Progressivism in the Church
Church Revolution in Pictures
Photo of the Week
African dance invades churches & convents
Jerusalema, an African song played to the sensual beat of a rude calypso, has taken over the world since October as a momentary relief from the covid lockdowns.Initially shooting up in South Africa, it shortly began to spread to Angola and then Portugal; from there it became an international craze.
Like a sponge soaking in every bad thing from the modern world, the Conciliar Church is increasingly adopting its music and dance, no matter how immoral its belly movements might be (here - be aware of immoral performances).
Above, you see Archbishop Jose Ulloa of Panama dancing to its jungle beat; below first row, the Franciscan monks and nuns of Legnano, Italy, perform it in the public square; in the third row, the Augustinian Recollect Sisters of the Heart of Jesus in Venezuela enter the craze; fifth row, a priest hams it up in Mary, Queen of the World Cathedral in Montreal, Canada; seventh row, an animated priest at St. Joseph Church, Hatifield, in the Archdiocese of Harare, Zimbabwe; in the ninth row, a dance-Mass said the Convent of the Dominican Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus in Zimbabwe.
Instead of bringing the principles and good customs of the Catholic Faith to the world, the Conciliar Church actually is being transformed into a subservient institution that "blesses" the latest modern trends and fads in the revolutionary world in which we live.
Photos from videos in YouTube
Posted January 3, 2021