What People are Commenting
Chaput on Fox News, Cadets & UFOs
Any Resemblance Is Mere Coincidence
Dear TIA,
I received these two photos together and they made me laugh.
But, don't get me wrong, please: I'm not offending the “vice-president.” I believe that any resemblance between the two close-ups is mere coincidence.
Best regards,
I received these two photos together and they made me laugh.
But, don't get me wrong, please: I'm not offending the “vice-president.” I believe that any resemblance between the two close-ups is mere coincidence.
Best regards,

Macron Gets Slapped in the Face
Apparently this happened today, June 8, 2021.
His popularity seems to be in free fall.
Watch video here.
In Jesu et Maria,
Apparently this happened today, June 8, 2021.
His popularity seems to be in free fall.
Watch video here.
In Jesu et Maria,
Third Secret of Fatima
I recently read the unscrambled document of the third secret of Fatima, and it is simply incredible that the Vatican would change a document because they did not want any of us to know the truth. This is simply diabolical. I shared this information with several others.
I can understand now why Sister Lucia had trouble writing this down! Our own Pope praising the devil. Our own church in full apostasy.
That means things will only get worse in the church! And I thought things were really horrible in the church already!!!!
So many people have written books about the third secret, but none of them looked at the document the way Atila Guimaraes did. They all suspected that they were not getting the full secret, but little did they know that the document was altered. Wow!
A.H., Catholic Soldier
I recently read the unscrambled document of the third secret of Fatima, and it is simply incredible that the Vatican would change a document because they did not want any of us to know the truth. This is simply diabolical. I shared this information with several others.
I can understand now why Sister Lucia had trouble writing this down! Our own Pope praising the devil. Our own church in full apostasy.
That means things will only get worse in the church! And I thought things were really horrible in the church already!!!!
So many people have written books about the third secret, but none of them looked at the document the way Atila Guimaraes did. They all suspected that they were not getting the full secret, but little did they know that the document was altered. Wow!
A.H., Catholic Soldier
West Point Cadets & Vaccines
Parents are upset about what is happening to their children at the United States Military Academy at West Point. Cadets are being threatened with solitary confinement, separation from the Academy, essential training is being refused, and they are facing daily direct pressure from senior officers at the institution if they do not take the Covid-19 mRNA vaccine.
With testimonies from doctors worldwide against these Experimental Drugs masquerading as Vaccines as more is learned about how dangerous they are, These parents and their family members in the Military need to stand up for their rights against the Communist Rot that would put Military lives at risk FOR NO GOOD REASON other than the Mint to be made on the Political Virus and the Morally Bankrupt Cabal behind it with Big Pharma's Cash Registers ringing 24-7.
With testimonies from doctors worldwide against these Experimental Drugs masquerading as Vaccines as more is learned about how dangerous they are, These parents and their family members in the Military need to stand up for their rights against the Communist Rot that would put Military lives at risk FOR NO GOOD REASON other than the Mint to be made on the Political Virus and the Morally Bankrupt Cabal behind it with Big Pharma's Cash Registers ringing 24-7.
It's a disgrace that our Military is being subjected to punishment by those who hate it. Americans in more than name only don't have to stand for that atrocity, and we're not!
Read here.
Gary Morella
Parents are upset about what is happening to their children at the United States Military Academy at West Point. Cadets are being threatened with solitary confinement, separation from the Academy, essential training is being refused, and they are facing daily direct pressure from senior officers at the institution if they do not take the Covid-19 mRNA vaccine.
With testimonies from doctors worldwide against these Experimental Drugs masquerading as Vaccines as more is learned about how dangerous they are, These parents and their family members in the Military need to stand up for their rights against the Communist Rot that would put Military lives at risk FOR NO GOOD REASON other than the Mint to be made on the Political Virus and the Morally Bankrupt Cabal behind it with Big Pharma's Cash Registers ringing 24-7.
With testimonies from doctors worldwide against these Experimental Drugs masquerading as Vaccines as more is learned about how dangerous they are, These parents and their family members in the Military need to stand up for their rights against the Communist Rot that would put Military lives at risk FOR NO GOOD REASON other than the Mint to be made on the Political Virus and the Morally Bankrupt Cabal behind it with Big Pharma's Cash Registers ringing 24-7.
It's a disgrace that our Military is being subjected to punishment by those who hate it. Americans in more than name only don't have to stand for that atrocity, and we're not!
Read here.
Gary Morella
What Is Your Take on UFOs?
Re: UFOs Report Confirmed
Dear Marian Horvat,
I am puzzled by the stories on UFO's and Pope John XXIII having an encounter with an Alien.
I understood that the devils can appear under various disguises, even as a saintly apparition. St. Teresa of Avila would throw holy water for example to test if the vision was from Heaven.
Can you explain if there is any truth to these stories and if they are not Satanic these aliens, why does the Bible not speak of it?
I look forward to your response. Thank you!
Respectfully yours,
in Jesus and Mary,
Dr. Horvat responds:
Dear E.D.M.,
Your e-mail has two questions, which I will answer below:
1. I understand you are puzzled by that report on an alleged UFO experience of Pope John XXIII. We at TIA were also puzzled. We did know what to think about it, but it seemed to us a credible description since it reportedly came from a relative of Card. Loris Capovilla, who was the personal secretary of John XXIII for many years.
