What People are Commenting
SSPX Pedophilia & Akita’s Antichrist Pope
More Pedophile Priests in SSPX
Dear TIA,
Are you keeping up with the latest in SSPX? Your articles stopped for some reason. But sadly it seems there is much to report, although most are afraid to do it, since there isn’t much left anymore and people (NOT priests) are afraid of being canceled or denied the Sacraments by the SSPX.
The latest comes from Stella Maris Media. This month Fr. Arnaud Rostand, a former US district superior, appeared in criminal court in France and admitted to his crimes of sexually assaulting multiple minors.In his court testimony, the 58-year-old priest stated that he has “always struggled against this attraction” to adolescents, and had been reporting this to his superiors since 1998. Multiple times.
Regardless, he kept getting new assignments and appointments.
In August of 2008, Bishop Fellay appointed him as Superior of the District of the United States, and he served as district superior from 2008–2014.
The SSPX claim they suspended Rostand in 2014, but then he served in an administrative capacity at SSPX Menzingen headquarters, until the current superior general Fr. Davide Pagliarani promoted him to the post of prior in 2018.What is going on? Have they lost their minds as well as souls?!?
It is a very interesting and disturbing article.
Are you keeping up with the latest in SSPX? Your articles stopped for some reason. But sadly it seems there is much to report, although most are afraid to do it, since there isn’t much left anymore and people (NOT priests) are afraid of being canceled or denied the Sacraments by the SSPX.
The latest comes from Stella Maris Media. This month Fr. Arnaud Rostand, a former US district superior, appeared in criminal court in France and admitted to his crimes of sexually assaulting multiple minors.In his court testimony, the 58-year-old priest stated that he has “always struggled against this attraction” to adolescents, and had been reporting this to his superiors since 1998. Multiple times.
Regardless, he kept getting new assignments and appointments.
In August of 2008, Bishop Fellay appointed him as Superior of the District of the United States, and he served as district superior from 2008–2014.
The SSPX claim they suspended Rostand in 2014, but then he served in an administrative capacity at SSPX Menzingen headquarters, until the current superior general Fr. Davide Pagliarani promoted him to the post of prior in 2018.What is going on? Have they lost their minds as well as souls?!?
It is a very interesting and disturbing article.
Give Evidence of Paul VI’s Homosexuality
Is there any firm evidence to suggest that Pope St Paul VI was homosexual?
Best wishes,
TIA responds:
Hello W.C.,
We have posted several documents that offer strong evidence that Paul VI was homosexual. You may check them here and here.
TIA correspondence desk
Is there any firm evidence to suggest that Pope St Paul VI was homosexual?
Best wishes,
TIA responds:
Hello W.C.,
We have posted several documents that offer strong evidence that Paul VI was homosexual. You may check them here and here.
TIA correspondence desk
The Antichrist Pope in Akita’s Messages
Note to the Reader: TIA does not take a position on the Akita messages (see here and here).
On February 6, 2024, we posted this message from a reader:
Fr. Yasuda, the spiritual director of Sister Sasagawa instructed her not to write this: “Judas and the last pope are to sell Jesus to the enemy. Therefore the era of Antichrist Pope will soon come.” He did not wish her to receive attacks, so he told her not to write that part of the message.
The reader sent also a link to an 8-minute video by Fr. Elias Mary, and asked our opinion, which we gave to him and can be read here.
The crux of that email was to know whether or not the affirmation that the Pope is/will be the Antichrist is actually in the Akita revelations.
On April 5, 2024, Fr. Elias Mary wrote to us saying that we portrayed inaccurately his affirmations in that video. The inaccuracy would be that Fr. Yasuda never forbade Sr. Agnes Sasakawa to say that the Pope would become the Antichrist. Refuting this secondary point, he confirms that actually this important affirmation is in the Akita messages and points to the real source of it.
We thank him for the correction regarding Fr. Yasuda not having issued any prohibition on that topic and for confirming that the Akita messages actually include this explosive statement: the Antichrist is/will be a Pope.
We reproduce below his entire email.
The Editor
Response to Your Inaccurate Portrayal of My Report
To Whom It May Concern,
Ave Maria!
Father Yasuda never instructed Sister [Agnes Sasakawa] to not write about the anti-Christ Pope in her messages that she received from Our Lady in 1973. And I never said that either.
The anti-Christ pope was from a homily that Father Yasuda gave that was transcribed and published in 2003. This book is not to be confused with the book that Father Yasuda wrote about the messages of Akita and translated into English by the 101 Foundation. This book: (Seibo-Maria-Zoh no Namida: Tehpu no Bunshuh (Kana no Mizukame), Yasuda Shinpu no Ohanashi [Holy Mother’s Statue and its Tears: An Anthology of Tape-Recorded Preachment (The Cain’s Water Jar), Father Yasuda’s Narratives], coedited by Akemi Igarashi and Sachiko Kotake, published by Tajimi Convent, Gifu, Japan, on April 1, 2003, pp. 78-79.) has never been translated from the Japanese into English. It is a compilation of homilies that he gave prior to 2003 when the book was published.
