What People are Commenting
Greetings, Father’s Role & Topic du Jour
Many Blessings
Dear TIA,
I wish you a happy and holy Christmas. May the New Year bring you many blessings through the hands of the Virgin Mary, Queen and Mother.
Kindest regards,
Carol Byrne
I wish you a happy and holy Christmas. May the New Year bring you many blessings through the hands of the Virgin Mary, Queen and Mother.
Kindest regards,
Carol Byrne
Thank You for Spreading Our Lady of Good Success
This is a one time donation. I love your info and love Dr. Marian Horvat and family. May God will bless her and hers for sharing her info on Our Lady of Good Success.
Merry Christmas! Do not give Paypal my info! They are anti-Christian.
This is a one time donation. I love your info and love Dr. Marian Horvat and family. May God will bless her and hers for sharing her info on Our Lady of Good Success.
Merry Christmas! Do not give Paypal my info! They are anti-Christian.
Christmas Blessings from the Shrine
Let us get past the commercial hustle and bustle of Christmas as we remember the birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
Thought you might enjoy this Christmas Blessing holy card...
Wishing everyone a Christmas filled with blessings!
Bill Metallo
Shrine of Our Lady of La Salette
Thought you might enjoy this Christmas Blessing holy card...
Wishing everyone a Christmas filled with blessings!
Bill Metallo
Shrine of Our Lady of La Salette

Love for the Church Shines Through
TIA Correspondence,
I am passing to you a comment on Twitter about In the Murky Waters of Vatican II.
TIA Media
I am passing to you a comment on Twitter about In the Murky Waters of Vatican II.
TIA Media

