an utter disaster for the eternal welfare of millions of souls since it has provided a “cover,” or a rationale, for the Church to no longer urge the faithful to fight against sins that truly endanger the eternal welfare of their souls.
As evidence, abortion and same-sex "marriage" have been legalized in many countries throughout the world, favoring their numbers to sky-rocket.
Death of Sister Lucy
Great article today about Sr. Lucy!
It seems to me that if the Modernists deceived us with Lucy 2, then one would assume that Lucy 1 had died. Although she was cloistered, how could they chance a discovery? Perhaps Sr Lucy died in the 60's and some diabolic plan was hatched in order to water down the importance of Our Lady of Fatima.
The children of darkness are cleverer than we are, because they follow no rules.
Steve Sanborn, Sr.
Great article today about Sr. Lucy!
It seems to me that if the Modernists deceived us with Lucy 2, then one would assume that Lucy 1 had died. Although she was cloistered, how could they chance a discovery? Perhaps Sr Lucy died in the 60's and some diabolic plan was hatched in order to water down the importance of Our Lady of Fatima.
The children of darkness are cleverer than we are, because they follow no rules.
Steve Sanborn, Sr.
Our Soldiers Fallen on Normandy Beach
Folks: In the face of the disrespect from D.C. it's good to know that there are some people in this world who honored our WW II dead...
Nine thousands fallen soldiers etched into the sand on a Normandy Beach to Commemorate Peace Day on September 21, 2013.
This is how they honored those who served in WWII rather than locking them out of their monument.
On September 21, British artists Jamie Wardley and Andy Moss accompanied by numerous volunteers, took to the beaches of Normandy with rakes and stencils in hand to etch 9,000 silhouettes representing fallen people into the sand - see photos below..
Titled The Fallen 9000, the piece is meant to be a stark visual reminder of the civilians, Germans and allied forces who died during the D-Day beach landings at Arromanches on June 6,1944 during WWII. The original team consisted of 60 volunteers, but as word spread, nearly 500 additional local residents arrived to help with the temporary installation that lasted only a few hours before being washed away by the tide.
Folks: In the face of the disrespect from D.C. it's good to know that there are some people in this world who honored our WW II dead...
Nine thousands fallen soldiers etched into the sand on a Normandy Beach to Commemorate Peace Day on September 21, 2013.
This is how they honored those who served in WWII rather than locking them out of their monument.
On September 21, British artists Jamie Wardley and Andy Moss accompanied by numerous volunteers, took to the beaches of Normandy with rakes and stencils in hand to etch 9,000 silhouettes representing fallen people into the sand - see photos below..
Titled The Fallen 9000, the piece is meant to be a stark visual reminder of the civilians, Germans and allied forces who died during the D-Day beach landings at Arromanches on June 6,1944 during WWII. The original team consisted of 60 volunteers, but as word spread, nearly 500 additional local residents arrived to help with the temporary installation that lasted only a few hours before being washed away by the tide.

Posted October 24, 2013
The opinions expressed in this section - What People Are Commenting - do not necessarily express those of TIA
Regarding the news reports: ‘Pope Francis: I Believe In God, Not in a Catholic God’
Modernism destroys the cognitive function, until eventually the Modernists become Positivists. They no longer know anything, but they continue to feel the arrogant compulsion to rule rather than to serve. They cannot stop talking, but no longer make sense. Drugs, alcohol and Modernism all result in spiritual dementia and eternal Death.
Jack Kerouac said: "I don't know, I don't care, and it doesn't make any difference". Ah, the Children Of This World. Let us join them in grievous sin. We are all saved anyway, aren't we?
Almighty God is absolutely Catholic! He conceived it, Jesus revealed it, millions have died for it, and all human beings must become Catholic before they die.
In Maria,
Joseph Shaara, Ph.D.