I never said that Father Yasuda told Sister not to write about the Anti-Christ Pope in her messages nor did he say he told her this. You are confusing two different things.
What I prefaced the talk with is that I and Mr. Dionisi were both interested in wanting to know if Sister Agnes was ever told by Our Lady in her message to Sister in October 13, 1973 what was meant by the "sign left by my Son..." When I met with Sister in April of 2023 I did not get a chance to ask her if she could provide any more details. Since then Mr. Dionisi and his Japanese translator stumbled across this book of Father Yasuda's homilies in which Fr Yasuda stated that Sister would not have been able to provide any more details about what the "sign" was, because Our Lady never told her. Father Yasuda then surmises that the sign could be a combination of both the Cross and Holy Communion. That was what he said Sister Agnes would not have known.
He never told her not to write anything in her messages! This is what Dave Dionisi and his translator stated regarding his initial reading of the book of Father Yasuda's homilies: "...Fr. Yasuda knew before his death two other important facts. The first is that Sister Agnes was never told the meaning of the sign left by her Son. Sister Agnes also was never told the specifics about a future antipope. ... Fr. Yasuda was sent by God to explain the meaning of the sign to Sister Agnes and the world. He also explained the depth of Catholic Church infiltration including Satan would capture the seat of Peter. Fr. Yasuda finished writing this information about the antipope on August 15, 2001. The information was published in a very hard to find, if not impossible to find, 2003 book. We have this book, Nihon-no-Kiseki: Seibo-Maria-no-Namida, Akita-no-Messeji [Japan’s Miracle: Tears of a Holy Mother Mary’s Statue―Messages in Akita]. Fr. Yasuda died at the age of 97 in the odor of sanctity on November 22, 2013."
It is well known that Bishop Ito appointed Father Yasuda to be the "official" theologian and interpreter of the messages if Sister Agnes had any questions or did not understand something she was told or received. For example Sister was thinking about what was the significance of the 101 weepings of Our Lady and what they meant. Her guardian angel told her, Genesis 3:15 and the symbolism of the first "1" was Eve, the "0" -The Eternity of God, and the final "1" The New Eve, The Blessed Virgin Mary. Sister did not know what Genesis 3:15 was and consulted Father Yasuda for further enlightenment. He wrote extensively about the messages of Akita and their significance. The comment about the Pope was from the book as I mentioned previously about his homilies.
Here is the excerpt:
The below text in brown is excerpted from Seibo-Maria-Zoh no Namida: Tehpu no Bunshuh (Kana no Mizukame), Yasuda Shinpu no Ohanashi [Holy Mother’s Statue and its Tears: An Anthology of Tape-Recorded Preachment (The Cain’s Water Jar), Father Yasuda’s Narratives], coedited by Akemi Igarashi and Sachiko Kotake, published by Tajimi Convent, Gifu, Japan, on April 1, 2003, pp. 77-79.
Fr Yasuda wrote: The first pope and the last pope are to sell Jesus to the enemy. Therefore, the Era of the Antichrist Pope will soon come.
So, no matter how much we worry, we cannot prevent this, and there is nothing we can do about it. Therefore, we must properly defend our faith.
Thus, there is what is called Communion and what is called Holy Mary.
And, the third message given at Yuzawadai in Akita says that various disasters occur, such as fire falling from heaven and "at this time, the weapons left to us are the Rosary and the Sign left by Holy Son.”
If you ask Sister Sasakawa about "the Sign left by my Holy Son," she knows nothing about what it is. Perhaps she might say it is Communion.
If Holy Mary meant Communion by “the sign”, why didn’t she say so plainly? In the message, however, Holy Mary says it is “the Sign left by my Holy Son” not ”Communion." Then arises the question what kind of sign it is, and we are so puzzled that we wonder whether it is the Sign of the Cross, Communion, or some other sign. It seems to be very ambiguous.
Even if you ask Sister Sasakawa about it, you will not know it. But you should know that it is not Sister Sasakawa's intention. In other words, the message given by Holy Mary is indeed God's teaching.
"The sign left by Holy Son" is the sign of the combination of Communion and Cross. Since Communion was created by the Cross, I would say that the Cross by itself is nothing.
Nowadays, however, we tend to separate Communion from the Cross. So we tend to look up only to the Cross.
However, Communion is attached to the Cross, which is suffering. The greatest suffering of Jesus was the suffering of death. Therefore, the communion is not valid unless we swallow the cross at the same time we receive communion.
