What People are Commenting
Gorbachev, Transhumanism & Euthanasia
Francis Praises Gorbachev
Of course Pope Francis could not lose the opportunity to praise Gorbachev when he died. Gorbachev was one of the greatest communists in History. Thanks to him – who fooled the entire West – Russia attracted billions of Western investments, which helped the bankrupted Communist Regime to recover from its multi-decades internal failure.
It makes full sense that Pope Francis, who is also communist, praises the man that helped Communism to continue on its macabre path of destruction and deception.
The link for the news report is here.
Of course Pope Francis could not lose the opportunity to praise Gorbachev when he died. Gorbachev was one of the greatest communists in History. Thanks to him – who fooled the entire West – Russia attracted billions of Western investments, which helped the bankrupted Communist Regime to recover from its multi-decades internal failure.
It makes full sense that Pope Francis, who is also communist, praises the man that helped Communism to continue on its macabre path of destruction and deception.
The link for the news report is here.
Transhumanism Marches on 'Creating' Life
The goals of the devil do not stop. He wants to create human life without God, without man and woman as God planned. I am not sure how true all this is, but it sure seems the world of the future belongs to Satan and we are moving toward it fast.
Without Our Lady's promise of victory and her intervention, it would be easy to give up hope and think it is the end of the world, not the end of an era, as Miss Galitzin has pointed out in her series on the The Latter Days.
Here is the report:
A synthetic embryo with cells capable of forming a brain and a beating heart was developed by researchers at the University of Cambridge using mouse stem cells. EuroNews described the effort as “yet another success in the unfolding race to develop embryos from human and mouse stem cells.”
The team, led by Professor Magdalena Zernicka-Goetz, developed the embryo model without using any eggs or sperm The researchers used stem cells, specifically three types found in early mammalian development.
Keep reading more here
Keep up the good work on reporting Transhumanism, it is a crucial issue of our times and we never hear anything from the pulpit about its dangers.
The goals of the devil do not stop. He wants to create human life without God, without man and woman as God planned. I am not sure how true all this is, but it sure seems the world of the future belongs to Satan and we are moving toward it fast.
Without Our Lady's promise of victory and her intervention, it would be easy to give up hope and think it is the end of the world, not the end of an era, as Miss Galitzin has pointed out in her series on the The Latter Days.
Here is the report:
A synthetic embryo with cells capable of forming a brain and a beating heart was developed by researchers at the University of Cambridge using mouse stem cells. EuroNews described the effort as “yet another success in the unfolding race to develop embryos from human and mouse stem cells.”
The team, led by Professor Magdalena Zernicka-Goetz, developed the embryo model without using any eggs or sperm The researchers used stem cells, specifically three types found in early mammalian development.
Keep reading more here
Keep up the good work on reporting Transhumanism, it is a crucial issue of our times and we never hear anything from the pulpit about its dangers.
Boycott Talks on Euthanasia
Friends of LifeTree,
In the wake of a two year COVID vaccination mandate program and during an ongoing speaking tour by Dr. Ira Byock in August and September, 2022, I thought it was time to review the low profile wing of the euthanasia movement by reminding people of what happened in the early 2000s in North Carolina.
By 2008 I knew something big was happening to our society. In January, 2008 I present my first summary of the situation to the pro-life council in Wilmington, NC. On this particular day I concluded by saying "Money, wordsmithing, and gentle brainwashing are molding the people of America to accept, abortion, euthanasia, assisted suicide, and other forms of imposed death. All are connected. We cannot fight only one; we must fight them all!!" Little did I know how difficult it would be to explain to people what has been happening under the radar.
In April, 2014 Ione Whitlock offered a comprehensive presentation on the evolution of Health Care's Trojan Horse to a conference in Wooster, OH sponsored by the Pro-Life Healthcare Alliance and Wayne/Homes Right to Life. Her powerpoint presentation is a must read! You will not regret the time you spend to understand her description of who is funding this, what their strategies are, and who are the individuals and organizations involved.
What was true then is true today, only much worse! Now the public is dealing with a health disaster caused by the COVID vaccine and a global elite intent on moving us into a 4th Industrial Revolution. Now there will be more opportunities for these people to draw on their plans to hasten our death and we will need to be even more vigilant to resist the pressures!!!
Unfortunately, the stealth euthanasia that we spoke about in 2008 and 2014 is still hidden for the most part. But here is what you will learn from reading this email -- you will learn that the vehicle these people use to hasten death legally is today's palliative care!
One of their key leaders is Dr. Ira Byock who was former head of the American Association of Palliative Medicine and helped repackage Choice in Dying as "Partnership for Caring." (See Ione's Healthcare's Trojan Horse speech given in Ohio and also see what Ione posted a few months later about Ira Byock in another brilliant summary article)
Byock is presently speaking across the country at religious gatherings. He is a leader of the death cadre that has been spreading the virus of passive euthanasia for several decades, i.e. withholding-withdrawing proper medical care and over medicating with pain medications including the use of risky treatments which may worsen symptoms such as psychedelics. Byock's pubmed article on this topic is here.