Since to our knowledge the report has never been denied, we believed our readers should know its content. This does not mean, however, that we unconditionally stand behind the data it reveals. It is one curiosity to keep in mind among many others that hover over the Pontificate of Pope Roncalli.
2. You asked me to give a definitive answer on UFOs, whether or not they are devils. I wish this question were easily resolved by a ‘yes’ or ‘no.'. It is not so clear cut. It involves many other things.
On one hand, we are witnessing such a great apostasy in the Church and such a stupendous moral corruption in society that our epoch in many ways can be defined as the Reign of the Devil. This is why the cult of Satan is spreading everywhere. In these circumstances, we should not be surprised if the Devil were to appear in order to be adored by a large number of people.
On the other hand, those who study Ufology affirm that there are two types of UFO occurrences: those coming from space and those coming from inside the earth.
The former carry small "creatures" with big heads and Mongolic eyes: They are characterized as "scientists - here for investigative purposes" and are "pacific" (this is the type of ET promoted by Hollywood). The latter carry big "creatures" with a tall stature and covered with hair (a type of abominable snowman): They are "warriors" and "aggressive."
If we analyze these occurrences from the point of view of Catholic doctrine, the small ones can be interpreted to be a materialization of the devils of the air; the big ones, of the devils of Hell.
Putting these data together, the conclusion is not that the occurrences of UFOs are not necessarily a Satanic activity, but certainly they could be. And if they were, this would make perfect sense with regard to the big picture we see in the Church and in society.
Thus, my answer to you is this: I do not have the certainty that the UFOs are Satanic, but I have a strong suspicion that they are.
I hope this is of some help to you.
Marian T. Horvat, Ph.D.
Re: UFOs Report Confirmed
Dear Marian Horvat,
I am puzzled by the stories on UFO's and Pope John XXIII having an encounter with an Alien.
I understood that the devils can appear under various disguises, even as a saintly apparition. St. Teresa of Avila would throw holy water for example to test if the vision was from Heaven.
Can you explain if there is any truth to these stories and if they are not Satanic these aliens, why does the Bible not speak of it?
I look forward to your response. Thank you!
Respectfully yours,
in Jesus and Mary,
Dr. Horvat responds:
Dear E.D.M.,
Your e-mail has two questions, which I will answer below:
1. I understand you are puzzled by that report on an alleged UFO experience of Pope John XXIII. We at TIA were also puzzled. We did know what to think about it, but it seemed to us a credible description since it reportedly came from a relative of Card. Loris Capovilla, who was the personal secretary of John XXIII for many years.
Since to our knowledge the report has never been denied, we believed our readers should know its content. This does not mean, however, that we unconditionally stand behind the data it reveals. It is one curiosity to keep in mind among many others that hover over the Pontificate of Pope Roncalli.
2. You asked me to give a definitive answer on UFOs, whether or not they are devils. I wish this question were easily resolved by a ‘yes’ or ‘no.'. It is not so clear cut. It involves many other things.
On one hand, we are witnessing such a great apostasy in the Church and such a stupendous moral corruption in society that our epoch in many ways can be defined as the Reign of the Devil. This is why the cult of Satan is spreading everywhere. In these circumstances, we should not be surprised if the Devil were to appear in order to be adored by a large number of people.
On the other hand, those who study Ufology affirm that there are two types of UFO occurrences: those coming from space and those coming from inside the earth.
The former carry small "creatures" with big heads and Mongolic eyes: They are characterized as "scientists - here for investigative purposes" and are "pacific" (this is the type of ET promoted by Hollywood). The latter carry big "creatures" with a tall stature and covered with hair (a type of abominable snowman): They are "warriors" and "aggressive."
If we analyze these occurrences from the point of view of Catholic doctrine, the small ones can be interpreted to be a materialization of the devils of the air; the big ones, of the devils of Hell.
Putting these data together, the conclusion is not that the occurrences of UFOs are not necessarily a Satanic activity, but certainly they could be. And if they were, this would make perfect sense with regard to the big picture we see in the Church and in society.
Thus, my answer to you is this: I do not have the certainty that the UFOs are Satanic, but I have a strong suspicion that they are.
I hope this is of some help to you.
Marian T. Horvat, Ph.D.

Posted June 8, 2021
The opinions expressed in this section - What People Are Commenting - do not necessarily express those of TIA
I'm glad Archbishop Chaput (emeritus) spoke out against the transgender movement on Fox News. He rightly called transgenderism “in some ways the final rebellion against God.”
But he called it “a foundational sin. It's the most dangerous sin and it’s led us down this path of making ourselves center of creation.”
What in heaven does the name “foundational sin” mean? Why doesn't he just call it mortal sin, a sin against nature, a deadly sin, a sin that that sends the soul to Hell? Nothing is clear black and white anymore. No one speaks about mortal sin, Hell.
Foundational sin, egoism, yes. But not the final consequences of mortal sin. I don’t think many youth even know the word anymore.
It’s just not enough...