However, when Sister Sasakawa says that Communion is the sign, everyone takes Communion as the sign but without the Cross, and people tend to think that they should just receive the Communion alone, or that they should respect it by itself or something like it.
So much so that "the Sign left by Holy Son" is the relationship between the Cross and Communion that cannot be separated from each other. That is why it is called "the Sign left by Holy Son.”
For reference, see Father Yasuda’s other publications:
Gendai no Kiseki: Akita no Seibo-Maria—Seibo-zoh no Namida to Messehji [Contemporary Miracle: Holy Mother Mary in Akita—The Tears of the Statue of Holy Mother Mary and Her Message], published by the Eucharist Service, Akita, Japan, in May, 1986. Kiseki to Namida—Zoku・Akita no Seibo Maria [The Miracle and the Tears: A Series of the Holy Mother Mary in Akita], published by Shuhyuhsha, Tajimi, Gifu, Japan, in April, 1993.
Nihon no kiseki: Seibo-zoh no Namida; Akita no Messehji [A Miracle in Japan: The Tears of the Statue of Holy Mother Mary, The Message in Akita]], published by Endelle, Tokyo, Japan, in December, 2000.
Ave Maria!
Father Elias
On February 6, 2024, we posted this message from a reader:
Fr. Yasuda, the spiritual director of Sister Sasagawa instructed her not to write this: “Judas and the last pope are to sell Jesus to the enemy. Therefore the era of Antichrist Pope will soon come.” He did not wish her to receive attacks, so he told her not to write that part of the message.
The reader sent also a link to an 8-minute video by Fr. Elias Mary, and asked our opinion, which we gave to him and can be read here.
The crux of that email was to know whether or not the affirmation that the Pope is/will be the Antichrist is actually in the Akita revelations.
On April 5, 2024, Fr. Elias Mary wrote to us saying that we portrayed inaccurately his affirmations in that video. The inaccuracy would be that Fr. Yasuda never forbade Sr. Agnes Sasakawa to say that the Pope would become the Antichrist. Refuting this secondary point, he confirms that actually this important affirmation is in the Akita messages and points to the real source of it.
We thank him for the correction regarding Fr. Yasuda not having issued any prohibition on that topic and for confirming that the Akita messages actually include this explosive statement: the Antichrist is/will be a Pope.
We reproduce below his entire email.
The Editor
To Whom It May Concern,
Ave Maria!
Father Yasuda never instructed Sister [Agnes Sasakawa] to not write about the anti-Christ Pope in her messages that she received from Our Lady in 1973. And I never said that either.
The anti-Christ pope was from a homily that Father Yasuda gave that was transcribed and published in 2003. This book is not to be confused with the book that Father Yasuda wrote about the messages of Akita and translated into English by the 101 Foundation. This book: (Seibo-Maria-Zoh no Namida: Tehpu no Bunshuh (Kana no Mizukame), Yasuda Shinpu no Ohanashi [Holy Mother’s Statue and its Tears: An Anthology of Tape-Recorded Preachment (The Cain’s Water Jar), Father Yasuda’s Narratives], coedited by Akemi Igarashi and Sachiko Kotake, published by Tajimi Convent, Gifu, Japan, on April 1, 2003, pp. 78-79.) has never been translated from the Japanese into English. It is a compilation of homilies that he gave prior to 2003 when the book was published.
I never said that Father Yasuda told Sister not to write about the Anti-Christ Pope in her messages nor did he say he told her this. You are confusing two different things.
What I prefaced the talk with is that I and Mr. Dionisi were both interested in wanting to know if Sister Agnes was ever told by Our Lady in her message to Sister in October 13, 1973 what was meant by the "sign left by my Son..." When I met with Sister in April of 2023 I did not get a chance to ask her if she could provide any more details. Since then Mr. Dionisi and his Japanese translator stumbled across this book of Father Yasuda's homilies in which Fr Yasuda stated that Sister would not have been able to provide any more details about what the "sign" was, because Our Lady never told her. Father Yasuda then surmises that the sign could be a combination of both the Cross and Holy Communion. That was what he said Sister Agnes would not have known.
He never told her not to write anything in her messages! This is what Dave Dionisi and his translator stated regarding his initial reading of the book of Father Yasuda's homilies: "...Fr. Yasuda knew before his death two other important facts. The first is that Sister Agnes was never told the meaning of the sign left by her Son. Sister Agnes also was never told the specifics about a future antipope. ... Fr. Yasuda was sent by God to explain the meaning of the sign to Sister Agnes and the world. He also explained the depth of Catholic Church infiltration including Satan would capture the seat of Peter. Fr. Yasuda finished writing this information about the antipope on August 15, 2001. The information was published in a very hard to find, if not impossible to find, 2003 book. We have this book, Nihon-no-Kiseki: Seibo-Maria-no-Namida, Akita-no-Messeji [Japan’s Miracle: Tears of a Holy Mother Mary’s Statue―Messages in Akita]. Fr. Yasuda died at the age of 97 in the odor of sanctity on November 22, 2013."