This week Dr. Byock is in the middle of a five week speaking engagement sponsored by the Archdiocese of Los Angeles. Next month he is scheduled to speak on Sept 15 at the First Baptist Church in Pensacola, Florida. If your pastor suggests Byock come to your parish or congregation, resist! Make your voice known to those where it matters about the agenda of misinformation going out to faithful church goers. Resist. Educate your pastor!
To summarize, the real gem in this letter to all of you on the LifeTree elist is this link to that very important talk on the death collaborators given by master of End Of Life research Ione Whitlock on April 25, 2014 in Wooster, OH. Save this link. Read it. Study it. You will be amazed at what the Ira Byocks of this world have been doing to make legal and acceptable the hastening of death since the 1980s.
(copyright Ione Whitlock, April 25, 2014)
The charity of God is poured forth in our hearts by the Holy Ghost, who is given to us,
Elizabeth D. Wickham, PhD
Executive Director, LifeTree
In the wake of a two year COVID vaccination mandate program and during an ongoing speaking tour by Dr. Ira Byock in August and September, 2022, I thought it was time to review the low profile wing of the euthanasia movement by reminding people of what happened in the early 2000s in North Carolina.
By 2008 I knew something big was happening to our society. In January, 2008 I present my first summary of the situation to the pro-life council in Wilmington, NC. On this particular day I concluded by saying "Money, wordsmithing, and gentle brainwashing are molding the people of America to accept, abortion, euthanasia, assisted suicide, and other forms of imposed death. All are connected. We cannot fight only one; we must fight them all!!" Little did I know how difficult it would be to explain to people what has been happening under the radar.
In April, 2014 Ione Whitlock offered a comprehensive presentation on the evolution of Health Care's Trojan Horse to a conference in Wooster, OH sponsored by the Pro-Life Healthcare Alliance and Wayne/Homes Right to Life. Her powerpoint presentation is a must read! You will not regret the time you spend to understand her description of who is funding this, what their strategies are, and who are the individuals and organizations involved.
What was true then is true today, only much worse! Now the public is dealing with a health disaster caused by the COVID vaccine and a global elite intent on moving us into a 4th Industrial Revolution. Now there will be more opportunities for these people to draw on their plans to hasten our death and we will need to be even more vigilant to resist the pressures!!!
Unfortunately, the stealth euthanasia that we spoke about in 2008 and 2014 is still hidden for the most part. But here is what you will learn from reading this email -- you will learn that the vehicle these people use to hasten death legally is today's palliative care!
One of their key leaders is Dr. Ira Byock who was former head of the American Association of Palliative Medicine and helped repackage Choice in Dying as "Partnership for Caring." (See Ione's Healthcare's Trojan Horse speech given in Ohio and also see what Ione posted a few months later about Ira Byock in another brilliant summary article)
Byock is presently speaking across the country at religious gatherings. He is a leader of the death cadre that has been spreading the virus of passive euthanasia for several decades, i.e. withholding-withdrawing proper medical care and over medicating with pain medications including the use of risky treatments which may worsen symptoms such as psychedelics. Byock's pubmed article on this topic is here.
This week Dr. Byock is in the middle of a five week speaking engagement sponsored by the Archdiocese of Los Angeles. Next month he is scheduled to speak on Sept 15 at the First Baptist Church in Pensacola, Florida. If your pastor suggests Byock come to your parish or congregation, resist! Make your voice known to those where it matters about the agenda of misinformation going out to faithful church goers. Resist. Educate your pastor!
To summarize, the real gem in this letter to all of you on the LifeTree elist is this link to that very important talk on the death collaborators given by master of End Of Life research Ione Whitlock on April 25, 2014 in Wooster, OH. Save this link. Read it. Study it. You will be amazed at what the Ira Byocks of this world have been doing to make legal and acceptable the hastening of death since the 1980s.
(copyright Ione Whitlock, April 25, 2014)
The charity of God is poured forth in our hearts by the Holy Ghost, who is given to us,
Elizabeth D. Wickham, PhD
Executive Director, LifeTree

Posted September 8, 2022
The opinions expressed in this section - What People Are Commenting - do not necessarily express those of TIA
I want to invite you and your readers to attend Mr. Stephen Brady lecture in San Diego this coming September 14.
L.G., Ecclesia Militans San Diego
Stephen Brady will be speaking in the church at OLMC on Wednesday, September 14, at 7pm. He is the Founder and President of Roman Catholic Faithful, Inc., a watchdog group that has been investigating financial and sexual corruption amongst Catholic clergy since the mid 1990s, and reporting its findings to the Catholic hierarchy or the media in order to motivate remedial action. Long before the Boston Globe exposé in 2002, Mr. Brady has been working to cleanse the Catholic Church of bad actors.
Mr. Brady is a resident of Petersburg, Illinois. He is a Catholic father of seven children and grandfather of thirteen. He is a disabled veteran drafted towards the end of the Vietnam War. He trained as a law enforcement officer, ultimately obtaining a secret security clearance from the FBI and spending several years protecting and shipping top-secret weapon systems for the United States government.
Through Roman Catholic Faithful, Mr. Brady has been instrumental in motivating the Catholic Church to take remedial action. His investigatory work has directly led to the resignation of two Catholic bishops engaged in sexual improprieties.