Vax Makes People Blind
Hello TIA,
Among the many harmful consequences of the vaccine against Covid-19 another one came to my attention: It is making people blind.
Sorry that the news is a little old – it passed under my radar – but it deserves to be known by all.
You may judge for yourself reading here.
Among the many harmful consequences of the vaccine against Covid-19 another one came to my attention: It is making people blind.
Sorry that the news is a little old – it passed under my radar – but it deserves to be known by all.
You may judge for yourself reading here.
Online Masses
Dear TIA,
What are your thoughts on visiting Mass online when there is no traditional Masses within 300 miles?
Sincerely yours,
TIA responds:
Dear D.V.,
When your closest Mass is 300 miles away, you are dispensed from attending, as you may read here.
During the so-called Covid pandemic, Pope Francis and the Bishops around the world allowed online Masses to replace the obligation to attend Mass on Sundays and Holy Days of Obligation. Further, due to the disputable heath measures abusively imposed by civil authorities, the Bishops dispensed from Mass attendance all those Catholics who would raise the participants above a certain a restricted number prescribed to be inside the church.
Many traditionalist Bishops and priests adopted the same measures.
We do not agree with this liberalization because of the confusion these decisions create, as you may read here.
According to the rules issued by the Church during the Pius XII pontificate, the radio or TV broadcasted Masses do not fulfill the obligation a Catholic has to attend it weekly under penalty of mortal sin. These Masses can be watched and followed as acts of piety, but not as a replacement for the obligatory attendance.
We follow these rules and recommend them to our readers, rather than the vacillating rules of the Conciliar Church.
TIA correspondence desk
What are your thoughts on visiting Mass online when there is no traditional Masses within 300 miles?
Sincerely yours,
TIA responds:
Dear D.V.,
When your closest Mass is 300 miles away, you are dispensed from attending, as you may read here.
During the so-called Covid pandemic, Pope Francis and the Bishops around the world allowed online Masses to replace the obligation to attend Mass on Sundays and Holy Days of Obligation. Further, due to the disputable heath measures abusively imposed by civil authorities, the Bishops dispensed from Mass attendance all those Catholics who would raise the participants above a certain a restricted number prescribed to be inside the church.
Many traditionalist Bishops and priests adopted the same measures.
We do not agree with this liberalization because of the confusion these decisions create, as you may read here.
According to the rules issued by the Church during the Pius XII pontificate, the radio or TV broadcasted Masses do not fulfill the obligation a Catholic has to attend it weekly under penalty of mortal sin. These Masses can be watched and followed as acts of piety, but not as a replacement for the obligatory attendance.
We follow these rules and recommend them to our readers, rather than the vacillating rules of the Conciliar Church.
TIA correspondence desk
The Father’s Role
Dear TIA,
The issue of immodest sports attire for girls throws into sharp relief the role of the father, as the ultimate authority in the home. Why do parents, who have joint responsibility for their children and the father, who has ultimate authority, allow girls to play competitive sports dressed in a provocative manner? Parents have a responsibility to train their children and put them on the narrow path towards salvation. If they fail in this regard they will be held responsible along with their children.
I rarely visit the shopping mall but when I do, I see many adolescent girls shopping, unaccompanied by adults. These are school girls who presumably are spending their parent's money. Yet they seem at liberty to buy whatever garments they wish. This is not right. At least one parent should accompany a daughter while shopping for clothes to ensure that modesty and not the latest fashion is the criterion used. Unaccompanied, the daughter will inevitably choose fashion.
Every true Catholic girl should be governed by the Mary-like standards of modesty set out many decades ago and enforced strictly up to Vatican II. Mary should be the model for all Catholic girls in her modest dress, her modest behavior, humility and obedience. The Mary-like standards do not prevent a girl from dressing in an attractive manner. Quite the opposite indeed. The more a girl is covered the more attention is drawn to her face where her true gentle and pure nature may be discerned. …
We must fight back against the influence of communist feminism which has corrupted our girls and emanates from Satan. There is no easy answer here. Girls must be disciplined, and parents, and in particular fathers, must be prepared to be strict on a number of issues. I remember a Priest telling parents many decades ago that boys need more freedom as they get older, but girls need more discipline. How correct Reverend Father was.
Many former inmates of Catholic penitential institutions have lamented that their parents were not strict enough. The phrase “if only my parents” is one I have heard repeatedly. Parents must be prepared to take difficult decisions and to be unpopular. You are not your children’s best friends after all. You are their parents. Your children will thank you when they are older and, despite their complaints, your children will be happier living under discipline.
Yours faithfully,
C.M.P., Ireland
The issue of immodest sports attire for girls throws into sharp relief the role of the father, as the ultimate authority in the home. Why do parents, who have joint responsibility for their children and the father, who has ultimate authority, allow girls to play competitive sports dressed in a provocative manner? Parents have a responsibility to train their children and put them on the narrow path towards salvation. If they fail in this regard they will be held responsible along with their children.
I rarely visit the shopping mall but when I do, I see many adolescent girls shopping, unaccompanied by adults. These are school girls who presumably are spending their parent's money. Yet they seem at liberty to buy whatever garments they wish. This is not right. At least one parent should accompany a daughter while shopping for clothes to ensure that modesty and not the latest fashion is the criterion used. Unaccompanied, the daughter will inevitably choose fashion.
Every true Catholic girl should be governed by the Mary-like standards of modesty set out many decades ago and enforced strictly up to Vatican II. Mary should be the model for all Catholic girls in her modest dress, her modest behavior, humility and obedience. The Mary-like standards do not prevent a girl from dressing in an attractive manner. Quite the opposite indeed. The more a girl is covered the more attention is drawn to her face where her true gentle and pure nature may be discerned. …
We must fight back against the influence of communist feminism which has corrupted our girls and emanates from Satan. There is no easy answer here. Girls must be disciplined, and parents, and in particular fathers, must be prepared to be strict on a number of issues. I remember a Priest telling parents many decades ago that boys need more freedom as they get older, but girls need more discipline. How correct Reverend Father was.
Many former inmates of Catholic penitential institutions have lamented that their parents were not strict enough. The phrase “if only my parents” is one I have heard repeatedly. Parents must be prepared to take difficult decisions and to be unpopular. You are not your children’s best friends after all. You are their parents. Your children will thank you when they are older and, despite their complaints, your children will be happier living under discipline.
Yours faithfully,
C.M.P., Ireland
Topic du jour on Twitter
The cat is out of the bag! The topic du jour in the "Catholic Twitter" community is TIA's article about Catholic Intimacy!
More than 100 tweets and thousands of people following the discussion... The "Catholic Twitter" community is en masse taking a strong position against Catholic Intimacy. Even people of the Novus Ordo are against this. Even the Protestants, who by the way are taking scandal at the Walther's conduct, are denouncing the perversion.
Check these comments: here, here, here, here, here, here, here. They are only a few out of many, many more.
Catholic Intimacy does have some supporters on Twitter, though: several homosexuals praised the site and a self-described witch even posted that she would buy one of the Walthers' "sex toys" to use in a Satanic ritual.
It's a very ugly story indeed, but congratulations for exposing this. You have made a tidal wave!
St. Francis of Sales, pray for us.
The cat is out of the bag! The topic du jour in the "Catholic Twitter" community is TIA's article about Catholic Intimacy!
More than 100 tweets and thousands of people following the discussion... The "Catholic Twitter" community is en masse taking a strong position against Catholic Intimacy. Even people of the Novus Ordo are against this. Even the Protestants, who by the way are taking scandal at the Walther's conduct, are denouncing the perversion.
Check these comments: here, here, here, here, here, here, here. They are only a few out of many, many more.
Catholic Intimacy does have some supporters on Twitter, though: several homosexuals praised the site and a self-described witch even posted that she would buy one of the Walthers' "sex toys" to use in a Satanic ritual.
It's a very ugly story indeed, but congratulations for exposing this. You have made a tidal wave!
St. Francis of Sales, pray for us.

Posted December 27, 2022
The opinions expressed in this section - What People Are Commenting - do not necessarily express those of TIA
This is a celtic Christmas song sung by a heavenly voice.
For your Christmas enjoyment.