It is well known that Bishop Ito appointed Father Yasuda to be the "official" theologian and interpreter of the messages if Sister Agnes had any questions or did not understand something she was told or received. For example Sister was thinking about what was the significance of the 101 weepings of Our Lady and what they meant. Her guardian angel told her, Genesis 3:15 and the symbolism of the first "1" was Eve, the "0" -The Eternity of God, and the final "1" The New Eve, The Blessed Virgin Mary. Sister did not know what Genesis 3:15 was and consulted Father Yasuda for further enlightenment. He wrote extensively about the messages of Akita and their significance. The comment about the Pope was from the book as I mentioned previously about his homilies.
Here is the excerpt:
The below text in brown is excerpted from Seibo-Maria-Zoh no Namida: Tehpu no Bunshuh (Kana no Mizukame), Yasuda Shinpu no Ohanashi [Holy Mother’s Statue and its Tears: An Anthology of Tape-Recorded Preachment (The Cain’s Water Jar), Father Yasuda’s Narratives], coedited by Akemi Igarashi and Sachiko Kotake, published by Tajimi Convent, Gifu, Japan, on April 1, 2003, pp. 77-79.
Fr Yasuda wrote: The first pope and the last pope are to sell Jesus to the enemy. Therefore, the Era of the Antichrist Pope will soon come.
So, no matter how much we worry, we cannot prevent this, and there is nothing we can do about it. Therefore, we must properly defend our faith.
Thus, there is what is called Communion and what is called Holy Mary.
And, the third message given at Yuzawadai in Akita says that various disasters occur, such as fire falling from heaven and "at this time, the weapons left to us are the Rosary and the Sign left by Holy Son.”
If you ask Sister Sasakawa about "the Sign left by my Holy Son," she knows nothing about what it is. Perhaps she might say it is Communion.
If Holy Mary meant Communion by “the sign”, why didn’t she say so plainly? In the message, however, Holy Mary says it is “the Sign left by my Holy Son” not ”Communion." Then arises the question what kind of sign it is, and we are so puzzled that we wonder whether it is the Sign of the Cross, Communion, or some other sign. It seems to be very ambiguous.
Even if you ask Sister Sasakawa about it, you will not know it. But you should know that it is not Sister Sasakawa's intention. In other words, the message given by Holy Mary is indeed God's teaching.
"The sign left by Holy Son" is the sign of the combination of Communion and Cross. Since Communion was created by the Cross, I would say that the Cross by itself is nothing.
Nowadays, however, we tend to separate Communion from the Cross. So we tend to look up only to the Cross.
However, Communion is attached to the Cross, which is suffering. The greatest suffering of Jesus was the suffering of death. Therefore, the communion is not valid unless we swallow the cross at the same time we receive communion.
However, when Sister Sasakawa says that Communion is the sign, everyone takes Communion as the sign but without the Cross, and people tend to think that they should just receive the Communion alone, or that they should respect it by itself or something like it.
So much so that "the Sign left by Holy Son" is the relationship between the Cross and Communion that cannot be separated from each other. That is why it is called "the Sign left by Holy Son.”
For reference, see Father Yasuda’s other publications:
Gendai no Kiseki: Akita no Seibo-Maria—Seibo-zoh no Namida to Messehji [Contemporary Miracle: Holy Mother Mary in Akita—The Tears of the Statue of Holy Mother Mary and Her Message], published by the Eucharist Service, Akita, Japan, in May, 1986. Kiseki to Namida—Zoku・Akita no Seibo Maria [The Miracle and the Tears: A Series of the Holy Mother Mary in Akita], published by Shuhyuhsha, Tajimi, Gifu, Japan, in April, 1993.
Nihon no kiseki: Seibo-zoh no Namida; Akita no Messehji [A Miracle in Japan: The Tears of the Statue of Holy Mother Mary, The Message in Akita]], published by Endelle, Tokyo, Japan, in December, 2000.
Ave Maria!
Father Elias
Posted April 9, 2024

The opinions expressed in this section - What People Are Commenting - do not necessarily express those of TIA
Re: Banned from YouTube
Silicon Valley's despicable treatment of you, and other decent people trying to get truth out on death-vax, is evil.
Yet, God used it to help me, Spring 2020. It was huge red flag, scientific method being trashed, and I resolved never to take the death-vax. (all my traditional Catholic friends knew the death-vax was coming).
I wear t-shirt, Nuremberg II and then the gallows.
Many in Silicon Valley (and FBI agents involved) deserve to be put on trial for this, and treason.